User ImageHalvmane had been busier than normal lately, and so he hadn't had a chance to stop by and visit with his sister as he liked to do. He thanked the Gods that his sister had found a home - and a friend - with Myka. It truly set his mind at ease. There were so many other awful things that happened to female thralls, and if he'd had to worry about that, he wouldn't be able to function.

Halvmane was older than Neska by a few years, and he took his duties as older brother quite seriously. Approaching her den after a long day's work, Halvmane called out softly to his sister.

"Neska, are you home?"

User ImageNeska was home, and she called out softly from the small den she called home.

"Come in, brother!"

Her den was a small offset from Myka's den, a small garden wedged between the two wooden constructs. The garden held all of their shade-loving plants and most of their flowers, and Neska loved waking up with the flowers in sight. It was always a perfect start to her day.

She waited excitedly for her brother to make his way into her little home. It had been quite some time since they'd last visited. Neska always loved to see her brother.

"Halvmane," Neska greeted him as he filed into the den. There was a bright smile on her face.

User Image"Neska."

Halvmane immediately approached his little sister so that he could bump his forehead against her cheek, and once he'd greeted her he took a seat in his customary spot near the mouth of her den. This was how things had always gone. He watched her settle into her modest pile of furs before he spoke again.

"You look well, sister. And your flowers, they're beautiful. Have you been busy?"

They'd been thralls their entire lives, as their mother and father before them, and their mother and father before them. Obedience came easy to their entire family. It made them happy and content.

User Image"Busy, yes! Myka has been sending me out to gather new seeds that she's low on, and I've found a few new plants that Myka didn't have, so that was exciting. It's my favorite time of year, when the flowers start to bloom."

She smiled softly at Halvmane.

"And you, brother? How have you been? Obviously keeping busy, I've not seen you in what feels like weeks! Who are you working for these days? Anyone in particular, or just odd jobs here and there?"

Neska knew the joy that came with serving one mistress, and she wished that someday Halvmane would have that same joy.

User Image"Good, good. I am glad that Myka has found something for you to do that you find enjoyment in." That was a huge relief. Myka and Neska had always been more of best friends than mistress and thrall, much to the relief of his parents - and him, for that matter.

"As for me, no. I have no single master or mistress yet. I have been keeping the sands clean and clear, and working with Meera and Badoura when they receive new thralls from Kjar. We had a female come in a few weeks past who was badly wounded."

Halvmane paused and cleared his throat.

"Miss Gyllene patched her up, and I think she is fine now."

User Image"Gods."

Neska shook her head. She knew that vikings were not always brutal things. Oftentimes there was trade to be had in goods, furs, and sometimes even berrywine. Other vikings were more unsavory, not that Neska found the act of keeping a thrall abhorrent. She didn't. She did not like to see them come in hurt, though.

"Well, thank the Stormlord for Gyllene - and for Badoura. She is a blessing in disguise, I think. A more kind-hearted lioness I do not know."

Aside from Myka, of course, but that did not need to be said.

"Have you heard that Captain Ru is home?"

It was only the hottest current topic in the pride.

User Image"I did hear as much. It is amazing, really, when you think of how he came back with everything that was asked of him. Some of them were a little unconventional, but I think Captain Ruzanski did well in his interpretation of things. It is good that he is home."

As a thrall, it was Halvmane's duty to have no opinion on anything one way or the other - and if he did have an opinion, it was usually a good one, especially when it was in regards to anyone of higher rank than he.

"I apologize for not coming around more often. I will do better in the future, sister."

User Image"Yes, it is good to have the Captain home."

Njal's rise to power really hadn't affected those of the lower echelon. The life of a thrall was far simpler as far as politics were concerned, and to Neska it was really not such a bad thing. She did not have the mind for politics, and likely would not enjoy them even if she had the chance to.

"Do not worry about it, brother. I am well, and I am happy." Neska smiled brightly at her older brother. She waved a paw.

"I only worry that you are well, and happy. It is important to be happy, Halvmane."

User ImageHalvmane chuckled softly.

"I am happy so long as I am busy, and my life these past weeks has been full of happiness."

It was much easier to live his life when he was being told what to do next. Halvmane made a good thrall, an obedient one. His life was simpler that way, and he would never complain so long as he was treated well.

"I will leave you to your rest, then, sister - and I promise that my next visit will not be so far in the future."

Halvmane rose to his feet and moved forward to nuzzle his sister's cheek.

User Image"Very good, Halvmane," Neska chuckled softly and extended her neck so that Halvmane could grace her with a brotherly nuzzle before he left. "It is always so nice to see you, and you know I enjoy your company so very much. Rest well, brother."

After she watched him leave, Neska burrowed down into her bedfurs. The night was often chilly, not that she minded. Myka made sure that she was comfortable enough, and Neska knew that she was a lucky thrall to have a mistress so wonderful as she was.

With a happy sigh, Neska closed her eyes and fell asleep to thoughts of the flowers she'd see upon waking in the morning.