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A shadow moved silently across the horizon as the leopardess lowered her haunches down into the rich soil. She could breathe in the cool air swimming about and still have a moment to inventively gaze upon a tree she intended to climb.

If there was a single sight that Damu wished to see it was that of the stars. She wished to climb high, reaching the tops of the trees where the birds nestled and even further. To do that was going to be a challenge considering where she was. The trees here had spent many years growing and twisting to reach the grand heights that was they. The determined leopardess wasn't going to be able to simply leap to the top as easily as her other climbing excursions had involved.

No, she would have to climb and climb she would indeed.

In Damu's mind, it was simple. The night was far from arrival but it was now mid-day. She would have several hours to kill before the first stars arrived and those hours were to be spent up in the canopy of leafs. If hungry, a bird would allow her to travel on a full stomach. If thirsty she was counting on the constant periodic rainfall to quench her need for substance. The only real issue was exhaustion; and that could be solved by resting on a stray branch.

Yes, she was going to see the stars. She was going to taste the heavens before the night ended, even if it killed her to do so!

With that resolve the leopardess unleashed her claws with a roar, as if she was going to attack the tree ahead of her. Instead she jumped, and wrapped her burgundy paws around what she could of the trunk. Ensuring she had a good grip, Damu began climbing.

She was fastened onto the trunk and with her claws digging into it's bark as she shimmied her way up, a duo of leopards crossed the ground beneath her. The paced along the bottom of the tree, looking nervous. Agitated even.

"Are you sure it's safe!" The lighter, white furred one of them called to Damu as she moved. "I mean, it's really no big deal! We can just climb up a smaller tree you know!" Sundai turned and bumped his sister's shoulder, ushering her into hopefully also discouraging the leopardess.

"Ow!" Kohi cringed. "I mean, uh, yeah, we can just climb a stupid little tree if you want!"

"Kohi..." Sundai moaned.

"What?" His sister mouthed.

Damu laughed with joy upon reaching the first impressive branch and swinging herself on it. She then proceeded to roll her eyes at the two bickering siblings she had agreed to help earlier.

They too, dreamed of seeing the stars. The younger one of the two, Kohi, had approached Damu and asked if she knew a way to view them. From there the situation wrote itself, with Damu agreeing to escort them to the top of the tree by nightfall to view the stars.

They however, had not anticipated such a large tree for them to climb. Sundai for one was horrified at the idea, and would rather bypass it altogether. Yet Kohi got her way, again, with her desire to follow the adventurer leopardess up the tree as well.

In fact, Kohi had approached the base, and began to also crawl up with a grin a mile wide upon her features. "What's taking you so long bro, hurry it up!"

Sundai sighed heavily but eventually with his hesitant nature followed his sister, who was moving to where Damu was waiting for them. The red leopardess was patient and didn't fuss but merely watched as her companions climbed to reach her. "Alright." She told them as they reached her. "From here on out I'm we're not to stop climbing until we run out of energy. Which may be sooner then you think." The trees were huge but climbable and although it was mid day Damu was aware of how slow one could climb. They would have to be careful with their timing though, for if they climbed too fast they would be waiting a few hours longer for the stars to start showing.

"Alright". Sundai nodded, believing Damu as she knew what she was talking about. He also approved of her logical decision on how to handle the trek.

With his final input the trio began to climb. First, Damu as she was the one in charge of the operation. Her stone face contained a certain glee as she moved. Directly below her, the second of the trio was Kohi, excited and determined. She felt no fear, much to the dismay of her brother. He was last of the trio, a few good feet below Kohi, for her sake. Sundai's nerves for Kohi's safety rung loud and true as they went.

They past a few giant branches before Kohi felt a ping of exhaustion. Sundai having observed this was quick to suggest they stop. "Let's take a break." He told Damu, who although was still filled with her energy and endurance was willing to halt her journey for the others tailing her.

"Sure." She recoiled back down to the nearest branch.

"Whew... That's... Some tough climbing." Kohi gasped and wheezed.

"Maybe we shouldn't do this." Sundai repeated his famous line.

"I can make it!" The black pelted female hissed back. She hated being belittled and treated as a child. "How much further is it?" She asked Damu.

The adventurer amongst them turned her gaze skywards and with a hum her eyes met Kohi's to inform her. "We have seven more branches to reach before the top is near." The defeated expression of Kohi's face told Damu that the adventure was maybe worth postponing.

"If it's too difficult for you then-"

"I can do it!" Kohi repeated in a slightly agitated tone. Her broken leg had only recently healed and she wasn't used to this much exercise all at once.

"Alright. Take your time though, there's no rush." Damu was concerned for Kohi as she had never been so exhausted so earlier into an adventure before. She was aware not all leopards were like that but wasn't certain of what a regular leopards energy level was.

Regardless of the break, the group continued to climb.

"Are we... There yet?" Kohi asked between gulping breathes of air. They had past eight, no, twenty of those stupid large branches by now and Damu said no word of the top being close.

"It's almost nightfall." Sundai also pitched in. The sky had turned a silky blue with orange blooming from the bottom and black rising from the top. Soon, the moon would rise and they would have but a few minutes of grace before the first stars peaked.

Damu was situated on a branch that curved outwards slightly, looking over the jungle in awe. This tree stood taller than the rest, it was no wonder as to why it was taking so long to climb it. That, and Kohi being so very slow made it difficult.

The adventurer felt the timing was perfect however. "We're almost there. Just up here." She motioned to a collection of branches surrounded by green foliage.

Damu went up first, followed by Sundai who past his sister and then Kohi upon catching her breath. The sight, was breathtaking. Star coated the outer layer of sky, while below them the sun was still taking it's set. The jungle was seen from all angles and even the savannah should you dare to squint.

"wow." Kohi gasp, her brother mad with a grin. Damu even poised a smile at the accomplishment.

"We're here." She told them. "The top."

1,286 words