They were guests in a former allied pride of the Peponi.

So many former pride members bustled around as they visited, but once again Miira felt detatched and cut away, avoiding touch, avoiding eye contact - avoiding risk of contact with anyone, or anything that could bring a vision. Sleep was restless and she often slept alone, waking when visions crept into her sleep like unwanted guests, murmuring warnings and whispers of catastrophes she couldn't understand and when waking her nightmare-visions left her tired. The dwarves had at least allowed her plenty to eat, but Miira wasn't near as bulky as she could or should be. The lack of bodyweight was not amiss to the dark-pelted lions whom tried getting more into her, but she simply ate 'enough', feeling no porpuse to doing more.

The one time she thought she'd found good, all of it had broken. Her cubs, left or stolen, and Miira left heartbroken when her mother left, her siblings left; peice by peice she was dismantled and left alone, and so she didn't try bonding, nor try reaching anymore.

There was nothing in the once-fiery cub left to give. Miira felt burnt clean and empty of anything but broken peices and tears, and the white lioness with brown marks simply spent time laying, watching, waiting. There was family, at least, but not any children. Her cousins; many after her aunt passed whom could move on; a neice whom was hurt and would not speak, and Miira wondered if she could not find something to smile for, rising this particular night to move just outside of the demon dens to lie down, staring at the vast expanse of land around the volcano with despondant red eyes that flicked and she sighed silently, curling into a ball of bone and sorrow.

Sairin roamed often these days. Sometimes he followed Elua, sometimes hisa own wandering paws led him to various places, and while he knew crossing a pridal border was risky, he moved silently and cautiously, the large monochrome male moving deftly to explore this place around the volcano. He was silent and cautious, half relying on bulk and experience if he came upon danger, and the male was sure he was fine until he almost tripped on a ball of white bones and muscle, and blinked.

He hadn't seen signs of the Peponi in seasons, and the male was amazed to see a pride member in poor shape, especially a relative of Kabichi, and the male reached a massive paw tentatively, nudging the lioness carefully. He indeed fret she was dead or ill, and the startled response only increased worry when she was on her paws in an instant, a reaction far more befitting a rogue than a lion in a pride, and Sairin jumped back as Miira gasped, looking about before sitting, blinking at the black and white male, and blinked.

Miira hadn't seen Sairin in seasons, since before her aunt died and since her last litter, and her ears flicked as she shook any pending Visions, blinking and sighing as Sairin studied her in concern. Sairin's ears flicked, before pinning in concern as Miira hung her head unconciously in a form of defeference, and the male looked around for the male he'd sighted once near her before he frowned, and sighed. He was nowhere in sight, and Sairin looked to Miira, brows raising.

"You don't look well Miira." Sairin finally said, tone low and soft. Miira shrugged, and Sairin pressed in concern. "What happened to your mate?"

"He's gone." Miira snapped. "Like the Peponi. Like my mother. Like my Aunt, my Uncle, like my life." Miira hissed quietly. Sairin flinched at the pain in Miira's face, and leaned forwards, nudging for her in concern, and Miira shrank away, a behaviour worrying to the larger lion.

"Is that why you're so thin, Miira?" Sairin coaxed quietly.

"I've no porpuse in living. Does it matter how well I am?" Miira snarled, and looked away, sitting and tucking into herself.

"My visions are catastrophic and everything I touch withers. Whatplacedo I fill? What point in living is there for me?" Miira looked to Sairin, ears pinning back in a motion of complete devastation. Sairin grimaced at that response and leaned, pulling her into a one-pawed hug that startld her as he rumbled faintly, and Miira jumped back, eyes wide in alarm at the gesture.

"Miira, it's. Alright. You're alright." Sairin soothed. Miira shook her head, eyes wide as she breathed, shaking.

"You don't understand." Miira shivered. "I could hurt you. I'm dangerous. I see bad things. I hurt others!" Miira wailed. Sairin frowned, grimacing as her pitch increased in desperation, and he frowned, inhaling sharply as he watched her back away in fear, and the male rumbled in concern as Miira shivered, looking down at her paws as she became a shaking ball more akin to a cub than a grown lion, and Sairin breathed a sigh of concern. He reached a paw slowly, and jumped when she yelped at the slightest touc, and a twinch of pity seared the male seeing the one-strong female reduced to misery and self destruction. Part of him wondered if Elua could help her, and part of him wondered if she belonged to the pride close by, and carefully he pawed again, a fresh wave of sobbing coming from the female as Sairin cringed, and he frowned.

Miira just wanted to be alone, forgotten as she was, as she seemed meant to be. Everything she touched withered or disappeared. All of her cubs left without a word. Her mate abandoned her, her mother, everyone close, and she finally shrieked when Sairin lifted her by the ruff, sobbing and begging the male to let her go, to leave her.

Sairin did not, instead the male looked around, trying to weork out how to best carry her before placing her down. Miira rose to try bolting, but Sairin moved far more rapiudly, and ducked, lifting the female onto his back. Miira froze, eyes pricking into dots of fear as Sairin carried her, the female trembling as he moved, carrying her slowly.

"I don't know if you belong to this pride, but you... Aren't well Miira. You can't keep hiding forever. I don't know what happened, but you need to stay with others, alright?" Sairin said softly. A small whimper was the only response from Miira, and Sairin sighed, shaking his head as he continued walking.

"Come on. I'll walk you to others, alright? Hold on."

The female whined, but huddled low as Sairin moved for the heart of the Aegnor'hini lans seeking another lion, tail swaying as he carried Miira to locate the others.