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[I/T] Taiyō no kodomo - Open! Sakura, Sakura...

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Doma Lands

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 9:43 am
Taiyō no kodomo

Pack/Pride Name: Taiyō no kodomo
Current IC Owner(s):NovaCracker
Current OOC Owner(s): NovaCracker
Default ranks:
Lions: Wakamono -> Wakamono -> Gyorui
Non-Lions: Yōkai -> Yōkai -> Yōkai
Brief Description of your Pride/Pack: Nestled in a small plain by the sea, the Taiyō no kodomo is rich with tradition and culture. Living in harmony with their surroundings, the pride is a peaceful place.
Familiar Rules: Does you Pride/Pack allow familiars? All familiars are welcome as Yōkai!
Cert Background Large Image: Sakura
Pride Symbol for Cert: Sakura
Any Extra Information: No special modifications' however lion hybrids must append -hanyō to their rank as a subrank.
Pride/Pack History: The Taiyō no kodomo believe long ago the gods were born from the two gods Izanami and Izanagi. Together, they gave birth to the pridal lands by the sea, then to the gods themselves. However, after completing this, Izanami died, and Izanagi persued her spirit to the Underworld to recover her. He was permitted to return to her only if he did not look upon her as they left. Unabe to resist, Izanagi did not obey, and did in fact look; and seeing the decaying form of his wife, grew repulsed. Angry, Izanami swore to kill most of his people. Izanagi in response swore a thousand and five hundred would be born around the world in response. When he left, Izanagi bathed in a spring. This spring lead to the birth of the Moon God from his right eye, the Storm God from his nose, and, to them, the most important - the Sun Goddess from his left eye.

Some time after, the Sun Goddess Amaterasu found a mortal, with whom she begot a son in the land of the Taiyō no kodomo. This young Emporor unified the land under his rule, and was given the Imperial treasures - an impossibly large tooth, a polished piece of obsidian, and a special bead. This treasure became the treasure of the royal house, and has been stored away since. The pride grew, and prospered, and as time passed, the pride grew strong in number, living by the sea as the royal Dynasties came as passed.

The current Emporer is Fujimori Haruki. His land is visited by the yokai of the ourside ream, and he is faced with the risk, ever present, of outsiders, and it is the 6th Dynasty, called the Fujimori Dynasty, and the people seek the ever-honourable standing as the favored of the gods.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 9:45 am
About the pride

The Taiyō no kodomo believe long ago the gods were born from the two gods Izanami and Izanagi. Together, they gave birth to the pridal lands by the sea, then to the gods themselves. However, after completing this, Izanami died, and Izanagi persued her spirit to the Underworld to recover her. He was permitted to return to her only if he did not look upon her as they left. Unabe to resist, Izanagi did not obey, and did in fact look; and seeing the decaying form of his wife, grew repulsed. Angry, Izanami swore to kill most of his people. Izanagi in response swore a thousand and five hundred would be born around the world in response. When he left, Izanagi bathed in a spring. This spring lead to the birth of the Moon God from his right eye, the Storm God from his nose, and, to them, the most important - the Sun Goddess from his left eye.

Some time after, the Sun Goddess Amaterasu found a mortal, with whom she begot a son in the land of the Taiyō no kodomo. This young Emporor unified the land under his rule, and was given the Imperial treasures - an impossibly large tooth, a polished peice of obsidean, and a special bead. This treasure became the treasure of the royal house, and has been stored away since. The pride grew, and prospered, and as time passed, the pride grew strong in number, living by the sea as the royal Dynasties came as passed.

The current Emporer is Fujimori Haruki. His land is visited by the yokai of the ourside ream, and he is faced with the risk, ever present, of outsiders, and it is the 6th Dynasty, called the Fujimori Dynasty, and the people seek the ever-honourable standing as the favored of the gods.  

Doma Lands

Doma Lands

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 9:48 am

The Taiyō no kodomo are a tradition oriented, hard working pride with a firm belief system and a destinct series of concepts regarding life and death.


To the pride, the gods, called the Kami, are everyplace. There are greater Kami - Amaterasu, Susano'o, and the like, and lesser Kami revered at local shrines, usually the spirits of things in nature, from stones and flowers of special look to the dead warrior whom perished defending his home. Literally anything can become a lesser Kami, but the Greater Kami are the Gods - whom are worshipped equally, and with neutrality. The pride had a name for each, usually, not the one the God uses, and the Gods may enter and leave as they please. The pride also believes they, as a pride, are the chosen lions - however, they do not see non-lions as poor. Non Lions are considered Yōkai.

Yōkai are considered a sort of spirit in a physical form, each capable of different things - for example because of some gods, wild dogs are called inugami; hyenas are considered a form of fertility Yōkai called tanuki, and leopards and cheetahs are considered bakeneko and manekineko respectively. Traditionally these creatures will be given offerings of food and shelter, for fear of angering them. Bakeneko and manekineko are both especially treated well, as manekineko are considered lucky to the kind, while it is considered safer for a lion to reat the others well simply for safety. Regardless, Yōkai pretty much may enter and do as they will, though mischievouds or troublesome ones may face a Samurai, Sōryo, or Miko!

When lions die, they are believed to travel into the next world. Takama-ga-hara, the dwellingplace of the gods, is where those whom live good lives go. The troubled, impure, or otherwise less good end up in Yomi, ruled by Izanami. Purity is achieved by a balanced, peaceful life, with respect to the gods, and of course, bringing a small offering proportionate to a family's means for the priesthood to offer to the gods, unless a family member has passed recently in which case one must wait two full moon cycles before returning to visiting shrines, Unclean deeds include needless killing (EG: murder in cold blood; abuse, ETC), the mistreatment of a disguised god, or other such deeds. Outsiders must be purified by the priests when joining the pride with a dip in sanctified water for their paws and muzzle, as a cub or unclean person must recieve for blessings and forgiveness.

Love, Marriage, and Family Name

The Taiyō no kodomo regards marriage a very serious affair. While arranged marriages do not often occur, even in the Imperial Family, it may occur discreetly. Same-sex couples must take a third member of the opposite gender as a mate if they wed so as to beget cubs; for this reason polyamory groups are also acceptable, as it may beget cubs and the group may appear harmonious. At one point it was considered an anomaly, however the current Emperor has decreed the practice of homosexuality and polyamory as acceptable for the people.

When wed, the female or females will take on the male's family name to identify her as his family, and unless he disappears for an extended period, or dies, marriage is considered binding; the only cause to abandon the relationship is unfaithfulness- which, in fact, is just cause for a duel between the husband and the male, and he may even cast out his wife. Similarly, a wfife or partner may walk if they find their mate/husband unfaithful. At that point, they will regain their original family name.

Family is how the pride prevents inbreeding. To identify each family, cubs and all members are given a family name and personal name, presented as the family name first, and personal second. For example, Emperor Haruki would formally be presented (and certed) as Fujimori Haruki; a female presents the same way - such as `Asakura Aoiko', as well.

Birth and Death

When litters are born, little celebration is held - when the cubs are small, a Sōryo or miko must be summoned to cleanse the paws and muzzle of the cubs to purify them before the kami, and to record their names and family. Until the cubs reach adulthood, no further ceremony is held, however there may be offerings and gifts to the shrines to seek blessings or fortune for the litter by well wishing family members after.

At death, the deceased must be removed from pridal lands by a Sōryo or miko. When they do this, they will wrap the corpse in a white pelt and bury it in a parcel of land serving the pride graveyard. They will then record the death - name, and family, as well as the year (EG: the second year of Emperor Haruki's rule, for example). The spirit is believed to travel into the afterlife, however, an angry, vengeful, or otherwise unhappy spirit may haunt the family, so many times, charms and small offerings may be sent or used to prevent hauntings.

Sometimes, twins are born to a couple, for no seeming reason. While they do not know why it occurs, they do view twins as an anomaly. It is often said twins are the souls of lovers whom comitted suicide in a previous life, and when twins are born, one will usually be sent away to be raised by another family, or worse. As a rule, they do occur, but many see them as unlucky, not all - some celebrate the lovers' returns, and will often dote accordingly, particularly the lower caste sort.

Special colours

All pelts are welome to the pride, however, some pelts are extra nice... Or get a discreet pity party. As pelt is not a major component in the pride unless you are yellow-pelted, there is no taboo against pelt, however, the white lion or non-lion may find mating much more difficult than a black pelted female or other pelted male.

Red dominated pelts or markings are a sign of luck, prosperity, and life, but also anger. These lions are viewed well, especially when born in-pride, and are well recieved, especially if they blend with a little (Not over 50%) white, for extra luck.

Yellow is sacred and a strongly desired colour by all members of the pride. Yellow pelted lions, even if mixed with red, are highly respected. In fact, even joining yellow marked or dominant lions might as well sign up for a good life; in fact, this happy colour, if dominant enough (60%+) may even become a samurai, if male, or may be wed to one quickly.

Black dominant pelts are mysterious and... Girly, actually. Black is considered provocative, alluring, and mysterious, and males with such pelts are expected to work harder to prove maculinity, while black coated females are seen as alluring and beautiful. The less markings the better, but if mixed with yellow, WHO KNOWS. That lion will be considered the most blessed!

Pure white pelts with minimal or no markings are considered very unlucky. The colour of death when not paired with copious amounts of red, white is... Hardest to see past - white pelted cubs are seen as unlucky, and may even be considered the living dead. Not a happy colour but rather one associated with death, these lions may expect a poor life indeed.

Daily life and Festivals

The Taiyō no kodomo is very practical in celebration and daily practice. Day to day, pride members seek balance - might and gentleness, fire and water, and so on - and every pride member has a counterpart, broken down by gender. Males are strong and more able to defend and provide - males are trained rigidly in battle and in tactics, and the pride often employs a male defensive force. Males are heads of the pride and of the family. Males provide by crafting 'masculine' things, from rudimentary tools to skinning to collecting feathers for very primitive writing. If it requires force or strength, it's considered a man's job, or a man's rank. Similarly, women have specific roles to fufill that, in pride belief, is no less respected, honourable, and important. Food preperation, denkeeping, cubrearing, and tasks requiring a gentler paw, such as healing or entertaining is dominantly female work - and is viewed as just as important as male. Females do not often learn to write, but may read; and females may defend the den if called upon, and of especially interesting note, females often are the first to approach and befriend the Yōkai amidst the pride. Beauty is seen in reflections of this philosophy- a flowering tree may draw both genders with food whom will then sit to admire said tree for long hours. A peaceful, babbling spring may be the most wonderous place; simple, natural, and organic is nicer than not, and crafters turn to their surroundings for ideas. Tree banches with flowers are often favored gifts, as well as small dolls made of local wood called kodama, considered lucky. Yōkai may share family dens to provide luck and what is considered wisdom; generations of families often coexist peacefully - and in fact, hybrids are highly prized as they are considered blessed.

After 12 full lunar cycles, a New Year is said to begin... And the pride breaks from the calm composure to become one giant party. Lunar New Year is when the priesthood re-Purifies the land, and many couples wed at this time. Gifts and offerings are left for the gods at shrines, songs are sung, and grain is left to ferment weeks in advance, resulting in one really good time.

Spirits are said to be most active as well, often benevolent ones seeking to reunite with and protect family and friends, and it is considered the time when most celebrate, well, surviving.

The Crysanthemum Throne

Every member of the Taiyō no kodomo, from Yōkai to Samurai (And Shogun if an Emperor is too young to rule) is sworn an oath of fealty and loyalty to the Emperor. Technically, the Emperor is viewed as above the mortals, being of descent from the Sun Goddess Amaterasu, and as keeper of the Three Royal Treasures. Every pride member, even the Yōkai, are expected to die for the Emporer as needed should the pride come under attack. In exchange, the Emperor is to rule his people fairly and kindly, lest he risk a revolt, although this is rare. The Emperor is viewed as almost godlike; wise and cunning. Should he order a leap, all must leap; and similar. Disobedience is considered a sign of impurity and dishonour, and often may result in execution or exile.


The pride maintains harmony through purity and honour. While purity is simple to achieve and maintain - as even the warriors may seek assistance from the priesthood, honour is much, much more difficult. Honour is a list of expectations to maintain - to be honourable a lion must remain loyal to the Emperor, then his parents or siblings and family, then to their mate. Pride members must show restraint in dealings - giving in to emotions too deeply is considered childish, but no cardinal sin - and cowardice is a massive dishonour. Murder is both impure and a major fault; especially of family or the Emperor. Excess, such as in eating or drinking, or mistreatment of weaker creatures is also dishonourable - and of course angry Yōkai may feel and exppress the dishonour of being an inhospitable host. The pride holds the ideals of patience, kindness, calm, and overall, temperance. The are often hospitable and kind, and the Samurai are expected to protect the weak. Honesty is critical, and they only kill in order to eat or in war. They honor the gods nd their families, and in all, behave as peacefully to all as they can, and eschew the bigoted or hateful. They do not always agree with non-lion prides or even other prides, but they will be civil, and take alliances that benefit both equally.


Being as old as the pride is, they have established a form of writing using the hairs of prey tied to sticks for brushes held in the mouth to paint symbols on the walls, on small stones, or scrap pelts. Stroke order and style is critical and each stroke has meaning and porpuse to a word. Miswriting is possible, however, but may lead to a different word. Clear, legible writing is a sign of a calm, ordered mind to the pride; while messy, chaotic scribble is less held highly. The stains and inks used are commonly crushed insects and berries dipped or left to stain tiny pools of water, which may be filled in with earth when the job is done, or, left to dry out. Every male pride member learns to write,and every pride member learns to read, regardless of age.  
PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 10:19 am

Tennō - One
The Emperor is the ruler of both the pride and the pride religion, considered a bridge between mortal and heavenly affairs. Both the descendant of the Sun Goddess and a mortal, he is, ultimately, the pride leader. His eldest son is always the Heir, while his younger children may be given favourable marriages to nobles in or outside of the pride, or even royalty.

Kōgō - One

The primary wife of the Emperor. She attends public functions with him unless ill or recovering from pregnancy and is usually a nobleman's child or outside princess, unless the pride finds a gold or yellow female whom is considered a sign of the gods. Like the Emperor, she is held in high regard; most pride members would die to protect her.

Kōtaishi Shinnō - One
The heir of the Crysanthemum Throne. The eldest son of the Emperor always inherits and must always be his own flesh and blood. To that extent, he is educated, trained, and raised to serve the pride as a warrior and as one they can trust until ascending the throne.

Shinnōhi - One
The Crown Princess. If an Emperor produces no sons, or, the Crown Prince marries, then this is the rank the female princess will hold. The Crown Princess is expected to train for her duties, and while a female Emperor is rare due to the nature of the pride, it is possible. Commonly, this is a noble or female the prince chooses to wed.

Shinnō - Unlimited
The male heirs born after the eldest son. Commonly they may wed more freely and are still guarded, but may only serve to advise their brother or maintain the Imperial bloodline in case the eldest has no heirs or the royal line risks extinction.

Naishinnō - Unlimited
Most female cubs of the royal family! As child of the Imperial line these ladies are expected to wed nobles to remain part of the royal line and to maintain rank - however should they mate a commoner, they may wed, but they forfeit title and their place and their children's place in the royal family permanently, taking a rank below noble to match their husband's rank. When possible, such females are wed to a royal prince elsewhere, but not always.

(Family Name)-no-Miya - Unlimited
A princess whom marries a noble will hold this title for life, marking her as a royal, as well as her sons and daughters, unless they ascend to Samurai or similar. These lions are male or female, and KEEP the family name of the royal family - in this case, they would currently be Fujimori-no-Miya. Other lines exist, and if the surname is not the smale, they might wed a mainline royal, provided they are no closer than 3rd cousins, due to pride taboo.

Shogun - Restricted/Meta Only
The Shogun is chosen should the Emperor pass before his heir grows to adulthood. Ruler of the pride until the heir may ascend properly, the lion must hold the pride above himself and if needed die to protect the royal line. Abuse of this position is punished by death, no exception. Shoguns are very rare, usually, a particularly loyal Samurai close to the Emperor, is chosen if one is needed. Upon the heir's ascension to the throne, a Shogun will become purely ceremonial in nature, and his children will permanently be rewarded with a noble rank.

Daimyō - Unlimited
The traditional daimyō were once feudal lords whom held land, however more recent emperors found their skill more suited to battle. Freeing the land to all, the daimyō are the Generals of the pride, the best trained Samurai of the pride. It is a rare achievement and one that takes some great deed for the pride to achieve. Their children are often Samurai and are commonly well respected. The daimyō are exclusively male.

Samurai - Unlimited
The Samurai are the nobles; the pride warriors trained from birth in art, culture, and combat. They lead armies and serve the emperor in some form directly, and also serve to police the pride. Samurai are always male, and barring special cases such as a kind paw from a non-noble lion or outside lion, adoption (even adulthood), or a golden pelt somehow, this is almost always a rank by birth.

Sonkei tsuma - Unlimited
The wives of any form of noble is a Sonkei tsuma or respected wife. They see to the noble household, the cubs, and similar, and are quite often seen as near their mates in power, simply in feminine power. Mostly, they see to domestic affairs and mind the servants, although any female just has to marry into this role.

Sōryo / Miko - Unlimited
The priesthood! A rare male and female equal rank, these lions must protect the pride's shrines and see to the purification of pride members, at birth, death, and between through ritualistic cleansing of the muzzle and paws. The Priesthood is something of a noble rank but not an easy life, as they must place duty to the gods above all else if commanded. Ideally most, but not all, are seers, and to become a member of the priesthood you must be trained. Usually they are not chosen to mate a royal except in desperation.

Urite - Unlimited
The Urite are the pride merchants. A male rank only, the Urite roam the lands in and out of the pride regularly, taking the wares of craftsmen to sell and barter, and bring back precious materials the pride lacks being so close to the sea. Usually Urite train their eldest sons for the role, and encourage them to sell small things to visitors, such as polished pebbles or small bags.

Geisha - Unlimited
Geisha are a female role, and a role reserved for entertainers. A geisha is expected to maintain certain traditions and ceremonies for peace and tranquility, from provding arranged flowers to teaching girls to be proper young ladies, to song and dance. Far from anything racy, a geisha is a very respectable role for females, whom in turn train their daughters in the role. Geisha are also terrible gossips and take pride in passing tradition on. It's not uncommon for there to be a 'who's better' fight between two of them regarding their precious daughters!

Kabuki - Unlimited
Kabuki are male only, and serve as a different form of entertainment. Kabuki are actors, whom practice pride plays and stories that women will not know. Kabuki must display acting talent and wear masks of bone and wood that are painted of the character they are playing - and it is a role any male can enjoy! Kabuki roam, unlike Geisha, in pride territory bringing song and dance, and many teach any pride male interested in the art!

Kōgei sakka - 0/Unlimited
Crafters! Unlike those whom perform song and dance, these lions are the ones whom make tools, from brushes to masks to pelts and may seek flowers or plants for others. They live to make and create beautiful, functional things for others. If performing or acting or flower arranging is not for a lion, but they want to make ART!, then they usually end up here. Better, this role is unisex!

Jōzō-sha - Unlimited
The brewers! In short, the ones whom make Sake. Originally a male role, it was found to be far more suited to the noses of females, whom since took over. They pretty much create fermented grain and fruit mixes, which they then barter. They often squabble over who's brews are better, though this generally doesn't end in more than people being begged to tell them who's is better. Hey, free drink is free drink.

Gyorui - Unlimited
The 'hunters' of the pride. Essentially? They fish or catch small game near the pride. Being so close to the sea, the pride relies on small game such as birds and rabbits for meat, and plenty of fish and mussels found by the sea. These lions, male and female, hunt fish, collect mussells, and, on occasion, gather abelone found on the shore, for the pride. If food cannot be eaten or fed to others, they set it to dry for future consumption. Rarely they can trade fish and seafood for large game with outsiders if fishing away from the pride, bringing it home often as a delicacy for nobles or the Imperial family in exchange for blessings, or tokens of gratitude.

Sensei - 0/Unlimited
Sensei function as nannies, and teachers. Adults leave cubs with them for lessons during the day, and puck them up at night. While Sensei are both genders, MALES will teach only MALE pupils, and Females only teach FEMALES. This is mostly to ensure the proper lessons are provided per gender, and all cubs, noble or not, are dropped off. Royal Cubs, of course, hasve private Sensei.

Wakamono - Unlimited
CUBS! Non-royal, wonderful wonderful cubs, expected to learn and grow and become competant adults. No, that's really it.

Yōkai - 0/Unlimited
Non-Lions! Non Lions basically are considered spirits and may live amidst the pride freely provided they do not disobey the Emperor... Or at least kill him. A household with Yōkai is considered lucky if the Yōkai like them but these creatures pretty much do what they like as long as they harm none. Malicious Yōkai are often dealt with by the priests, whom work to drive them away (read: BITE BITE BITE BUTTS).

Hanyō - Unlimited
Hanyō is a subtitle for any lion hybrid holding rank. Hanyō are considered unique little creatures from a fling or romance between lion and Yōkai and are treated with kindness. Various families see them differently - some as curses to be killed, others as great blessings. Fertile Hanyō, being rare, are considered more valuable, and many are wed into the noble ranks to earn great prestige.  

Doma Lands

Doma Lands

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 10:55 am

Taiyō no kodomo and Outside Lions

For a long time the Taiyō no kodomo were extremely xenophobic; while the non-lion Yōkai are welcomed without question, as are the Gods, lions are often viewed with caution and suspicion. It is more common for a male on a trade journey to return with an outsider female as a wife than for a female to select an outsider male, but it does happen. Cubs are accepted questionlessly and if no family claims them they may be raised by the priests or given to a cubless couple to raise.

While outsiders are not cast away immediately, they are not welcomed as members easily - often many must have a sponsor speak for them. Should a pride member or kami speak for them, they will generally be accepted and must swear an oath of loyalty to the Emperor. Cubs, particularly orphans, will be raised as pride members. Cubnapping, while not common, does occur when some males or females travel- it is not generally from malice however so much as to raise a lion cub 'properly', or to secure an heir.

Upon joining, a new member must secure a family name (Preferably Japanese; they may accept Chinese with only a little complaint), be it a new family, or, if the joining lion has family in the pride, they must secure that family member's name with no exception. Estrangement is no excuse - in fact, if you refuse, you may be shunned as unclean until you accept it, as family and harmony is very important to the pride.

If the pride interests you, select a form for your SoA. The member list will be our next post - kick me any time you want to if it seems out of date! Please fill the form out in the section for more code; This is for fast Ownerlist updates! Wooo.

[color=orange][size=24][b]I have a blank slate suitable for Royalty![/b][/size][/color]
[b]SoA Name:[/b] [url=]NAME[/url] // [b]Rank[/b]: Kōgō/Shinnō/Naishinnō/(Family Name)-no-Miya // Fujimori/Desired Family Name // Owner
[code][b]SoA Name:[/b] [url=]NAME[/url] // [b]Rank[/b]: Kōgō/Shinnō/Naishinnō/(Family Name)-no-Miya // Fujimori/Desired Family Name // Owner

[color=darkred][size=24][b]My blood is noble![/b][/size][/color]
[b]SoA Name:[/b] [url=]NAME[/url] // [b]Rank[/b]: Daimyo/Samurai // Desired Family Name // Owner // [b]Joining or Old blood?[/b] // [b]If New, how did you get this rank?:[/b]
[code][b]SoA Name:[/b] [url=]NAME[/url] // [b]Rank[/b]: Daimyo/Samurai // Desired Family Name // Owner

[color=red][size=24][b]Harmony in simplicity![/b][/size][/color]
[b]SoA Name:[/b] [url=]NAME[/url] // [b]Rank[/b]:(Please remember Non-Lion rank and lion hybrid subranks!) // Desired Family Name // Owner //
[code][b]SoA Name:[/b] [url=]NAME[/url] // [b]Rank[/b]: // Desired Family Name // Owner
PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 10:59 am

Royal Family

Fujimori Haruki // Tennō // NovaCracker // QUESTING



Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 11:00 am
Ope! I am seeking a co-owner or two, just quote me if interested and I'll look over your post. Sell me on yourself. c:  
PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 6:39 am

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 7:47 am
PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 7:54 am
Hmm, I'll have to see who I've got who can come join this, but I think I've got a couple I can toss in at least.  


Noble Cub

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 8:00 am
Hmm, I'll have to see who I've got who can come join this, but I think I've got a couple I can toss in at least.

Sounds good! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! heart  
PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 1:48 pm

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 9:42 am
PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 8:12 am

Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

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