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[Plot-PRP] The night guard (Avner and Hachiko,fallen allowed

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Intellectual Mage

PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 4:06 pm
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They were safe. She didn’t believe that for an instant and as the sun set, her fears grew. Their first day on this strange new place after the escape. It had to be a trick or a joke, as soon as it got dark enough the blasted cats would surround them and drag them back. Her fear was numb at this point, as was most of her body. Everything hurt and while she was glad to have a moment to rest, dread crept up the back of her throat. Without the distractions of survival, without the adrenalin coursing through her body, everything had a chance to settle in and it wasn’t pretty.

Avner said he would take the first watch so she could get sleep. With hair strings holding her together, she thanked her fellow fallen angel and made a show of going deeper into their temporary shelter. Walking was hard as she favored the throbbing and swollen ankle. Don’t be a burden, don’t get them killed, those words were her mantra. It took great effort but she did find somewhere to sit.

Getting down hurt, really hurt, but then she had a sense of relief. Cold stone against her weeping back created a waterfall of relief. What she really wanted was water to bathe in, to wash away everything that had happened. Finding this place was a blessing, asking for more was just childish. Her poor ankle still throbbed something awful but that was normal. Pain was a constant state of existence, all she’d ever known. It was what told her she was still alive so there was no disparaging it.

As her eyes started to drift closed, her mind went back. To hushed talks of what it would be like to be free of the blasted cats. Conspiracies sweeter than the kindest dreams. The little thrills and joys, being free of the scratches and the torments. What it would be like to laugh without fear, to walk in the dark and not feel like the demons were waiting for you. What it must be like, to even dare to have a child and not fear for it. Knowing the future that waited all that were born, it seemed cruel to her to even think of it. With two of her friends in love, that had been something she worried for right away. That and the cats pulling them apart because joys were not allowed.

Thoughts played as pure exhaustion dragged her into sleep. Her living life had been a nightmare, but what occurred once she closed her eyes was a whole ‘nother beast. How weak she felt, as the blackness gave way to her fears. Once sleep gripped her, there was nothing she could do but want to cry. Unable to force herself awake, she slept curled up for an hour or so as images and feelings rushed her young body.

When it was too much for even the grips of sleep to hold her, Hachiko woke with a yelp as she threw herself forward. Not mindful of her injuries at all, her frenzied gaze went everywhere with her dagger in a death white grip. Slowly she calmed down, seeing as her eyes adjusted that she was safe. As safe as they could be. How sad was it, that she never felt safe in her sleep. Her friends were so strong, it was baffling that they would tolerate her.

Swallowing the cold nausea feeling that engulfed her, she finally stood and limped her way up to where Avner would be standing guard. If she couldn’t sleep, it was the least she could to offer to let him sleep.

Irish Night Fox
You clearly don't have enough to reply too. We were talking about this rp a few months ago, hope you don't mind
PostPosted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 5:27 pm
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Avner bid his comrades goodnight and watched as each moved to their own part of the makeshift camp area they had erected. They walked till a small sliver of sun still hung in the sky, and only then did he stop because he noticed how some of them were wobbling on their feet. He would have gladly trudged through the night, but knew they had had a long enough day. So with what light was left they finally decided on a section of forest to hunker down in for the night. With everyone so tired and not many resources on hand, they didn't have much of a place to sleep. He could see it on their faces though, they didn't care of it was on the ground sleeping somewhere safe was enough for them.

So he had offered the first watch shift so they could catch some shut eye. He was still too jittery to even consider sleeping. He knew if he just gave himself some time to unwind he'd be able to close his eyes. He hated the thought of what images his eyes closed would bring him, but he hoped with their new found freedom his mind would be freed from those oppressing dreams as well. In his core, he knew those hopes were too sweet to be real. He'd just have to face them for however long they decided to plague him. If anything, this could be the start of new dreams.

As his thoughts played with him, he moved in a large circle around the others, securing the area around them. He didn't fully trust this place yet, but who would if you had been in their situation. He'd make sure he slowly made this round every few minuets this evening to be sure they weren't being watched. There was no way he could fight a furrball in his condition, none of them could, but they could possibly get away and hide. He shook his head tossing out the plans and ideas. He needed to start unwinding some before the next person took over his watch.

'I wouldn't relax too much.' The familiar voice seeped from the darkness all around him. Chills ran down Avner's arms as he glanced around quickly. He had prayed and hoped this thing would have stayed back with his other nightmares. 'Ha, thought we'd go away that easy? We're a part of you, we're not going anywhere.' the voice cooed at him, a trace of humor flowing with it.

Avner rubbed his arms, turning away from the darkness and back towards his friends. He didn't have to deal with this right now. He needed to focus on his task at hand. 'Yes, Avner, the ever faithful watcher aren't we? Are we going to be able to save them all and make a name for ourselves? Is that what we want? That's why we were so happy Naya'il stayed behind, hmm?'

“I'm not jealous of him.” Avner hissed between is bared teeth. He whirled around and glared into the darkness, just making out a soft black form out there. Vibrant purple eyes stared back at him as he heard a pleased chuckle wrap around his head. They just stared each other down, anger rising up in Avner, twisting his muscles till the point he was about to jump right out of his skin. He did actually jump when a yelp sounded from behind him. When he landed back on his feet the eyes were gone, to his relief, and he made a beeline back to where he heard the yelp.

He met Hachiko, grabbing her by the arm to stop her from limping forward, “Whoa whoa, sit down, what happened?” he asked, concerned eyes searching hers. He moved her to a softer spot of grass and gently guided her to a sit. He plopped himself down beside her, feeling warmth flow to his feet. He then noticed he hadn't sat in quite awhile.


Irish Night Fox

Chatty Regular


Intellectual Mage

PostPosted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 8:07 pm
As soon as he appeared, she felt a little better. He was real, she was safe with him. Putting her hand on his, purple blending into the night laying on the softer green of her companion. She followed his lead the spot to sit as she worked out what to say. How could she tell him she had a bad dream? It was pathetic she was a child and a burden. Casting her eyes downward to the dirt she told him, "I moved wrong, jolted me up."

Chiding herself for being a baby, she shifted and looked to Avner, putting on a smile for him. "I am wide awake now, why do you get some sleep while you can. Can't keep that pace of yours if you are sleepy too." On second thought, staying up all night might not be a bad thing. While it was a joke on her friend, it was enough to give her a moment of levity.

Gentle laughter followed her statement, a hoarse throaty sound coming from disuse. There was an almost immediate counter to it, a sharp flinch from her right side as if something had bitten her. Just a memory. In the moment she felt she could hear the wind sing as a lash came sailing downward. Curling up on herself she cleared her throat trying to act like that never happened.

"Are you okay, Avner?" As the mirth had died down, her eyes relaxed. Her eyes stung for a reason, they were blood shot and bright with the learned fear the night brought. The greatest monsters she knew lived in the dark.

She had to ask how Avner was, get the thoughts off of herself. It was selfish but she honestly did care. He had the great burden of helping them escape and had kept a better pace than she could have dreamed of. Still, she had to worry. That was a blighted part of herself, a weakness but also what kept the group as strong as they had been. Alone they never would have made it.

Alone SHE never would have made it. What about the others? Lahasha has to have made it, she had to be out there somewhere. The other Fallen that had come out before Avner. Surely there were others. She didn't know them very well, not even their names but it had to be more than the four of them.

All the sacrifices that were made, they had to be for more than three of them plus her sad self. The one that should be here instead of her, Naya'il, wasn't. She owed her life as much to him as to Avner and Tyrone. Her strength, the ones that refused to abandoned her even if she still couldn't help but expect it.

Irish Night Fox
PostPosted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 8:43 pm
As Avner was sitting down next to her, he glanced back into the darkness. He knew it was still out there, but he didn't know where. Not only it, but other night prowlers. What sort of sinister things lived on this island? Would anything meet with them that evening or in the morning? He wish for all their sakes that this was the end of their troubles.. but he wouldn't let his guard down.

He continued to stare steadily at her even when she turned her eyes away from him as she spoke. Though she sounded sincere he knew her better than that- he knew what she was going through. He was sure it was what everyone was going through, “I'd rather not sleep just yet.” she spoke, leaning back against the tree by him. “I have some pretty bad nightmares at night that I don't feel like meeting with tonight.” He glanced at her from the side of his eye easily presenting the same issue she was probably going through and hoping she'd get the hint that it was ok to talk. They were all going through this together after all.

Avner flinched right along with her. He hated the reaction- he hated what they had made them into. He looked at her sadly, she had every right to laugh. She had every right to talk freely. She had every right to feel whatever emotion she wanted, but that was something new they'd have to learn. They'd have to learn to remove the chains from their minds and emotions. He sighed deeply, that would be the biggest lesson for them.

He blinked slowly at her question and took a moment to really search himself. How was he doing? He was holding up about just as well as any one of them- barely. He was tired to the bone, scared of what may become of them, and unsure where the others were. Not to mention completely thrown for a loop on how to deal with the others still left behind. He sighed again as he ran a hand through his disheveled hair, “Truthfully, I think I am so focused on a goal that it's holding me together. Otherwise I am just tired. Really, really, tired.” He looked over her and gave her a weary smile, “But I have a hope now, you know? We're somewhere thats not there and that's what matters. We will figure things out.”

He gave her a soft nod, “You look like a good night of sleep or two you'll be back to normal.” he grinned at that kinda of sort of compliment. At least some attempt to make her feel better. They all needed way more sleep than that to be back to their older selves. The smile faded, they'd need more than sleep to be 'normal'. What did that even mean for them anymore?


Irish Night Fox

Chatty Regular


Intellectual Mage

PostPosted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 5:00 pm
It was something to think about, so focused on her own tree of torment that the forest of the others was obscured. Mulling it over, she didn't speak a word until he suggested that a good night of sleep or so would bring her back to speed. Returning a weary smile of her own she asked him, "Do I have a normal?" Normal felt like constant fear, a poisoned heart beating in her chest and agony with near ever breath. Nothing would get her the heart back, though honestly she didn't miss it. It was just her hope when it was left behind, it wasn't there for the cats to eat. Maybe Naya'il took care of them? Or did they just vanish?

None of it made a whole lot of sense to her. Even when the hushed conspiracy plans were made, she never asked the questions. Firstly because if questioned she didn't want to reveal anything, you can't reveal what you do not know. The truth of the matter was she knew she wouldn't understand, all of it was beyond her and over her head.

Thinking of her nightmares, it was hard to believe the others suffered as well. They were so much stronger then she was, but then this might be more than anyone of them could bear.

The moon caught the chain on his ankle, shining into the corner of her eye. Looking at it she mused allowed, "The chains on our mind are harder to escape then the chains on our bodies." Bringing her knees against her empty chest, she wrapped her arms around herself and placed her chin on her knees. "When I close my eyes, I am back there, like the portal never happened. It feels so..real." With a shudder she slid her chin back resting her forehead against her knees.

She had hope too, before the portal, but now..now she was so tired that it felt like even hope had been taken from her.

Raising her head again her eyes sought out his as she said with a crooked smile trying to push down her own misgivings, "Anywhere is better than there. I know you'll figure it out, no pressure." There was some humor, squeezed out of where it hid deep within her. Avner was the brains of the group for certain. "I am glad I am not alone." Her words were a whisper, revealing a fear of hers that almost reached the level of the cats. Almost.

They stuck with her when it could have gotten them killed, but would this new land seem them leaving her behind to start lives of their own?

Irish Night Fox
PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 4:34 pm
His eyes followed hers to the chain on his ankle. He twisted his knee slightly, watching the light gleam off of it. Looking at it now brought a heavy weight to his stomach. He wish he could have gotten rid of all the evidence of their captivity to keep these sickening emotions from raising up in him, but he knew there was one that would never go. He didn't dare let his eyes fall on the hole in his chest, instead choosing to look up towards the sky, “Just like these chains we will break free. We all have each other, a new hope and a new life. It will take awhile and it will be an intense battle for all of us, but if we have made it this far we will get there.” At her shudder he brought his eyes back down from the sky and onto her. He laid a comforting hand on her shoulder frowning at her words. His voice lowered gently, “I see it too. We just made it out and I know a few of us had hoped the release would mean release from everything, but it'll be in the back of our minds for awhile.”

Avner managed a chuckle, a quiet one but a chuckle nonetheless, “I will figure it out? I haven't been the only one to work on this. Everyone has chipped in.” 'Like Naya'il, hmm? How much of his thunder are you stealing here, Avner?' the dark voice curled around his mind. Avner clenched his jaw tight trying to keep the rising emotion down. Once he was calm he blinked at her in surprise. Did she really think they'd leave her? “Of course not! We're a family now so we don't plan on leaving anyone behind!” He patted her shoulder before looking back at the small space they had claimed. He glanced around the darkness trying to make sure he was still keeping watch even if he was sitting.

Avner mustered a bitter laugh at her comment. She was right, what was their 'normal'? Having been in their imprisoned state for as far back as he can remember, they really didn't have a 'normal'. At least not the kind of normal he'd want for them here. He shook his head, “We get to make our normal. We get to say who we are now.” The words and the hope that brought shone in his eyes as he lifted his to meet hers, “Who are you going to be, Hachiko?”


Irish Night Fox

Chatty Regular


Intellectual Mage

PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 7:43 pm
Settling down, she drew comfort from the gentle touch. Putting her hand on his she offered a small smile and said, "We've had plenty of practice." If she took even a moment to think about her life, fighting and darkness enveloped everything. Even now, besides the bright lights of her friends, everything was as dark as the night that enveloped them.

Lights got a little brighter when Avner chuckles, she could almost feel it herself and a smile twitched. Before she could smile herself she had to look around. Laughing was a serious offense. Certain that nothing was coming out to lash against them, at the moment, she nudged Avner with her shoulder playfully, "You will, I've nominated you." All she had done was run for her life. If Naya'il was there, he and Avner would probably have a city with defenses built up and a day. Maybe a day and a half.

Eyes falling again, it was a guilty relief that he said she wouldn't be abandoned. "I am a burden" Others had gotten hurt before on her behalf, she blamed herself for Naya'il not coming though. She deserved the nightmares, deserved to be back there unlike him. Or anyone else. Not smart, not fast, not brave she wasn't anything.

He seemed happier yet she felt lower, "I don't know who I am, I am not much of anything. Not like you, Thyone, Samm-Samkiel." He'd be so mad to hear her even try to utter Sammy. It never bothered her, for him to be miffed with her. It never seemed to be serious and the closer he got with her best girl friend, the more she enjoyed playfully teasing him.

She wasn't anything like Naya'il, either. To say his name allowed felt like it would invite the blasted cats on him. Names were weapons, say them aloud and someone dear could get hurt.

Everything she ever was would get her or others killed. As far back as she could remember her mother told her she was too soft, too kind. The punishment of others broke her more than most of what they did to her directly. Laughter, more than anything else, that was what she wanted more than any thing. Not more than anything in the world, that would be Naya'il and the others freed, but just a small thing would be laughter without fear.

Irish Night Fox
PostPosted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 10:37 am
Avner stared at her hard. They had been through a lot so he could understand where this pity party was coming from, but now that they were free he couldn't let her continue to think that way, “In what way have you been a burden? Each and every one of us have had some measure of help in this escape. Each of us escaped because of our teamwork and reliance on one another. Now, more than ever, we need one another. The more eyes we have looking and searching the better chance of survival we have. You're no exception to this.” he nudged her back letting her know that though he was serious and offended that she'd even consider herself a burden, he still cared. “Now quit that kind of thinking before it gets you and all of us in trouble. If you keep feeding those thoughts after awhile you will believe it so deeply you really will become a burden because you will just give up or worse, leave us. Which would be a huge emotional burden on us all. We've lost enough as it is.”

“You're free, it's time to do the unthinkable and be happy.” he cracked another smile at her, feeling the surge of emotion that came with it. He was ready for this. He was ready to be deliriously happy and move forward with his life. He didn't know what it would look like or what they would make of it, but he knew he could be happy with whatever came their way.

He frowned deeply at her words, “There you go again belittling yourself again. How are any of us better than you? We all came from the same place with the same physical and some mental scarring. We don't have a place here, but we're going to learn to make our own. You will too, you'll see. You just need to stop these mental games and start looking forward. It's all any of us can do at this point. Once we find each other, a place to call our own, and start settling down, then I know everyone will fall into their own places. We just escaped, we have so much growing to do still.” he grinned to himself, "I can't wait to see what we all become."

He again leaned back against the tree to watch the moon crawl across the sky. Slipping his arms behind his head, he wondered if the others were watching the same moon wondering where their comrades where. He hoped their search tomorrow would be successful or at least point them in the right direction. He was gripping at straws heading in an unknown direction in an unknown land. 'If Naya'il was here he'd know where to go, wouldn't he?' for once he agreed with the voice.


Irish Night Fox

Chatty Regular


Intellectual Mage

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 9:22 pm
He asked a question she had a million answers as to how she was a burden. It was just yesterday they were there, a place she could very easily had done something that could really have harmed them. "If I'd been faster," She started to whisper out. Anyone who didn't make it out felt like her fault.

For a moment she was silent again when he nudged her, shocked a moment by the contact. But that moment past as he started talking. It took the first sentience before she started to retreat balling up tighter. The more he said about her becoming a burden the more she started to feel her eyes water. It was when he said she'd be a huge emotional burden to them all that she fully hid her head in the cradle of her arms trying to block it out. Burden was all she could hear, she her insecurities running rampant.

Was it as true as she saw it, that staying with them was selfish? An emotional burden.

Shuddering, she felt a world away from what he was talking about now. Happiness and hope while she was still living in another world.

Gilt holding her head down as it held her firmly down as well. Unable to look at him, she stayed hidden within her own arms. Emotional burden. Now she could almost hear her 'master' whispering those words. "You'll be great." she spoke to him, but her words were spoke into the the space created between her arms and knees. They felt like an echo in a cavern and while she could heart them clearly it was unclear if he could hear her also.

A future for Avner, Thyone and Sammykins would be bright no matter what. Oh how the other fallen would be so cross with her if heard that name. That at least caused a little grin from her hiding spot. Would she be the one to hold them back? That would be unfair and cruel of her. Emotional burden, the words hammering against the nail of guilt that stayed her tongue.

Irish Night Fox
Sorry for the delay, Hachi refused to talk to me.
PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 6:18 am

Avner raised an eye brow at her answer. If she had been faster? What did she mean. He frowned deeply, “If you had been faster then what? Everything went according to plan- everyone who was suppose to make it out made it out. If you had been faster you would have just made it here a few seconds faster. Makes no difference.” He shrugged slightly. He had been so surprised that the planning had come together as it had. Sure, they had gone over it time and time again, but when you came from such a low place it was hard to see the hope and the chance they had. He was still shocked by it.

He noticed that as he talked her composer changed. He could see her curling up and retreating into herself. What was going on? What he meant for some kind of comfort seemed to be mistaken to her mind. He knew he thought and said things logically, he wasn't the best at verbalizing otherwise, but had he really said something that wrong? He frowned at himself while watching her assuming that, yes, he had said something wrong.

He decided at this point to shut up. He obviously wasn't articulating himself properly and didn't need to make things worse for her. They all had some healing to do still and this helped him to realize he wasn't the healer she needed. He understood that, he wasn't the most compassionate of the group, but he didn't understand where they had all come from and shared their same physical and mental scarring. Either way he wasn't helping her, but harming her more, so he decided with a quick push of his arms and back to his feet that he'd go back to patrolling. “Not sure what I said to do that to you.” he said softly, looking down at her sad form, “but sorry for whatever it was.” He hesitated, wondering if less words would be better now. “I gotta take another walk around. You get some sleep if you can or at least rest. We gotta get moving again as soon as we can in the morning.” Morning. It had been ages since he saw a morning- a sunrise. He hardly had a memory of what it was like, being taken captive at a young age, but if it had been anything like seeing the evening roll in he knew it would be better than sleeping and meeting with his nightmares.

He could get use to being here.

I feel ya! For me it's usually life decides to be rude @.@ No apologies needed.

Irish Night Fox

Chatty Regular

:[ The Fifth Age ]:

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