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Reply [IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands [IC]
[PRP] Social Call (Kizuka/Kiso & Mari)

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Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 5:58 pm
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The dark pelted female lay stretched out in the shelter of a stand of jagged rocks. The wind was blowing harshly off the sea, coming straight down from the north where white-tipped waves crashed at the base of the tall cliff. Out of the wind the sun was warm enough to make napping pleasant. But away form her rocks the wind was cutting and chilled.

That was why she had a thrall. A thrall that was currently struggling up the steep path with half a carcass clamped precariously in her jaws. The pale pink and grey lioness stumbled, nearly dropping her Mistress's meal but managed to rig herself without loosing her hold. With huffing breath and no small amount of fear-tinted effort, the ex-rogue eventually dragged the meat up the last steep rise and across the rough jumble of sharp rocks to where the dark reaver lay in the semi-circle of taller boulders.

Kizuka lifted her head at the sound of the thrall's approch, off-white eyes narrowed in irritation. She had sent Kiso off ages ago, far longer than it should have taken for the lioness to fetch something from the food store. Yet she was finally here and Kizuka was too damn hungry to bother disciplining the female right then. Instead she reached out and snagged the tough hide with her claws, dragging the body closer to where she lay, well away from the edge of her little oasis and started to rip into the meat.

It was oddly warm, despite the cold day, and she cast a sideways glance at the paler female. Had Kiso hunted? That hadn't been the order, but Kizuka wasn't going to punish the thrall for getting fresh food instead of the older stuff in the store. Frowning slightly in thought as she ate she tucked into the meal.

Kiso, having managed to get the heavy carcass up to the rocks, collapsed in a grateful heap, mets sore from the climb with the extra weight of the dead beast and the hour spent hunting it in the thick forest that boardered the pride. While she kept her distance from her Mistress, she was within the ring of the sheltering rocks and the lack of chill made her feel overly warm and wonderfully drowsy. She knew Kizuka would let her eat once the Reaver had taken her fill, and until then, Kiso was content to nap near by.  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 8:50 am

Marinette growled to herself as she made her way up the rocks to find a suitable perch. The wind did not bother her in the least and her. She had thinking to do, and plotting to claw out. Her daughter would be joining her in the pride soon, and she had to make Reaver by that time so they could set a few things in motion. The red and black lioness had her eyes set on Captain, and with her daughter's help, she figured a trap for one of the male captains would be easy to set and spring to kill him and get him out of the way. If they did it right, not one of the band would suspect the females of foul play.

Mari found the perfect perch, and it happened to be right above the two females trying to stay out of the wind. One looked quite strong, likely a Reaver, the other reminded Mari more of her half brother the slave. There was a timid air to her. The red lioness looked down at the others. "The wind out here is delightful, is it not? A perfect way to test one's constitution and keep the mind sharp." She settled onto the rock above them and watched to see what their reactions would be to her friendly greeting.  

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 9:32 am
Thick neck muscles tensed as the reaver ripped still-warm meat away from the bones of the carcass. Blood splattered her muzzle as she feasted on the most tender parts of the prey. Having heard someone approch she hadn't bothered to lift her head, knowing no one but the most stupid reaver would try and steal her meal from her. And really, that was the only thing she would resent, so, as long as whoever it was didn't try and nab her food, she didn't mind them close by.

So when the voice drifted down from above she simply licked her jaws free of blood before looking back over her shoulder, one brow raised. "Sure it is, if one likes to freeze their fur off." Kizuka responded with an unconcerned shrug. Having been born in the pride, Kizuka was perfectly suited to the colder climes, with thick fur and solid muscle enough to keep her warm. But likewise she felt no need to force herself to suffer the chill wind just to prove how strong or resilient she was. It was cold. So she found shelter. And woe betide anyone who mistook that for weakness.

Tail flicking she ripped another mouthful off her meal before turning to eye the other female again. "I don't know you, do I." She stated more than asked, pale almost white eyes settle now on the stranger. Kizuka knew a lot of the pride, if not by face then by reputation. But this one she hadn't met before and so asked for an introduction, in her own way. Kizuka was known for being blunt and to the point, as she saw no use for plesentries in a pride where strength was everything.

Off to the side, Kiso had been startled by the new voice, but as the stranger hadn't yet come close and her Mistress was talking and not growling, she figured there wasn't too much to worry about just yet, even so, she kept her gaze on the new female, head resting across her paws and her tail curled ladylike about her rump.  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 9:50 am

"My fur doesn't easily freeze, but I certainly understand the desire to not waste energy keeping warm when one does not need to do so." Marinette did not move from her perch. She enjoyed the cold so there was no reason to move. She did not even spare a look at the meat or the thrall huddled nearby. Both were unimportant to her at the moment. The Thrall was no threat, and since she had already eaten, the meat was nothing of importance to the former demon.

"No, we have not had the pleasure of meeting before. I am Marinette. I have not been in the pride too long and am soon to go on my viking to earn Reaver rank... I plan to gain Captain soon enough." Mari had a feeling that her strength would carry her swiftly to the Captaincy. Her cunning should be able to win her the loyalty of those she would need to make such a postion her own after getting rid of the previous owner of the title. She wanted to find a mostly female group to take over. Who knew, maybe she would end up with all females under her command.  

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 10:15 am
The reply only earned the freeborn female a slow tail flick as Kizuka dismissed the talk of cold wind. It was hardly an interesting topic after they had each stated their alternate opinions. No reason to keep revisiting it. Instead she was mildly more interested in what the stranger said about gaining a Captaincy. She herself was a reaver and had no desire to become Captain. Far too much work to keep a whole bunch of rowdy reavers under control 24/7. She had no patience for babysitting cubs, much less often drunk and annoying adults. Males being the usual perpetrator and most likely to rise her ire. Which was why she had a female thrall. Females were more obedient when trained as a thrall, and more viscous when fighting.

Glancing over at the attentively waiting Kiso, Kizuka allowed herself a small smile. It had been worth nearly coming to blows with Ragnvard over the rogue. The Captain had not wanted to drag a fresh caught thrall along on a Viking, but Kizuka had known right away that the pale female would make an excellent slave. And she had been right. It also amused her that Ragnvard now refused to acknowledge Kiso, which always made Kizuka want to set the lioness to following him, just to see how long it would be before he attacked her. But then she didn't want her property damaged, so thus far she had resisted the urge.

Looking back up at the red lioness above them she nodded. "I'm Reaver Kizuka." She didn't bother to introduce Kiso. She wasn't about to share her thrall so there was no need for anyone else to know the lioness's name. "A piece of advice, don't go Viking with Ragnvard. That male is completely insufferable." She snorted, lip curling back to expose sharp fangs in a display of distaste. "Good luck with the Captaincy." She added a moment later, giving a half shrug as she swallowed a last mouthful before standing up, withdrawing further into the shelter of her rocks and settling back down, presently satisfied from her meal and now a little sleepy with the warmth of the sun warming her fur, the wind blocked by her rocks.

Which the two lionesses were talking, Kiso watched but stayed silent. Her gaze I finally patient and kind. She didn't try and inturupt or offer her own name. Neither female was talking directly to her and she knew Kizuka would be swift to punish her for inturupting their conversation and speaking without being addressed in the first place. Instead, she watched as her Mistress finished her meal then, once the reaver had resettled a few steps away, she belly-crawled slowly to the carcass and began to feast, making sure to keep quiet and her movements small so as to not draw Kizuka's ire.  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 11:57 am

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Reaver Kizuka, and do not worry, I have no desire to go viking with Captain Ragnvard. He would make a better cub sire than a superior for an independent lioness like myself." Mari watched the other lioness get comfortable back in the rocks more. This lioness was already a Reaver, perhaps she might be a good addition to Mari's band once she got it. It did not hurt to keep it in mind.

"I thank you for your wishes of luck, but I doubt I will need luck, just good planning, skill, and a few friends." Mari sighed to herself and looked off into the distance for a moment. "It would be nice to have an all female band of Reavers... no males to annoy me." Something she had seen was that a lot of the female Reavers had a distaste for males of their own rank, not all mind you, just most. Those like Gabriel were happily mated to another Reaver and had a mutually respectful relationship. Most could not get respect from the males and it annoyed them.  

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 12:21 pm
The dark coated female quirked a brow at Mari's words, but nodded her head slowly. "Good. He is a scumbag. Though I suppose he is a very powerful male." She added with great reluctance. After all, not every lion could have pulled off the kind of career that Ragnvard seemed to thrive on. He had control of a large band of very powerful reavers, many of them more than a little unstable in the mental department, and yet the rust-coated male managed to control them, keep them busy and generally prevent even the faintest whiff of mutany. She knew, because she had tried to find out how many of them were loyal, intending to use those who were as dissatisfied as she was to usurp the Captain and teach him a lesson. But much to her annoyance, ever single member, with the exception of a cowardly lion of patchwork colouring and a blond mane, was loyal and devoted to their blood thirsty leader.

Huffing with irritation at being forced to acknowledge anything good about the sly lion she served under, she flicked her tail with agitation. Pulling her thoughts off Ragnvard in order to preserve her temper, she again shrugged slightly. "An all female band? I suppose it is doable. There are a few good female reavers around, and that red Captain, Svana. Though she takes on males too, her rule seems to be younger ones only, as they are all younger adults and even some adols seem to hang around her when she is training. She has been very successful, so it's doable." She offered by way of encouragement. After all, this one had said she was new, who knew what the male reavers had been telling her...

Off to the side, Kiso ate quietly, content to listen to her Mistress and their guest as the two females conversed. Kiso herself never said a word, just ate slowly and quietly, happy to savour her meal and the chance for a bit of a rest. Her hunt had been difficult and she was sore. But at least both of them had eaten and Kizuka would be more amenable tonight when they retired to the reaver's den later.  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 12:35 pm
Mari was glad to hear the female confirm that other females were doing well enough as captains. She might have little desire to take in males in the band once she had power. She was not yet sure. The red lioness was sure of one thing, though, she needed to plan carefully and get Reavers like this one to think her able to lead well. Once she had that done, she would be able to off a captain and take their spot. She COULD form her own band and all that rot, but she thought it would be easier to take over an established group accustomed to working together.

Mari nodded more to herself than the other female. "Yes, he is powerful and so long as his plans do not interfere with mine, he will be useful to have around." That was the truth of it. He certainly was more useful than the Captain her first litter of cubs had been sired by. That old lump was not really desirable for a second go, especially not now that she was in the same pride as he. There was to much likelihood that he would get pissy about how she raised them, or there would be pressure for him to claim them from others. She wanted none of that drama.  

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 12:56 pm
Wrinkling her nose she shrugged again, "I guess. If you don't mind his sly snake's tongue and roving gaze." Her disgust over the male in question was I finally clear, her tail curling sharply before she forced the fur along her spine to flatten back down, taking a breath to calm her ire, "He is physically strong and certainly smart enough. Any cubs of his should inherit those qualities, great care would need to be taken however to train them properly. A nature like his carries thron h the blood more often than not,"

She was certainly never going to let that creep within a mile of her body. She worked as his reaver because he provided the best opportunities for Vikings. That was the only reason. And she would not even consider anything else.

"As far as his plans go.... You should be fine. His sights are set on the Warlordship, but beyond that, he is only interested in Vikings I suppose." She was not going to mention the second most popular hobby of a lion, that of mating, as it simply went without saying that any hot blooded male would be very interested at any time the opportunity arose. Such matters were not for polite discussion.  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 1:12 pm

"Almost all males have a snakes tongue and roving gaze. The first just means they will be too busy trying to charm you to realize you are doing the same to them, the second leads to them not noticing so much when you take pleasure elsewhere as well. He can keep his sights on Warlordship. Running a whole pride is not my idea of enjoyable." Marinette finally stands and stretches. She should go and see if her daughter had managed to get into the pride yet. If the young lioness had already, then Mari was going to have to get moving on her plans. "I must go check on my daughter's progress, but when I have made Captain, ,perhaps you should join me." And she strolled off without waiting for a reply.  

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker


Allied Recalibrator

PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 1:19 pm
Kizuka listened as the female expressed her opinions, nodding slowly as she did. She supposed it made sense, though it didn't mean she could tolerate Ragnvard any more than she already forced herself to do. The lion was beyond irritating, the pair of them clashing every time they went on a Viking. The offer to join the red female was a surprise but Kizuka didn't instantly reject it. Watching as the other lioness walked off she decided she would keep the offer in mind, and watch Mari's career. Then she would decide if changing Captains would be benifitial for her or not. Until then.....

Looking over at her thrall she stood, signalling an end to their meal and rest. Kiso shifted back away from the carcass, but after a glare from her Mistress, hurried forwards again and gathered the remains up. She would take it back to the den and stash it for later, as there was still enough on the carcass for a snack later. Hefting the surprisingly heavy mass she hurried after Kizuka who was already striding off back down the path, away from the cliff top and down into the pride proper.  
[IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands [IC]

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