User ImageVelveteen Angel: Vorona’s wounds had healed slowly, but they were fading now. The marks still littered her body but they were not as angry and agitated as they used to be. Her body was healing but her mind was still fractured. Though the pack was growing, she had forbidden all who had joined from travelling the mountain. They would stay grounded until she had appeased the mountain. She couldn’t risk another landslide, but at the same time, she wasn’t sure how she was supposed to appease the mountain.
She sighed as she slowly patrolled the trail up the mountain, stretching her legs and trying to stretch the muscles in her back leg which felt seized up and sore.

Sabra Knight: Hmm...not the right one. Pushing through the cool grasses that were covered in the dew from the high mountains Marichi continued his search. Finding herbs had been hard enough, but with the morning mist his search had taken another turn. Sighing the dog sat back on his paws and itched his nose lightly, "Definitely not the right one."

Still his curiousity to continue seeing exactly all this new mountain had to offer him was strong. Finding the rare herbs were his priority after all and after finding the rare patch on their own Marichi was determined that there should be more on this mountain. It was a perfect place for a healer with a passion for herblore like him.

Velveteen Angel:
Vorona had gotten used to not being able to see when the mist was around, and so her sense of smell had heightened to a higher degree. Despite the fact she could not see him, she could smell a stranger to their lands. She hesitated, knowing that the stranger was in the mountain area. Damn, that stranger was just going to endanger himself and possibly them too. She stalked towards the smell, her annoyance obvious but her pace was wonky as she limped.

“Hey!” She yelled out before she even locked a gaze on him. “What are you doing?

User ImageSabra Knight:
Browsing through the undergrowth Marichi felt a chill down his spine as a breeze rustled past. Something about this mist being so thick made the wilddog think of his pup days when his mother told spirit stories at night. Would there be spirits and gods on this mountain as well? As soon as the thought crossed his mind the dog was startled by the other's yell.


He really cursed the mist now. Not being able to see was startling but Marichi had to swallow his fear, "What?" Barking back he moved through the thick mist until the form of another could be vaguely seen, "I'm researching." Slipping down on the loose earth at his paws Marichi moved forward, "Is that a problem?"

Velveteen Angel:
Vorona moved swiftly and confidently, though her limp was still obvious. She barely slipped on the loose dirt but she heard him do it. She frowned, ugh, he was going to ruin everything.

“This mountain is unsafe! You shouldn’t be here!” She snapped, finally coming into view. Her pale figure was almost swamped by the mist, almost invisible but her front paw markings stood out starkly. Her posture was stiff and defensive – realising now that she was alone in the mist with a stranger. What if he attacked? Damn it, she should have brought Aleu!

Sabra Knight:
Marichi tilted his head in confusion. For someone who was warning him of danger she seemed rather upset about it. The pale wilddog shook his head at the figure as she slowly started to appear before him, "Isn't that my own risk?" He replied firmly as he slowly took a step forward, "No one can live by hiding from every danger in life."

He smiled faintly, an awkward attempt to try to make friends, and made certain to keep a safe distance between them. After all the wilddog wasn't one to fight and prefered to avoid such troubles. He had no idea about this other dog...though something about her movement was off. His healer's instincts were picking out the limp and the dog frowned. Was she injured....from something bigger? No...he didn't smell blood. Marichi frowned. What was this dog's problem then?

"As it is if it's so unsafe shouldn't you be somewhere safer?" He nodded hopefully, "I can walk with you if you want, but I'm coming back here. I'm a healer and the herbs here are amazing for my art."