Meara stood by her door, looking out into her dorm room with a thoughtful look. Clearly it needed to be more spooky then it was. It simply was not spooky enough for this time of year and was instead more on the practical side of things. She took one last look around the room then left to go to the store and buy some decorations. She had some spookifying to do!

When she returned later on she put the bags with her purchases down by the door and immediately started to pull the first thing on her decoration's list. She held up the fake cobwebs with a grin then started to hang them in the corners, attach them from her desk to the floor, had them hang from her separation screens, and of course, stuck them to her window. Once she was done with that she returned to the bags and pulled out the next item on her list, a new bed set with black cats in witches hats that glowed in the dark. While the set was more cute then spooky, it fit with the theme! It didn't take he long to get her bed covers switched to the new ones and she put her old ones in a bag to be washed later.

That was two things out of the way. She moved back over to her bags and started to pull out little fake jack-o-lanterns in different sizes and started to place them around the room. The smaller ones she placed on her bookshelf and desk along with a single one on her nightstand, and the larger ones she placed on the floor like two that were framing the door way. When they were all placed in their designated spots, the demon went around and light the candles inside of select ones.

She grinned as she stopped in the middle of her dorm room to look around. So far the atmosphere was changing for the better! Next she pulled out some bats, that were meant to hang from the ceiling, out of the bags and with the help of her chair was able to hang them carefully. She just finished hanging the last one when she got an idea to help add to the spookiness of the room and moved over to her computer. She booted it up and went to her music player then scanned the list of songs until she found one she deemed spooky enough for now.

To go along with her new bed set, she had also gotten a throw to go over he couch and that was the next item pulled out of the bags. She tossed it over the couch then tucked in all around so it was flush and wouldn't move around too much should someone sit down on it. The throw itself was on the transparent side, though it was a strong material, and made the couch look like it was covered in cobwebs as well.

Now she just had one last thing in her bag that needed to be set up and she was quick to pull it out. She moved the item over to her pool then went back and rolled the bags up for later, throwing them into a drawer. She walked back over to her pool then carefully lowered the item into the water, switching it on just before hand. When it was settled on the bottom she stood up and took in the effect with a grin. The light looked like a normal rock but it was letting out a red light, tinting the water and plant life red. Meara quickly turned off the main lights and looked around as the room was only lit up by the jack-o-lanterns and the rock light in her pool. In her opinion she had done a great job.

(Word count: 621)