Maji had grown up carefree in pretty much every way. Her life wasn't complicated, it wasn't danger-filled or overshadowed by sorrow. Sometimes she would muse over not having a father figure here in the pride, but she found that relatively easy to shrug off, since the pride was like having an entire family. How could she miss having a father when there were so many grown up males who all looked after her?

One of those was, in fact, a god. Though truthfully he was more like a brother than a father. She didn't know that most places it was unusual to grow up with a winged lion as a personal playmate, but why would she? This was all she'd known. It might have even been his influence that tended to sway here more to acting younger than her age rather than the young lady her mother likely would have preferred her to be. Still, Maji was who she was, and that included being goofy, energetic, and daring.

Today she was meeting him out by the lake for a new game he'd promised. She darted among the busy members of the pride. They were gearing up for the warmer weather, now that the snow had mostly melted. There was still plenty up on in the high meadow, but down here there was green showing, and flowers were bursting, bees were buzzing, life was great! She bounded up to the edge of the lake and looked around. Hmm... no sign of him. She sat down to wait, humming to herself and gazing over the shimmering water.

Haddi was there, though, just out of sight. Having wings, you might suppose he was in the trees that overhung the lake, but nope, not this time! He was holding his breath... and swimming! He lurked beneath the surface of the lake, gazing up at the spot he'd told Maji to wait for him. When he saw her sky-blue form join the greens and browns of the trees and grass, he waited a little more before thrusting upwards, bursting from the surface of the lake with a playful roar.

Had it been any of the smaller youngsters, or any of the timid ones, Haddi would never have risked such a prank. But Maji wasn't the sort of be frightened. She was a bold sort of gal, and true to form she leaped to her paws, broke into gales of laughter, then leapt into the water, pouncing him for his joke. He laughed as well and mock wrestled with her in the shallows.

When they were both panting (though for Maddi, it was mostly for her benefit) and soaked through, they waded to shore and sprawled in a patch of dry off. "So Haddi," Maji finally began, sitting up and grooming the last of the dampness from her fur, "what is this fabulous new game you wanted to show me?" Of course, it was possible that his trick of hiding underwater had been the game, as sometimes his definition of "game" was very loose. However, she had a hunch that this time there was more to it than just hide-and-pounce.

He grinned at her, eyes lighting up excitedly. He loved inventing things for others to enjoy, and he hoped she would find this one thrilling. "I hope you don't mind getting wet again," he said mischievously, tucking his wings back into place and lashing his tail, sending glittering bits of water flying. "It probably should wait until its warmer for everyone to play, since the water is so cold right now," he added thoughtfully, "but I couldn't wait to show you." Maji was one of his favorite conspirators, because she often was up for just about anything he could invent. It was a good thing he was cautious and (usually) took safety into consideration.

Maji shook her body, fluffing her fur and casting him a grin. "Nah, it isn't too cold for me!" She puffed out her chest, trying to prove her hardiness. She simply couldn't resist when he invented something new. It likely was too cold in the deeper water, but she wasn't about to admit to that. Her adolescent pride insisted she prove she could do anything he could. Keep up with her 'big brother' wasn't something she wanted to back down on!

"Alright then," Haddi grinned, "everything we need is right over there." He nodded his head towards a very large tree that leaned out over the water, heavy branches spreading far and wide. He led Maji over to it, then picked something up out of the theckening grass. It was a roughly circular hoop made of dried vines. It was big enough for Maji to step through, but not much bugger. She gave him a quizzical look, tipping her head inquisitively and waiting for the game's explanation and rules.

He waded into the shallows and dropped the ring, where it bobbed on the surface. Her eyes lit up, and he grinned as he put a paw into the hoop to keep it from drifting off. "I'll be taking this out into the deeper water there," he flicked his tail towards where the lake did indeed get suddenly much deeper, not far off shore. "I'll place it, then you'll climb that branch there." He pointed to an especially long, springy limb above them that hung over the water. "You have to try and jump so that you land in the ring!"

Maji eyed the ring, then the branch. "And how will the ring stay put? It could drift off and I'd never be able to reach it!"

She was rewarded with a look of approval from Haddi. "Good thought," he replied. "For now I'll do my best to keep it in place." He waved a wing to suggest movement in the water. "Later we'll figure a way to tether it." He flicked a pawful of water at the hybird youngster. "Ready to try it?"

As reply, she bounced to her paws and immediately began scaling the tree. She had been blessed with retractable claws, unlike her cheetah mother. As a result, she was quite good at climbing, much to her mother's chagrin. In no time, she was high enough up to scamper out onto the branch Haddi had indicated. By then, of course, he was beneath her with the ring. He had positioned it just a little bit out from the safest point on the branch. She bounced a little, testing the springiness of the limb, then leaped into the air with abandon. She didn't make it, of course, but came up gasping from the cold and laughter. Oh yes, this was going to make a fantastic game... when the water was warm!

Teeth chattering and unable to pretend she was up for more, Maji made for the shore, though her eyes sparkled with glee. "G-g-great g-g-game, Haddi!" she stuttered. He looked more cocnerned now, having discarded the target hoop and herded her into the sun. Rather than waiting for her to dry like before, he helped her groom the water from her fur, chattering with her the whole while on possible rules and improvements on his glorious new invention. By the time she was dry, her shivers had stopped, but he still insisted he take her home. It was time for her to get warm, and he'd accept nothing else. Tired and happy, Maji gave in. Her life truly was glorious!