Do not post here, this is for the template only

----------------- General spec-------------------------

Mech name:

Mech base (humainoid or beastary):

Mech type (land, flyer, amphibious):

Mech class:

Top speed:

Mech picture:

------------------------------Defencive system (optional) --------------------------------


Mech special ability (if any):

Defencive gear 1:

Defencive gear 2:

------------------------ Weapons system ---------------------
NOTE: If your mech is the beastary type the arms are refering to the front legs and the shoulders to the rear legs instead.

weapon type (energy or solid shell or both)(if both specify for each weapon):

Right Arm unit:

Left Arm unit:

Extention unit:

Right Shoulder unit:

Left Shoulder unit:

-----------------------------------------Extra (Those are subject to approval) ---------------------------------------



