(This takes place when Styxx and Maite/Aren were cubs)

Shadows fell over the valley as the sun just began to peek over the high walls. It was so early, few were awake so it had been easy for a thin cub to slip out of the dens and away from the pridelands.
Styxx moved as quickly as he dared. No, that wasn't accurate, he moved as quickly as he could. The wounds from the physicians' controlled burns had finally scarred over but still hampered his walking. And Galen's brutal training over the past few days had been rough. Not that the rogue wished to be so hard on him, but the older male only had the choice of beating his lessons into Styxx, or being punished himself by Styxx's father. Galen... wasn't actually a bad sort, not when he caught glimpses of Styxx's defects. Galen, like many other rogue slaves of the Dal'ek lords, didn't understand the purging of individuality and the majority of one's feelings. That the cub continued to show bravery instead of blind obedience and compassion even at such a young age and after all the torment he'd been through, elevated him in the slave's eyes.

Styxx finally found himself at a break in the trees, a small stream cutting its way, holding the forest at bay. His mouth and throat were suddenly noticeably dry, the tissue torn by deprivation and abuse. He'd been able to ignore it, but the call of the water was all it took to have the thirst rear its ugly head with a vengeance.
Stumbling, he made his way over the the edge of the bank and lowered himself to the ground, his head all but falling into the water. It was cool and clean and he'd never felt anything better in his entire life.

The sound of someone approaching had him jerking straight, moving back from the source of the sound, moved into a ready stance. His father's slave would be proud, at least he was learning from his lessons.
Styxx hadn't expected another cub to move into view, much less a female. In less than it took for either of them to blink, he knew what she was. If not for the brilliant markings on her coat, the mark on her chest that they were known to pass through families, he would have just needed to see the diaphanous scarf of a soft lilac that wrapped around her shoulders and draped over her back. No Dal'ek would wear anything but practical battle gear, and they certainly wouldn't allow a slave to wear such either. She might have been a rogue, there were still some that lived or wandered into the valley, but no, there was no doubt in his mind that she was a young Time Lady.
His only saving grace was that while he could recognize her, there was nothing that betrayed him as a Dal'ek. He was too young for armor and had been cursed by the gods to bear a mark when true Dal'eks should not.

Her eyes widened as they met his and he knew what would come next.
"Please don't scream," he rushed out, his damaged voice cracking halfway through his short plea. She took a step back and continued to stare at him with terror in her eyes.
"What's wrong with you?" The question seemed to blurt out of her maw, something that apparently wasn't what she should have done, if he read the way her jaw snapped shut as soon as the query left it. Styxx had no idea what she was asking about until he realized she wasn't looking at his face. Her gaze was fixed on his side, where no fur would ever grow again. Just ugly, stretched and taunt skin. His ears flicked back.

"Scars, I was burned, s'all. Not contagious." The male cub replied and Aren immediately felt a million times worse for having asked it. He looked embarrassed by it, even ashamed and she just felt absolutely horrible. Imagine her surprise, coming to her favorite reflection spot, only to find someone else there, a boy-cub her age and one who didn't seem to be a Time Lord. Was he a rogue? That seemed likely. He sort of talked like one.

Her initial shock dissipated, she took a step towards him, her ears folding back in shame when he backed away a step to match her.
"I'm sorry, I didn't... I just... I mean I've never... I'm sorry." She sighed, feeling lower than dirt. She watched him look off for a moment, though she had the feeling that he was still keeping an eye on her. Then he nodded and she relaxed slightly. He seemed skittish still, though. He probably hadn't expected to see anyone here.
"I'm sorry I scared you, too. I come here for alone-time." She'd meant it as an apology, idle chatter, but knew she'd done something wrong again when he glanced back at her and she watched something leave his eyes.
"I'll leave you alone, then," he replied and her eyes snapped wide. No! She didn't want him to leave! He looked hurt and tired and he'd been here first, after all!
"No, no it's okay. You were here first. I'll leave..." she trailed off and tilted her head a bit. "Unless you don't mind if I stay?"

Did he... mind if she stayed? Styxx blinked a few times, not sure he understood her question. She wanted to know if she could join him. That... was very unexpected.
Not sure he could trust his voice not to crack again, he slowly nodded. He watched as she smiled - dear gods, she just smiled at him - and sat down in the shade of one of the trees nearest the stream.
"My name's Arenmamyara, what's yours?" No, of course she would ask him his name. His very Dal'ek name. Short and harsh was the way his pride preferred it. No, he didn't want her to know, she would just run away, or worse scream for help.
But then... would that be so bad? They might capture him, maybe enslave him at worst. Or they might kill him. Would that be so bad in comparison to what he was already dealing with?

He mentally shook the maudlin thoughts from his mind. Lie, he told himself, any other name.
"Ettore." Galen had spoken once of someone he had known by that name, out in the roguelands. It was very much not a Dal'ek name, and far too short to be a Time Lord's. She studied him for a few heartbeats, causing the panic to rise once more. Had she seen through her lie? Did she know? Would she scream and run for help? Even if he thought he could outrun a full-grown Time Lord - and Styxx was definitely smart enough to know that wasn't the case - he'd be ten times the fool to think he could do so in his current condition. Frankly, he was at this girl's mercy.
"You don't look well." He blinked at her comment and watched as she flushed beneath her fur. "I mean... I didn't mean it like that." She ran a paw over her small tuft of a mane and shook her head. "Are you all right?"

That... He hadn't been expecting her to ask that, to show concern for him.
"I'm fi-..." The words caught in his throat and he finally just shook his head. "No, not really."
The concern he saw cross her face shocked him. They were strangers, how was it that she could look at him like that when his own mother never had?
"Can I help?" Her concern had shocked him. Her question all but knocked his paws out from under him. Styxx could feel his tongue twist as he tried to just comprehend her question, much less form a coherent answer to it.

His silence must have grown too long, for her ears started to droop again.
"Ah, I... I wouldn't know how," he finally blurted out and she tilted her head. "I... just need to rest for a while."
"Okay, then rest. I'll make sure nothing bothers you," she replied with a smile and a nod. Styxx released a sigh of relief and slowly lowered himself back to the ground, half in and half out of a patch of dim sunlight.
"Can I sit with you?" the girl asked, once more drawing his attention to her. She was pretty. No, he would probably say she was beautiful if he ever learned the meaning of the word. She looked soft all over and the feelings she kept showing him, it was like the midday sun on his fur after a cold, rainy morning. He suddenly wanted to never leave this spot.

Ettore's head dipped in a small nod and Aren felt her heart warm. She'd never once met a creature who was afraid of her, and yet he acted like she might lash out at him at any moment. It broke her heart to see. Slowly and carefully, she moved to his side
"Careful." She caught his hushed warning and tilted her head, both in confusion and so she could look at his face. He gave her a barely perceptible, crooked smile. "I'm all wet."
Aren melted even more over his misplaced concern. She raised one paw, intending to brush his mane from his eyes, but she paused when he flinched.
"It's okay, I promise I'm not going to hurt you." She tried so hard to be as gentle and slow as possible as she carefully slipped the dripping mane from his eyes. The shockingly blue gaze watched her with an intensity she couldn't name. She brushed her paw through his mane again and watched as his eyes fluttered closed.
"Just a little rest..." His words were slow, tired. By the gods, she wanted to know what had happened to him. He was her age for crying out loud! And he bore burns on his side, half-healed claw wounds on his chest, and who knew what else she couldn't see. He seemed so weak, how could anyone have brought him to this state?
"Take all you need," she replied softly, feeling him relax beneath the stroke of her paw.

After the silence between them began to grow, she wondered if he hadn't fallen asleep.
"Ettore?" Her words were the softest of whispers. When he didn't respond at all, she let her paw fall and curled up at his side, watching over her troubled new friend.

Styxx regained consciousness to the feeling of something soft and warm pressed against his face. For less than a heartbeat, he burrowed deeper into the comforting body, the scent of lioness and flowers filling his senses, only to have his training kick into gear like a blow to the head.
In an instant he was jerking to his feet and moving several steps away from where he'd been lying. Only when he saw the terror in the Time Lady's eyes did he remember what had happened this morning.
"I'm sorry," he hissed out, his voice still sore. All the aches and pains that had fled in his panic resurfaced, nearly sending him back to the ground. Despite what had happened, though, she just sat up and gave him a smile that felt like forgiveness.
"It's okay. I'm just glad you're awake. I was starting to worry a bit..." How long had he been asleep for? Styxx's eyes traveled heavenward, looking at what he could see of the sky. It was blue now, the sun had risen, but it didn't seem too far along. So he wouldn't be in... too much trouble. What boggled his mind was that he'd been able to sleep at all. It wasn't something that came easy to him, not when there was always the chance of being pounced or beaten in an impromptu training session. Coupled with the nightmares he had of the time he'd been left with the physicians... Yeah, sleep wasn't his friend.

"I..." What could he say to the girl who'd soothed him, to the one who had shown him more kindness than he'd ever had in his life so far combined? "I'm sorry if I scared you."
"It's okay, really."
"No, it's not."
"Well, if you want to make up for it..." Ah, there it was. Nothing came from nothing. He should have known she would want something for the comfort she'd given him. "I come here in the mornings, every three days if it's not raining. You could make it up to me by coming back."
Styxx couldn't have been more surprised if she'd turned into a bird and flown away. His mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water as he tried to figure out how to respond. His heart began to race, but not at all from fear. He should be suspicious, he should wonder what reason she could have for wanting him to come back. It could be a trick, a trap.
And yet... Gods, all he wanted was someone who didn't hate him, who didn't abuse him over and over again. For all his father and the physicians had tried, there were some things that Styxx still held onto, one of them being the hope that one day someone would care about him. That someday he would be free of this place. Hopefully before they finally managed to break what was left of himself.

His silence must have grown too long, for her posture began to droop.
"You don't have to, really, I just thought-"
"I'll be here," he interrupted before she could continue. Her face brightened almost immediately and it made his heart beat all the faster.
"I can't wait!"

(WC: 2,28 cool