User ImageUser ImageUser Image (not pictured are Avani and the three cubs)

Something was wrong. Han had known for a while that there was a problem with her cubs, but she had no idea what it could be. She wasn't sure what to do other than continue to go about her daily routines as usual, even though that was mostly sleeping and eating, until she felt that it was time. She called upon two other lionesses, Liyana and Yimvelo, to come with her on her journey to a safe place to have her litter.

And that was when things had taken a turn for the worse.

Han hadn't reached the den she had prepared a few weeks prior before pain overtook her. She didn't recall much of what happened in the time that followed other than pain and wishing it would end. A few times she found her vision swimming as her lungs struggled to take in as much air as she needed and once she was sure she passed out, because quite suddenly she opened her eyes and everything was quiet. The pain had stopped, her body was no longer aching, and the now-familiar pressing inside of her was gone.

"What..." She tried to lift her head but the savanna spun before her. Gods above, they weren't even in a den...they were just out in the open...her cubs...

"Are they safe?" she asked weakly, struggling to sit up to try to see.

[Yimvelo and Liyana]
Liyana and Yimvelo were pleased when Han had called upon them to escort her to go have her cubs in the place she had chosen to do so. Everything seemed to be going so well but something seemed a little off about her, but normally pregnancy was something that made you do odd things at time. It wasn't until they were almost there that was when everything went south quick. Yimvelo caught Han as she stumbled gasping for air and Liyana quickly came to the other side to help aid her to the ground. There was no time to get her inside. Something awful was going on and they had no idea what it was.

They weren't sure how long it took but the two helped her the best she could as the cubs came and it wasn't long until Han was finally coherent enough to speak. Liyana and Yimvelo had already done the best they could with making sure the cubs were next to their mother, nestled aginst her body. Liyana had gone inside the den to grab some of the nesting materials to place beside her so the cubs were't laying in the dirt and Avani was perched not to far away overlooking everything awaiting for her companions word in case help was needed.

The three that had survived were nursing against their mothers side and Yimvelo pressed her leg agaisnt Hans upper body to keep her from moving too much when she tried to sit up. The two females looks at each other. They had cleaned up the two that hadn't survived and had then nestled on one of the pelts liyana had pulled out of the den as well. "Be calm Han. Everything is alright. Your cubs are safe...." She said letting the words draw out slowly towards the end. She looked at Yimvelo whom was on the other side of her and she picked up the small bundle and carried it around so that Han would be able to see.

"You had five cubs, 4 girls and 1 boy." Liyana said as Yimvelo stood beside Han where she could see her clearly. "You have three healthy cubs neslted next to you, 2 girls and a boy..." Her words trailed off and she looked at Yimvelo. How could they tell her?

The pressure on her chest made Han's eyes focus on Yimvelo, the lioness holding her down. Her mind wasn't focusing on anything despite the rapt gaze, and it took her a moment for the words to sink it. It was then that she felt the gentle tugging of her cubs nursing and a weight was lifted from her mind. Good. They were there. They were eating. All was well.

But something in Liyana's voice made Han's heart skip a beat. Four girls and one boy...three healthy cubs...that didn't add up. "The other girls?" she asked, her voice choked with fear. Were they well? She had been born ill but had survived with the persistence of her mother, perhaps the other two were just like her.

[Yimvelo and Liyana]
Both of their hearts ached for what was about to be shown or told to her. With a big gulp Liyana took in a deep breath as Yimvelo set down the small gently upon the ground before her. "I'm so sorry Han.. They were still born." She said with sadness in her voice. "If you would like to see them you may.. I have them here." Said Yimvelo looking down at the bundle near her feet. Avani watched the scene from her perch and she understood well enough what was going on. It was going to be a hard blow, females were prized among the pride. But she wasn't one of those gossip birds so there was no worries from her.

The lack of an instant reply confirmed Han's fears before Yimvelo set the small bundle down before her. There was no warmth or movement from the fur, but she desperately nudged the pelt aside to get to the cubs. They were two beautiful girls, one a rich, dark brown and the other more of Han's color, a few marks from their father adorning their paws. As perfect as they were, they weren't moving.

"No," she said weakly, struggling to press her nose against the darker female's back, dragging her tongue over her fur to try to make her move. A disgruntled noise came from her belly where her nursing cubs were jostled and she quickly stopped, torn between trying to revive her cubs and to take care of the ones that were well.

Instantly her mind focused on the words she had heard. Four females, one male. One male. And he had survived. Why hadn't he been one of the ones to perish?

"No!" she said again, this time louder as she struggled to get up, her mind racing, not letting her think rationally. She didn't even know what getting up might do to save her lost cubs. She just wanted to get onto her paws and run. Run away from everything. Maybe this was all a dream and she'd wake up if she ran far enough.

[Yimvelo and Liyana]
The two females watched as she looked down upon the two beautiful girls that hadn't survived inside of her and it was hard for them to almost watch because of how heartbreaking it was. "We are so sorry." They both said to her, voices soft and full of remorse. "But you still have two strong and healthy girls and a strong boy." Liyana said to her.

Then everything began to happen at once and this could get ugly quickly if Han didn't calm down. "NO HAN!" Yimvelo said in a ver distressed tone as she basically moved around the bundle without disturbing the still cubs and pressing her weight upon her. "You'll risk harming the others if you get up to quickly." Said liyana as she quickly wrapped the three in the pelt that she had laid them on and pulled them away from their mothers side. She wasn't about to risk harm to them because she was becoming frantic.

Once yimvelo saw that the cubs were safely away from their mothers side she released her hold and waited to see what would happen. If she ran she would catch her. She wasn't as exhausted as the tan lioness was.

Her struggles to get up were hampered by Yimvelo, but her body wasn't listening to her mind or the words reaching it. She struggled weakly a moment more before the lioness let her be. She panted heavily, finally on her feet, and looked around desperately for somewhere to run. She was about to take off when the displeased mewing from the cubs cut through her hysteria.

Gods...what was she doing. She turned to Iiyana who had the cubs safely in the pelt from the den, her heart aching as well as her body. This wasn't right. They were all supposed to live.

Something inside of her finally snapped back into place. She was a mother now. She had duties. She couldn't run off just because things were scary or sad. She would mourn her lost cubs, yes, but she also had to care for those that survived. Even the male.

"Bring them to the den, please," she said, her voice weak but firm. Her eyes lingered on the still cubs, regret filling her heart as she turned away from them. "Yimvelo. Could you." Gods it was hard to say. "Could you put them somewhere where the circle of life may take them?" Somewhere where she wouldn't have to see other scavengers cleaning up.

[Yimvelo and Liyana]
Yimvelo let out a sigh as Han looked like she was about to bolt but then something happened and it appeared to her that everything was now going to be alright. Liyana looked at her as she stared at the bundle she held saftely in her mouth, a few mews coming here and there from the tiny cubs.

Both Lionesses waited for what seemed an eternity and then with a great feeling of relief they were pleased that she said to bring them to the den. That was what Liyana was going to do had Han, taken off and stayed with them till Yimvelo had brought her back but it seemed that everything was working to their favor.

Liyana moved over towards the uncovered girls and covered them when Han looked away from them to ask Yimvelo to take them away. Liyana headed into the den with the bundle and made sure everything was going to be completely comfortable for them and then she set the bundle down and unwrapped them and made sure each of them were alright.

She gave a small smile towards the three newborns and hoped to one day be a mother of her own. Her heart still ached for what had just happened to Han. No mother deserved to feel that kind of pain.

Yimvelo looked at Han and gave her a nod. "I will." She said giving the female a small nudge on the side of her face with her own as a sign of affection and sadness for what had happened. "Now go, I'm sure the others are going to try and start trying to feed off Liyana." She said hoping to lighten the mood a little bit.

Han watched as the brown lioness brought her cubs into the den. It was a miracle they were close. She let out a slow breath through her nose just as Yimvelo nudged her gently and it nearly broke her resolve. Right. She had to be strong. Even if she couldn't be physically, she could be mentally.

"Thank you," she said very quietly, returning the nudge before heading to the den. She situated herself on the ground in front of the cubs who quickly returned to feeding. She laid her head on the ground, exhausted, and closed her eyes.

"And thank you," she told Liyana. "I couldn't have done this without you two."

[Yimvelo and Liyana]
Yimvelo accepted the nudge back and watched as the female turned and entered the den. Avani circled above and decided she'd follow the lioness just in case she ran into some trouble while she was finding a place to put the cubs. She walked over to the small bundle and picked it up and began walking off towards an area she thought would be perfect for them. Though, perfect would be them being alive but they weren't. So this would have to work for them.

Her destination was a single bonzai tree not too far away, but far enough away Han would never know they were there. She had considered burying them but they needed to be taken back into the great circle of the world around them and their spirits would live on. Avani flew ahead to scout the area just a little and Yimvelo came upon the tree and there was a flat rock on the far side with some grassy areas growing around it. It almost seemed like it was meant to be. She gently placed the bundle down and opened it and positioned the two girls next to one another as if they were just sleeping in one another small arms.

Without looking back her and Avani turned to head back to Han and Liyana.

Liyana looked towards the entrance as the exhausted mother came into the den and mad herself comfortable and the cubs returned to feeding. "You're welcome Han." She said softly as she remained every watchful over the four before her.

I totally screwed up the quote lol. But here is our RP logged <3