I'd like a shipment!
Offer: 1 Bill

Username: Anthro!Sparky
Name of Pockettu: Katakura Kojuro
Gender: Male

Base Wanted: Standing

Hair Style: See Refs
Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown
Skin Color: See Refs

Clothing Edits: See Refs
Clothing Colors: See Refs

Other Edits: He'll need his two swords at his waist. owo This next one is more, if you feel like doing it... Maybe dragon wings, so he matches his Lord?

Anything else?: Cosplay from Sengoku Basara

References: References

Because plot-related customs are the best <3


I'd like a shipment!
Offer: 6bill + Astra: Baby Fafnir the Dragon link

Username: Erina_Nobara
Name of Pockettu: Okita Souji
Gender: Male

Base Wanted: Arms Crossed

Hair Style: see refs
Hair Color: red/brown

Eye Color: green
Skin Color: peachy

Clothing Edits: His regular outfit with the shinsengumi jacket and headband
Clothing Colors: see refs

Other Edits: maybe both his blades on his hip

Anything else?: he is a cosplay from Hakuoki

References: small pic-sorry that one is so tiny, but it was the only one I could find that showed his feet too. xD
X-this is the outfit under the blue jacket

UPDATED AGAIN. XD; /shot orz;
I took off Shiro as my muse is more for Hakuoki and TR atm. So Okita is my main goal. xD

More plot related customs! Makes me happy! >3


Bo-Bae Eun
Updated thorn's offer.

I'd like a shipment!
Offer: Pet trade + 6b

Username: Bo-Bae Eun
Name of Pockettu: Thorn Wolf
Gender: Male

Base Wanted: CC

Hair Style: It's hard to describe his hair, the style/length is similar to this: xxx However, part of his hair on one side is pulled back like the shaved hair trend that's going around. It's not entirely shaved like this, there's still hair there, it's just shorter than the rest. Kinda like this.
Hair Color: Dirty blonde

Eye Color: Hazel eyes
Skin Color: Fair skin

Clothing Edits: Casual wear, he's a tattoo artist. Maybe something like this? example
Clothing Colors: CC

Other Edits: He has two sleeve tattoos and a lot of piercings. Lip rings, tons of earrings/gauges, etc.

Anything else?: He's known as the "big bad wolf"

References: ////

Please PM me to discuss the pet trade!


I'd like a shipment!
Offer: 2Bill

Username: Ishtanballa
Name of Pockettu: Cahal
Gender: Male

Base Wanted: Standing
Type of Custom: Fully-Customized (Major Edits)
Hair Style: Cut short, spiked up at the bangs. Like this, accept a bit messier looking.
Hair Color: Dirty blond

Eye Color: Bright pink
Skin Color: Quite pale, like in ref.

Clothing Edits: Something inspired by the robe he's wearing here
Clothing Colors: Similar to what's in the ref

Other Edits: Pointy elf ears

Anything else?: He has markings on his face. If the markings are to difficult to see in the ref, then don't worry about them. Staff strapped to his back, CC design

References: Here and here

And this will be the last one I take on. You've tried for him a long while <333 Patience and persistence has paid off!