User ImageVelveteen Angel:
Ishara was perched half way up one of the scraggly trees in the colony. Her body had grown into a more leopard shape, though her lion heritage was still obvious due to her large frame and her paws were still too big for her frame, showing that she would someday grow into quite a large feline. Someday. For now, she still looked gangly and a bit awkwardly framed. The quiet female was contemplative.

Her brother had spoken to her at great lengths about her ‘gift’ and she was slowly coming to understand her dreams…but the previous night she had dreamt of fear. She couldn’t remember any of the images, just the feeling of being afraid. She wasn’t even sure it was a vision, it might have just been a nightmare. Ugh, why was this so complicated? She huffed to herself, and stared out at the colony landscape with annoyance.

Painted Moose:
It wasn't often that Gaige visited the area now that he was older, but under the supervision of his elder half-brother, Celes, he did pay his respects. He had fattened up some thanks to his father's efforts, but it still wasn't enough to take the gaunt look from the youth's cheeks. His eyes no longer contained a childhood innocence, and were, quite simply, chips of jagged amber.

His long, lean legs perused the area looking for the familiar form of his sister when he spotted something far more fair. Or rather, a pelt so vivid Gaige could never have forgotten it. He clucked his tongue in a smirk. "Hey, fatty. How did you get even get up in that tree without breaking a branch?"

Velveteen Angel:
Ishara hadn’t notice his approach, caught up in her own thoughts but the sound of that voice – that unforgettable voice- her entire body seized up in fury. Her eyes scanned for him and locked onto the familiar form (though he too had grown).
“Oh go eat a crocodile,” she snarled, her eyes narrowed. “What are you doing here?” He was a pureblood (pureblood devil, surely but pureblood none the less), what was he doing in the Koti?

Painted Moose:
Gaige came to a resting stop just south of her branch so he wouldn't have to crane his head too far back to see her. His mane was growing in thick, but unruly; just like the rest of him. "I could ask you the same question. I thought you were with your Nanny." Or was that pink spotted leopard here too? She had certainly filled out in a way that was both pleasing, and vexing. It made him wonder, and Gaige had no use for that. "If you want to know so badly my father lives here, same with my sisters and brothers. Now you."

Velveteen Angel:
Ishara groaned, sounding pained. “You’re kidding me?” She said, shaking her head and looking down at him, looking frustrated and baffled. “My older brother and his mate live here. My mother sent me to stay with them for a few weeks.” She rolled her eyes. “Of all the areas in the savannah, our families have to share a pride.”

She stared down at him. “Do you live here now, or are you just visiting?” He had grown up, but he looked as wild as he had as a cub, though he looked a bit more civilized now. He wasn’t trying to eat her, so that was an advantage.

User Image
Painted Moose:
Cocking his brow, he couldn't help smirking. "The Gods really must hate you, or maybe you're blessed. I wonder if your flesh tastes the same as it did when we were younger." Not that he could remember what her ear had tasted like, but he did recollect the act. It brought a full fledged smile out on the male; one of his more pleasant looks.

Pacing around the base of the tree, Gaige gave it a few test picks with his claws before pulling himself up onto a low branch. It was casual, but he meant to move closer to her, whether she liked it or not. "Visiting until I'm caught. I've heard a few members don't react kindly to purebloods passing in and out."

Although, he almost wanted them to try and catch him. The fight would be delicious. "What does your brother do here?"

Velveteen Angel:
Ishara shifted, moving slightly back as he pulled himself up. She didn’t trust being too close to him, though she felt as if she could at least talk to him now. Back when they were younger, she only felt fear. Now she felt as if she could at least…push him out of the tree if he annoyed her. She smirked to herself, but spoke to him calmly.
“Why stick around then if you know you’re bothering people?” She asked, almost as a double edged question, though he wasn’t really bothering her yet. “My brother is a Neuvoston Jasenet,” she explained, knowing that it was one of the higher ranks but not the highest.

Painted Moose:
He worked his way onto another branch with the use of his ragged claws. The skin around them was swollen, caked in what looked like mud from a distance, but was actually dried blood. Gaige's voice was rough from misuse. When he wasn't screaming, he was only used to making guttoral, primal noises. "Because it makes my family happy." Otherwise he would have feasted on them long ago, which was still a possibility. It was odd; the place where he felt the most wanted was also the place that wished to enslave him, and that chaffed him more than anything. He was just below her then, one branch down, at an angle so that he could touch her should he wish. "Impressive. He's not completely useless then. Your bloodline is weak and thick so I could only assume he would have been a useless sack of meat."

Velveteen Angel:
Ishara was surprised that he would do anything to make another person happy…maybe he wasn’t so bad…she thought that only for a moment until he spoke again and all that potential ‘niceness’ disappeared at his comment. Her eyes narrowed furiously. She was not an aggressive person but her family was her life.
“Do not talk bad about my family! My bloodline is wonderful, my brother is the son of a god!” She reached out, and flicked one of the smaller branches down to him, attempting to whip him with a branch out of annoyance.

Painted Moose:
He swatted the branch out of annoyance and reached up to grab her paw with his claws. Gaige gave a test tug. "You mean your mother was the whore of a God. Gods are nothing to be proud of!" He said vehemently. "Did he stay with her? Or did he leave your brother to die, as they did my mother?" Whatever calmness the youth had held was starting to slip. His cracks were widening, as was his blossoming snarl. "If a God created a hybrid then your mother was nothing more than a joke in his eyes; a passing round."

Velveteen Angel:
Ishara almost fell when he tugged her paw, but she gripped the branch she was perched on with her other paws to hold herself in place. Her paw was still clutched between his claws though, and she winced at the pain that brought. His words were true though, and she stared down at him with frustration on her face.
“You only see the world in negativity,” she hissed, trying to tug her paw back. “Does nothing make you happy?” She demanded. “Or is your world truly nothing but chaos and destruction?”

Painted Moose:
Gaige twisted his grip, alternating pressure between his claws as if he were playing an instrument. He shook his head, frowning up at her with a curl of his upper lip. "You don't make any sense. Chaos does make me happy. What fun is there in smiles and laughter? It's all false love and empty promises. Think what you want, but I've never lied." He tugged again, giving her a much harder jerk than even he meant to.

Velveteen Angel:
Ishara couldn’t believe him. “How can chaos make you happy?” She demanded, but he tugged at her, and she had lessened her grip because of her shock. She slipped from the branch, yowling in annoyance as she slipped down, feeling her paw yanked out of his claws, cuts forming where he’d held her. Thankfully, her reflexes of leopard heritage were still working, and she twisted, landing solidly on her paws but she landed hard. She hissed in pain, lifting her now bleeding paw up to stare at it. Slowly, her eyes drifted to Gaige. “Well I hope you’re never happy because the world doesn’t need more pain,” she said bitterly, blood dripping from her paw.

Painted Moose:
He stood sneering at her from his branch. The young lion paced, moving back and forth along the short length of the branch as he contemplated jumping down to keep up his assault. Her fall had surprised him as much, and now it transferred into impatient annoyance. "You'll make me very happy one day, I can promise you that." Gaige's eyes widened and his claws dug into the branch. "I'll show you just how enjoyable chaos can be."

Velveteen Angel:
Ishara growled. “You’re crazy! I will never make you happy!” She snarled, though even as she said it she knew it was almost a paradox – if she made him unhappy, he would be satisfied with chaos, if she made him happy, she was doing exactly what she swore she never would do. She could feel the agitation practically making her skin crawl beneath her fur. She threw him a disgusted look and stalked away, but her pace was interrupted by her now injured paw. It sting but it only fed her rage. How could she believe he was civilized now? He was still a monster.
