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Reply [IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands [IC]
[CHAL] No Guts. No Glory.

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Neon Fly rolled 5 4-sided dice: 2, 2, 4, 2, 1 Total: 11 (5-20)

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 10:07 am
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Furikuken stared at the borderlands of the pride known by others in the area as the Mrysky Syntynt, home of the Stormborn, and sighed with dismal disappointment. There were pawprints that suggested a patrol had been by recently, yet there was no one to greet her. This is bullshit. Where are they? I thought they guard this place like a hot piece of a**?

Her ears strained, pricked forward with attention. She thought maybe she could hear rowdy voices in the far off distance, carried on a sharp wind that held an unfamiliar scent. The brine of the ocean. They were faint though, faint enough to be mistaken for the whistle of the breeze through the trees.

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Towering head and shoulders over his companion at her right shoulder, Valhalla's nose twitched. The air held a lot of information. Almost too much. The tang of fermented fruit. The musk of male scent marks and rank odor of their excrement. They had reached a pride for certain, whether it was the one Furikuken sought, he couldn't say. He knew about as much of the Viking lions as any of his companions and the culmination of their knowledge could fill a bird skull. That was to say, they knew very little at all. And while the other two had given half an ear for the gossip and rumors from rogues they met in passing on their journey north, Val had no interest in what others said.

Canting a glance down at the small female at his side, he watched her whiskers bristle in frustration, but said nothing. Instead he shifted his vivid blue gaze over her head toward the golden figure at her left side.

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Jua, a desert cat by heritage, was of a far leaner and slighter build than his bulky friend, though still taller than the lioness sandwiched between them. He met the look over Riku's dark head but, as usual, couldn't read the aloof lion's expression. Maybe he was worried their leader was about to do something reckless. Knowing Furikuken as he did now he had come to realize that the if was not what one should be concerned with, it was the when.

Chuckling at the crude complaint, the altogether unextraordinary lion lifted his shoulders in a lazy gesture, his own eyes drifting back to the uninviting landscape ahead of them. Why the hell she would want to live here of all places, was beyond him. Maybe, mercifully, we're in the wrong place. There's gotta be such a thing as going too north.

This certainly looked about as opposite of the sandy dunes Jua Msaka had originally hailed from, his thin fur not quite suited for the chill that rose off the water which he was able to smell, even if he couldn't see it.

I'm tired of waiting. Stay here if you want, but I'm going to find someone. If this is the land of the viking lions, then they'll be eager to take on a stranger running amuck on their land. Grinning wryly, all flashing white teeth and curling maw, the young spotted lioness dashed off, breaking the line between rogue and pride land as she sought to make herself known in grand form. I've come all this way! Surely there's gotta be someone to greet me!!
Tanakako rolled 5 4-sided dice: 2, 2, 1, 4, 2 Total: 11 (5-20)
PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 10:10 am
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Unlike the band of reavers that had patrolled past a short while ago, Ragnvard had been stood silently under the wide spreading branches of the ancient evergreens for some time. The band that had passed hadn’t even noticed him, even though they had walked by almost right under his nose. Granted Ragnvard was not on the ground, but was resting several feet up on the sideways growing limb of one of the giants. It was almost as broad as he and provided a very comfortable resting place. Even so, it was not something Ragnvard usually did, climb trees, being such a large and heavily muscled lion, it was somewhat ungainly. But h head decided it worth the effort on this night, for one simple reason… It gave him a completely uninterrupted view between two of the massive trees and away down towards the south plains. And he had chosen this night for one reason, his scout Haku, the bird currently perched on a higher branch near by. Haku had spotted the band of three lions seemingly on the path towards the Myrsky Syntynt, and Ragnvard had sent the bird to track the group’s progress. Now it seemed they had indeed been intent on his homeland and he planned to be the one to greet them. But first, he was observing them. After all, information had often been the key to his many successes, and he wasn’t going to throw away this opportunity.

With the local band of incompetents out of the way, the large male jumped down from his unlikely perch, right into the path of the loud-mouthed female. Though his gaze was on the bigger of the two males she had been travailing with. He wanted that one, big and strong, he would make a fine reaver. And first impressions told Ragnvard that he wasn’t overly ambitious. Perfect to be made into one of Ragnvard’s enforcers. But it was the female who jumped forwards to issue her challenge, and the big Captain wasn’t one to back down, even if he wasn’t particularly interested in her.

Lowering his gaze from the big male he stepped casually out of the dark shadows cast by the thick forest into the small clearing she stood in. Even in the night time gloom Ragnvard knew he made a striking figure, tall and heavily muscled, his copper coloured coat marked with a lattice work of scars. Resting his cold golden gaze on her he tipped his head, as if in curiosity.

“Running amok? We can’t have that now, can we.” He replied, his deep voice even and unworried. Without any warning, no roar or word or even a twitch of muscle, he suddenly launched himself into a flat out run, covering the half dozen strides to the lioness in less time than it took for a breath, sharp claws flashing out as he went for her vulnerable flank, an explosive roar renting the night air as he collided bodily with her, claws and fangs flashing.  


Allied Recalibrator

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 10:18 am
You should probably get your female under control, Val. Jua mused from where he watched Riku's patchy white flank disappearing into the dark forest. She had an a** like a gazelle. Sleek, juicy, begging to be bitten. Of course the attraction was entirely one-sided, occasionally making the blonde lion envious of the relationship Valhalla and Furikuken shared which seemed deeper and more intimate on some level, even while being completely platonic.

Like giving her reasons to kick your a**, don't you? The dark maned giant returned in a low rumble so deep it could have been mistaken for thunder rolling across the velvet black night above their heads.

It's a sickness, Jua laughed roguishly before finally taking flight after their enthusiastic partner at a full lope. The longer strides of his tall frame assisting in closing the considerable distance Riku had begun to put between them.

With a huff somewhere between disapproval and amusement Val followed his companions into the woods, his own brawny limbs stretching in an effortless stroll. Muscle flexed and slid beneath his earthen pelt, thicker than his desert friend thanks in no small part to his father's own mountain born lineage. When he pulled up just behind the lioness that had been guiding them all this way, paused as she was in a small clearing, his gaze leveled immediately on the stranger at the other end of the tight space.

Furikuken couldn't help the wiry grin that lingered like a stain upon her face. She'd been hoping for a challenge, but she'd never expected anything quite like this. The male that peeled away from the shadows like an apparition had a coat like red ochre, littered with battle scars and he was enormous. Handsome too, if not for the fact that he had an undeniably nefarious look about him. The sort of lion a female knew instinctively not to trust. One ear flicked to the pair that stopped short just behind her, quick to claim her opponent before either one could interject, I'd say ladies first, but you know.. looks like this one's got my name all over him.

Cavalier humor saturated her voice even as the viking lion charged at her without warning, her own lithe muscles bunching as she brazenly met his charge head on. His strides devoured the ground though and he reached her so quickly it was almost dizzying, her own battle cry splitting the air just before his claws struck her hip, sending her hind end skating out from under her with the force of the blow. Crap! He's strong!

Trying to ignore the pain that ripped through her side, Riku's paws scrambled for purchase, managing to find steady ground before the momentum of his blow sent her rolling. With her teeth bared she leapt at his exposed side, grabbing for the fur and flesh along his ribcage with fangs that flashed like lightning in the night.
PostPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 10:02 am
As a Captain, Ragnvard had fought more rogues than he could ever hope to keep count of. Big and small, male and female, lions, leopards, hyenas and cheetahs.. Such a great variety and yet only a very few had ever put up a real fight. This experience, while simply the lot of a warrior's lifestyle, had bred a type of expectation within Ragnvard despite him being fully aware of the hazards of such expectations. As it was almost impossible to guard against them entirely. So this first view of the sleek speckled female hardly struck him as exceptional, for he had seen many lionesses come to challange and most were sent packing. Instead, it was the giant of a lion behind her that caught and held his attention. A male that big could present a true challange even if he lacked the finely honed skills of a Stormborn lion, simply by sheer physical force and bulk. So the fact that, when the female's frame went skidding from his blow, Ragnvard's attention was primarily preoccupied by the large male hulking in the background, it was more surprise than pain that exploded from him in a roar as her claws sank deep into his side.

Foolish, he growled at himself silently, the fur along his spine lifting with annoyance that was aimed at himself and her in equal measure. Rookie mistake. He damn well knew better. Feeling the blood soaking his torn flank, spreading a warmth though his fur that he was all too familiar with, he twisted round with a snarl of anger, focus on the female as he snapped at her, flesh-shredding fangs aimed at her shoulder, his intention being the deliverance of great pain upon her, enough to slow her down so he could get a choke hold on her.  


Allied Recalibrator

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 4:08 pm
Rivulets of blood slithered wet and warm down Furikuken's hock from the raw, red gouges the big male had raked into her haunch. It darkened her earth toned fur and cast a pink hue where flakes of white blanketed her rump and hind leg.

It was so like Riku to make a joke when she should have been serious. Her opponent was no joke by the looks of him and though Jua Msaka had been ready to take the challenge in her place, the lioness hadn't even given him a chance to suggest the idea before charging headlong at the imposing viking. She's insane! She should have let one of us--Jua paused, then quickly corrected himself--she should have let you take him. There's gotta be a female around here for her to challenge!

Taking a step forward, deeper into the clearing from where they had stood at the edge of it, leaving a majority of the open space to the fight erupting before their eyes, Jua found his path cut off by the brawny forelimb stretched across his path. With a glance up at the stoic guardian, Jua scowled with displeasure, He's almost twice her size! She's going to get killed! How can you just stand here and watch?!

This was what Riku wanted. She would have been pissed if either one of them had interfered and ruined her match and her efforts to join the pride she had been seeking since he'd met her. Valhalla wasn't about to let the golden male ruin everything she had worked so hard for by jumping to her rescue. As far as he could see, she didn't need rescue yet, not that Jua could tell the difference. Despite the front he worse as a disguise, Jua was the heroic sort. Rescuing damsels in distress was practically his calling, so why he was here—with them in this less than chivalrous place was beyond Val. With nothing more than an irritated look and a snap of his tail Jua was hushed though his expression remained tight and glaring.

In the middle of the flattened brush Furi flashed a laughing grin at the snarl directed her way, attempting to side step his lunge for her shoulder as he curled around on her. Having already forgotten her wounded hind leg, she staggered and hissed in shock and a white hot flash of pain as her shoulder was caught in his jaws. The copper lion's breath hot on her fur where his teeth sunk in. His face was so close now, she could see the whites of his eyes, smell the unfamiliar scent of him raw and dangerous which made her ears pin back against her skull. For a moment she let doubt creep into her mind. Maybe she couldn't defeat him. Maybe she wouldn't earn her place and prove herself as tenacious and amazing as her father was.


Bursting out in a fit of laughter, choked by cringes of pain as she shifted her weight under the mouth that had a hold on her, she reared her paw back and swung at him, straight for his face, claws unsheathed. She was going to take Mrysky Syntynt by storm and show them all just what they'd been missing out on!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 7:38 am
Fangs sunk deep into the brown fur of the female’s shoulder, blood filling his mouth and making it difficult to breathe with his nose buried in the patchwork fur. Finally his thoughts focused on his opponent, forced to by her surprisingly adept combat skills. She was small, fragile almost, all sleek grace and fleetness. In fact she reminded him somewhat of his sister, only Rayn was a sly, slick operator more apt to cheat than not. Something Ragnvard found great amusement in when he saw her working over the pride’s reavers, charming them out of their hard won loot.

Realising he had been distracted for a brief moment in the middle of a fight he cursed himself sharply, clamping his jaws down harder on her shoulder just as he saw the paw aimed at his face. Unable to dodge and unwilling to let go he shut his eyes tight, but the agony that raked across his face as her claws sank deep into his flesh forced a roar of pain from the captain, jaw loosening in momentary shock, allowing her to tug free.

Jumping free of her he shook his head, trying to rid himself of the blood that streamed into his eyes. One was ripped up badly, the flesh along his brow and down over his cheek rent open and bleeding freely. Roaring again he finally got serious, springing at her, his entire weight flung with al the power in his body, aiming to crush her under his solid heft. All thoughts of the big male stood near by forgotten.

(That should be the third point? Where he lost badly, and this is his retaliation.)  


Allied Recalibrator

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 12:49 pm
The sudden, devious cackle of laughter brought both Jua and Valhalla's heads to twist around quickly. They knew that triumphant cry, though neither one seemed able to believe Furikuken had gotten the upper hand, or understand how for that matter. By the time their eyes had returned to the clash happening in the middle of the clearing the muddy lioness' opponent was reeling backwards with an anguished cry of pain and surprise. He likely hadn't expected such a fight from a female, but Riku was making him regret that miscalculation now.

Alright, Riku! Get him good! Jua whooped, drawn into his companion's exciting battle, influenced by the waves of her adrenaline infused grin. Don't let up! He's almost down!

The goliath beside him, however, saw the way their little leader's legs wobbled, she was almost out of steam despite the bravado she bolstered, his advice more sound, resonating and deep as he called to her, concerned fur the bite on her shoulder and the clawmarks in her thigh. On their own they weren't particularly substantial, but together, the toll would weigh upon her. No matter what she might have believed—or wanted others to believe, Riku was not invincible. Don't draw this out Riku.

Chuckling softly at the enthusiastic call of encouragement from her sandy sidekick, Riku turned toward the pair, rolling her eyes at Val's typically somber advice. He was so predictable. Always worrying, but she could feel it. That last shot had sealed the deal. The win was within reach. Calm down Val... I got thi—

Unexpectedly, an enormous weight bowled her over, pushing her into the hard, rocky ground. What air had filled her lungs wheezed free in a sharp rasp, leaving her gasping. Damnit he was heavy! And in her ears she could hear that annoyingly calm but forceful voice.

Riku. Get up.

I'm trying!

Riku. Get up.

I'm trying!!

Riku. Get..

Val, don't you think I'm trying! This guy weighs a ******** ton! Fuenken's daughter hissed angrily, though it burned her lungs to speak, her hind legs kicking like a jackrabbit at the underbelly that stretched over her, though every violent pulse of her legs made the gashes in her thigh sear with pain and ooze more thick, red fluid.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 3:45 am
Satisfaction filled him as he pinned the invading female beneath him. He couldn't kill her, she was apparently offering Askorun. Challanging him for her entrance into the pride, and besides, he outweighed her by a considerable amount and yet she had maanged to deal him several significant injuries, and she was still fighting. He mused in surprise as he felt her hand legs buck up into him and the sharp pain of tearing flesh. With a low grunt of stiffled pain he eventually leavered himself off, jumping clear in case she decided to attack again. But even as he sprang away he knew this fight was done. He was blind in one eye from the blood streaking from the gash there, and new blood was dripping to the earth below him from the shallow but ragged tears in his stomach. in fact she had come damn close to gelding him!

Stepping back slowly, careful to keep both her and her companions at his front, he waited long enough to determin wheher or not she was going to continue the fight. Finally, satisfied that she was not, he cleared his throat and spat a mouthful of blood off to the side..

"You may enter. But your friends may not."

Neon Fly
Is this ok?


Allied Recalibrator

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 1:59 pm
It was stifling under the weight of the large lion, his stench deep in her nostrils, making Riku sneeze with distaste even if she couldn't afford to waste her precious breath of expelling the air from her already crushed lungs. Her legs had begun to cramp with exertion by the time the warrior finally backed off, evidently satisfied that he had successfully silenced her challenge.

Though Riku sucked in a hard, sudden breath, for a moment she didn't move. This felt like defeat, harsh and burning. She had given it her all and yet it still wasn't good enough? No. I'm not done yet. I'm still alive. I can still fight! As long as I'm alive I'll keep fighting! Determination rolled up her the muddy, little lioness' spine, forcing her to roll to her feet though she wobbled on unsteady limbs, muscles bunching into a crouch, ready to charge across the short distance when a solid wall of fur blocked her view. I'm not done, Valhalla!

This is over. The giant assured quietly. He had stood by long enough to see her fight a valiant battle against an opponent that was no push over, but for better or worse, he wasn't going to let her charge back into the fray. With his brawny frame between Furikuken and the rusty lion who looked almost as worse for wear as his little leader, his pale eyes were hard, but calm. I won't let you lay another paw on her. Valhalla didn't need words to convey his meaning, flipping a meaningful glance toward the golden lion sitting nearby, nodding him over to give the trembling lioness a sturdy body to lean against.

Seeing Riku nearly smothered under the Stormborn lion had been the most intense few moments of Jua Msaka's life, his gaze twisting between Val and Riku and back again repeatedly in horror. He had watched Val's stoic expression nearly break with the commanding tone that filled his voice. Had he been afraid for her? If Val was afraid, then it meant the danger was real, yet though he had been waiting all along for the signal to attack and rip the dark maned stranger off Riku, it was an order that was never issued. Instead, he'd left her of his own accord, leaving Val to form the wall between the two.

By Ra's bells that was intense! Jua mused as he finally trotted over, carefully brushing up along Riku's side to give her someone to lean against. He could feel the quiver in her limbs through the pressure of her body against his own and silently worried over the deeper of her wounds. They're going to leave scars. The thought came unbidden, though he knew Riku wasn't the sort of female who was likely to worry about blemishing her coat.

Riku glared a hole through Valhalla's unbudging physique, she had half a mind to leap over him, but knew her back leg wasn't strong enough for such a foolish act of defiance. Ears twitching at the sound of the rough voice from the other side of the clearing. It took a moment for her to realize that she had passed her test. She was good enough to join them. The flood of relief and triumph lasted only a scant few second though, then drained away as she struggled to lift herself onto Val's back, her paws hanging over his topline to glare at the brute opposite of her small gang. They're coming with me, unless you want to try and stop them...

It wasn't like he was in any condition to argue, battered as he was, Riku had no doubt Valhalla would be able to put him out of his misery if need be. Not that the nasty male wouldn't have likely put up a good fight.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 4:18 pm
He had to admit, she had plenty of spirit to her. The glare he could see levelled on her giant companion made him grin, though the expression was lop-sided thanks to the freely bleeding injury that bisected his face. Shaking his head slightly he wondered just what possessed a rogue to drive themselves so hard. It was admirable really, and would certainly stand her in good stead within the pride. She would no doubt become a reaver, and maybe even try for Captain, judging from her wild temper and solid determination.

Her reaction to the information he offered was sadly predictable however and he couldn't stop himself from rolling his eyes. "They will have to win their own entry. They can not piggy back upon your efforts, girl." He retorepted in a slightly annoyed tone. "The entire pride will toss them back out again, that is if they don't simply kill them outright. You want in, that's fine. But you abide by our rules, or the lot of you can leave. Your choice." Turning round he set off, leaving the clearing that was now splattered with blood and trampled by their brief but violent meeting. He expected them to follow, but he also knew there were several more reavers near by, drawn by the sound of their battle, that would deal with the two males if they insisted on causing trouble. Pausing he tossed his voice back over his shoulder.

"Ask for a healer thrall when you reach the pride... Those injuries need treating." With that he vanished into the thick shadows of the forest, intent on returning to his own thrall for the same thing. Aoife would attend to his eye, as that was the only wound that might be cause for concern. The rest of him would heal fine.

Neon Fly


Allied Recalibrator

[IC] Myrsky Syntynyt Lands [IC]

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