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Hartense was having a little bit of a lazy day in his new home. He couldn’t be happier that he had found a place that valued his farming skills. He had already planted a ton of seeds and now he was waiting for them to sprout. He looked up at the skies, they hadn’t gotten much rain yet, and if it didn’t rain soon he would have to go out and collect water to water his seeds.

He sighed he didn’t want to do all of that work but he would if it meant his plants would thrive. For now though he was going to sleep under his tree. He was near the edge of the pride, he had yet to make many friends here, really he had only spoken to the leader and his wife.

Maia was moving slowly, she had travelled a great distance from her old home. When the bad lionesses had taken over she was just a youngin. She had been in their control until finally the bad lionesses were over thrown. Of course by then most of her family had already disbursed and she needed to find herself a new home.

Over in the distance she saw another lion lounging beneath a tree. She was excited to see another soul and picked up her pace to get to him sooner. She hoped that he was friendly because it had been ages since she had seen another living soul. She had begun to talk to herself out of boredom and loneliness.

Hart’s ears began to perk before he really even fully registered the noise of another lion nearby. He turned his head to see a pretty grey lioness coming his way. She was had some pretty green on her as well, and Hart did like the color green.

He yawned before he slowly raised himself slowly to a seated position so that he could greet her better. He was pretty sure that she wasn’t a member of the pride, but to be honest he couldn’t be sure he hadn’t met that many others yet.

As Maia got closer to the male she was pleased to see that he seemed friendly. He rose to greet her like a gentleman. Maia found the mannerisms of males to be very important, they told a lot about the males personality and attitude. She had seen many males in her old pride that were unkind and their mannerisms definitely showed that.

“Hello there” she called to him as she approached, she wanted him to know that she too was friendly.

“Greeting” Hart greeted the lioness back. He was sizing her up as she made her way to him. She was a lean lioness with pretty markings, he wondered if she like him liked plants, if perhaps her green connected her to plants the way that he thought his connected him.

“My name is Hartense welcome to Vaeringjar” he wasn’t sure if she knew that she had wondered into a pride but he thought it was best that she knew quickly. The pride was still pretty small but their numbers seemed to grow a little more every day.

“My name is Maia.” She told the male, “It is very nice to meet you Hartense.” She said as she took a seat under the tree that he had been resting under. “Oh this is a pride?” she said she was a little worried and looked around. After the way her old pride had ended she was a little hesitant to be around another, what if there was a hostile takeover here too.

She noticed as she was looking around that there didn’t seem to be much activity perhaps they were just on the boarder of the pride and that’s why she didn’t see another soul in the area.

“Yes we are a pride, though a small one.” He said painfully aware that as he looked around that he couldn’t see anyone else. “I only recently joined myself, but it’s a great place to be. “They actually value my skills here, I am a farmer, a gardener.” Hartense was very proud of his skills and even happier that he had found somewhere that actually valued the skill, most big cats only cared about the hunt.

“Well it sounds like quite the place.” Maia told him. She wanted to know more about the pride perhaps the male would be willing to show her around a little bit. He was still new but that could mean he had a clearer view of the pride, and they could explore together learn about the pride together.

“What do you think of giving me a tour” Maia asked the male. He didn’t seem to be the type to mind. He seemed very friendly and quiet.

“I would be happy to give you a tour Maia. Though I am not sure how good of a tour guide I will be I am still learning the pride myself but I will show you what I know.” He told her. He rose to his feet now, stretching a little as he stood.

“We can start with the farm lands, I have some great plants that I just put some great plants in and I would love to show them to you. I should be checking on them anyways. Right this way miss Maia.” He said turning and heading along the edge of the pride to where the soil was best.

“Sounds amazing” Maia said as she followed behind the male. She wasn’t sure that she shared his enthusiasm towards plants but it would be interesting to see what he was growing and what else the pride had to offer. She wasn’t sure that she wanted another pride, or if she could even feel safe in another pride but it didn’t hurt to take a look and see what they were all about here.

“Thanks again Hartense.” She said as the made it to the farm lands, if everyone in this pride was as kind as him she could see possibly making this place home.