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Southern Pern Wars

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Pern Wars is an AU 10th Pass Dragonriders of Pern RP, where AIVAS was never found and the South separated itself completely the North. 


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Pern Wars

PostPosted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 5:31 pm
Weyr Structure

A Weyr is headed by the Weyrwoman. She is generally the rider of the ranking gold “queen” in the Weyr. If the Weyrwoman dies, or if her dragon ceases to mate due to old age or serious injury, the rider of the next gold to rise to mate will take the position.

The Weyrwoman is the domestic head of the Weyr. She is in charge of all matters that pertain to housing, food, the raising of children living in the Weyr, training, organization and discipline of the support staff of the Weyr, as well as the day-to-day living requirements of the dragons and their riders. The Weyrwoman is also a diplomatic ambassador, responsible for relations to other Weyrs, Holds and the Crafthalls. Most of her duties are administrative, delegating responsibilities to her Headwoman or junior Goldriders.

The Headwoman is the Weyrwoman's primary assistant. The Headwoman is responsible for implementing the Weyrwoman's orders regarding management of the Lower Caverns, where the bulk of the support staff live and work. She is in charge of the cook staff, the cleaning staff, maintenance staff and the fostering staff. She wields a great deal of power inside of the Weyr.

Junior Goldriders are also assistants to the Weyrwoman. All dragons will obey the orders of a queen, unless they contradict the orders of the senior gold. Because of this, all Goldriders must act as figureheads. The junior Goldriders are typically assigned to record keeping, lower level diplomatic duties and sometimes teaching younger gold weyrling pairs. This provides them with important experience for future leadership positions, as each junior pair has the chance to become Weyrwoman on very short notice.

While the Weyrwoman is the domestic leader of the Weyr, the military side is headed by the Weyrleader. Weyrleadership is determined by the mating flights of the senior queen, the rider of whichever bronze catches her becomes the Weyrleader. The Weyrleader is in charge of making sure that the fighting wings are up to strength, and well trained, he also determines the strategy for threadfighting. The turnover of Weyrleadership varies greatly.

The plural Weyrleaders typically refers to the Weyrwoman as well as the Weyrleader himself.

Wingleaders, who are usually bronzeriders, each lead a wing of 12-33 dragons. Each Wingleader has two Wingseconds who may be brownriders or young bronzeriders in training to be a Wingleader.

One of the most important ranks in the Weyr, below the Weyrleaders, is that of the Weyrlingmaster. He is in charge of the training and discipline of the young dragonpairs known as weyrlings. While under his care, weyrlings learn everything from basic dragon husbandry to advanced threadfighting techniques. The Weyrlingmaster must be appointed by the Weyrleaders. The Weyrlingmaster must have a good deal of experience, and thick skin, because as many as 25% of all Weyrlings can die before the end of their training. Weyrlingmasters are usually bronzeriders, though highly respected and very senior brown or blueriders are sometimes assigned to the position.
PostPosted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 5:34 pm
Residents of the Weyr

A Weyr is a place where dragons and their riders live. The capacity of a Weyr varies from 300-600 dragons. However, during a Pass the dragonriders' duties leave little time for any other activity, so each Weyr has a large support staff that can number into the thousands. For the shop story and the ongoing war, Weyrs right now have a maximum of 100 dragons composed of few bronzes and browns, with many blues, reds, and greens since they are fighters.

Dragonriders: Living in weyrs (lower case w, or the individual cavern where a single dragon and his/her rider lives), usually in the cliff faces.

Weyrlings: Young, immature dragons and their riders. Young dragons generally fly for the first time at about one Turn (year) and train with the Weyrling Wing until mature enough to join a Fighting Wing, usually between 1 1/2 to 2 Turns. Weyrling dragonriders may not join a Wing until age 18, no matter how mature their dragon. Weyrling riders who have completed training but are not yet 18 are often assigned messenger or sentry duties until they come of age. They do not have adult level rank/status until they have been accepted into a Fighting Wing.

Lower Caverns staff: Often, but not always, the Candidates who failed to Impress a dragon, or those who have run away from home to live in the more liberal, accepting atmosphere of the Weyr. This includes cooks, servers, cleaning staff for common areas, those who care for the beasts that will feed the dragons, and many others. Lower Caverns workers often satisfy the sexual needs of riders who have lost a mating flight.

Weyrbrats: The children who are born in the Weyr are called (affectionately) Weyrbrats. Weyrbrats may be the children of Dragonriders, Lower Cavern staff or Crafters. It is the tradition in the Weyr that children are not raised by their natural parents, as dragonrider parents do not have time to raise a child while caring for a dragon. This community model also serves to reduce parental favoritism.

Candidates: Young people who are given the opportunity to become a dragonrider. They are chosen through Search, where a sensitive dragon, usually a blue or green, seeks mentally sensitive boys and girls who are of the correct temperament to match minds with a dragon hatchling. The Hatchlings choose, or Impress a Candidate who suits his or her temperamental and/or other (still unknown) needs.

Craftsmen: Assigned to the Weyr by their Craft, Craftsmen serve the dragonriders and support staff as they would serve any Hold. The position is usually a high prestige assignment, and they are autonomous from Weyr structure.

Pern Wars

Pern Wars

PostPosted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 5:36 pm
Daily Life in the Weyr

The day begins early for everyone - as everyone has a job to do around the Weyr, they've got to start early. People will get up before sunrise to make an early start.

Breakfast is the first meal of the day, and so kitchen staff on duty get up even earlier to begin preparing it. Klah, tea, juices and iced water are on offer, as well as fresh fruit, porridge, stew, and freshly-baked bread. As with lunch, breakfast is a buffet-style affair, with the food and hot drinks kept warm on the hearths for people to help themselves to. Riders on dawn sweeps will have a very early breakfast, or eat after sweeps.

After breakfast, the Weyr gets to work. While kitchen staff and drudges clean up after breakfast, other members of the Weyr get to their daily duties. Awake and refreshed, people work hard, though may lag as lunchtime draws closer.

Kitchen staff begin lunch preparations at midday, and the meal is ready after two hours. The menu rarely changes, though different meats and fruits will be on offer depending on season. Bread for sandwiches, cheeses, preserves, nuts and stews are all on offer. Depending on availability of produce, some sweets such as tarts and pastries may be presented. Juice and water are popular drinks. Like breakfast, lunch is served as a buffet. The Weyr eats well, ready for an afternoon of hard work. Lunch tends to last about an hour so that people have a chance to rest.

After lunch, people will either continue with what they were doing in the morning or tend to afternoon tasks. Riders may take some time out to wash their dragons before their duties. People tend not to have afternoons or evenings off - everyone has a sevenday rota with a rest day to spend as they like. Work tends to slow down in the summer as it is very hot, though by the evening it will pick up as the day cools down.

The evening meal is ready at around seven, and is served by kitchen staff. People tend to sit with friends, though the Weyrleaders have their own table, and each Wing has its own table - though riders often sit where they like so as to sit with friends. Sometimes, posted Harpers may play music as entertainment during this meal.

After dinner, which lasts an hour, certain work, such as the clean up of the dining cavern, continues. Others have time for rest and relaxation. Games, such as poker and bridge, usually take place at this time. People will spend time catching up with each other, gossiping and making plans, before going to their beds ready for another day. There is no curfew, though people will usually be worn out by nine or ten, especially if they aren't used to such hard work!
PostPosted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 5:37 pm

Card games are a favorite for the Pernese, with Dragon Poker one of the most common. It is played like traditional poker on Pern, except the four suits are replaced by dragons, riders, holds, and craft halls, with the high ranks (Weyrwoman, Weyrleader, headwoman, etc) for the face cards. Other games are played, such as variances on solitaire, though few of these have official names.

There are also variances played on common Earth sports. Hoopball is a simplified version of basketball, where a ball is put into a net, one at each end, and simplified versions of football and baseball also exist. These are mostly played by the younger residents of the Weyr, though occasionally tournaments are organised for the older folk.

Betting is also a common way of making boring events interesting. How many eggs are laid in a clutch, what colours hatch, which rider will win a flight...if you can bet on it, people will bet on it. People bet with whatever they have on hand, as long as it is accepted by the other person.

Spring Games are one of the most anticipated events in the Weyr calendar. Similar to olympics for dragon pairs, riders compete both in individual events and competitions between wings. What these events actually entail depends on the Weyrleadership at the time, though you can rest assured that they will test the endurance, agility, speed, strength and skill of a dragonpair. They take place every year for a few days, and try to involve as many as possible -- though the main focus is on the riders showing off, there are efforts made to involve the residents, candidates and weyrlings in at least something.

Dancing and music are also a favorite. The Weyr has harpers posted to it, and they provide entertainment during large events. Most Pernese know the traditional dances by heart, for they are often repeated each time. Of course, the best events are Gathers held at the local holds. As many as possible attend these, though not everyone is able to arrange transport. Candidates and weyrlings, not being allowed out of the Weyr, are not allowed to go, so often those weyrfolk and riders in the leadership's bad books are told to stay behind and babysit.

There are also drinking games, but these vary from night to night, and it rarely matters what the actual game entails. Every game does achieve the same result, after all.

Pern Wars

Pern Wars

PostPosted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 5:50 pm

The kind of life a dragonrider lives varies wildly depending on the rank they hold. Rank is generally earned; Weyrleadership keeps a close eye on weyrlings and freshly graduated riders to assess leadership potential. The rider of a ranking dragon is expected to attend to their duties on top of caring for their dragon. This often leaves them with less freetime than non ranking riders.

A dragonrider's life still revolves around their dragon. Their dragon comes first, before anyone else in their life, even a weyrmate or friend. Although adult dragons need less care than growing ones, they still need to be bathed and oiled regularly and there is a lot of dragon to take care of. A dragonrider generally wakes up with the sun and tends to his/her dragon first before himself. After that, there is a bit of free time - depending on the rank they hold - before wing drills or meetings. It's important that their dragon is kept fit and in fighting shape, so daily wing drills and exercise are essential. Their evenings are free to them in a way candidates and weyrlings can only envy. Dragon poker and gambling in general is a favorite evening pastime among dragonriders.

As candidates, people with pets that aren't fire lizards are expected to give up their animals into the care of the Weyr. During an interval, it isn't unusual to see dragonriders with canines or runners but during a Pass, there's simply not enough time. A dragonrider's life revolves around their dragon and their duty. Life on high weyr ledges and the fact that they are out and about most of the day means that having a canine or a runnerbeast isn't exactly practical anyways as both animals require extensive care and attention.

Dragonriders are far more liberally minded than holdfolk. Though it varies wildly from dragonrider to dragonrider, nudity isn't taboo as dragonriders as a group are far less modest than most people. Sex is often discussed quite candidly. Flights are a part of Weyr life, one that effects even the lowest of weyrstaff. When a dragon rises to mate, her emotions deeply effect those involved in the flight and - in the case of queen dragons - sometimes everyone in the Weyr. Riders of female dragons may seclude themselves to avoid awkwardness; a simple locked door is an effective no. Riders are free to seek out their weyrmate; they are under no obligation to have any sort of sexual contact with those involved in their flight and can send them away at any time.

The privileges a rider has depend heavily on their rank. Weyrleaders get the largest and most luxurious weyrs with private bathing areas. Riders of smaller dragons get smaller weyrs, although weyrmates can apply for larger weyrs designed for more than one dragon. Along with Wingleaders and Candidate Masters and Weyrling Masters, they are addressed and regarded with respect by the general populace. Generally, unless you hold a position of authority the color of your dragon does not affect your rank. A bronze wingrider is still just a wingrider, equal to the greenrider next to him. People may treat the rider of a ranking dragon with more respect - they might become Weyrleader someday! - but they hold no real authority unless it is granted to them. A notable exception is made for Junior Weryrwomen as they have different duties and are responsible for the upkeep of the Weyr.

Weyrstaff, candidates, and weyrlings, as well as visiting holdfolk are expected to defer to dragonrider authority. Abusing this authority is punishable but the need doesn't arise very often. Nearly wherever they go, a dragonrider is welcomed and offered hospitality.

Riders can, and often do get pregnant or have children. A pregnant rider will be placed in the Queen's Wing if she wishes to carry the child to term as they don't go between often enough to pose a threat to a the pregnancy. Ranking riders step down during the duration of a pregnancy. Regardless of whether or not a woman decides to have her child, riders do not have time to care for children. Duty to their dragon and their Weyr comes first and so all rider children are deposited into the crèche to be raised by weyrstaff. Visitation is possible, many riders have quite amiable relationships with their offspring, but children cannot be raised in private weyrs. This rule applies to all riders, even Weyrwomen.

Daily Activities
Time for inhabitants of the Weyr can be said to be split into three basic periods, each dominated by a single type of task. These periods of time are: a) sleeping & eating, b) work time, and c) free time. Depending on an individual's rank and responsibilities, an individual within a Weyr will have about six to twelve hours of labor a day, with their remaining hours split between sleep, mealtimes, and recreational pursuits. Individuals of rank within the Weyr will, due to their duties, have respectively less recreational time than other members of the Weyr. Recreation for all members of the Weyr may include the following elements: the care and feeding of pets; attending Gathers or other festive occasions, pursuing hobbies and pastimes, socializing with wingmates, friends and family, or whatever else suits your character's needs or desires. Contact with holders and crafters outside the Weyr is usually rare. Given the political climate, dragonriders find that the company of holders and crafters, unless necessary, is not always comfortable. The first and most basic duty of every dragonrider is the physical and mental well-being of his or her dragon. Dragons must be oiled and bathed every two to three days, though if it is every three, the oiling would have to be very thorough; every second day is best. This chore can take anywhere from one to four hours, depending on the size of the dragon. Dragons only feed once every week or so in normal conditions during an Interval, and once every four days during the stressful conditions during a Pass. Healthy adult dragonriders are expected to take their dragons hunting in the wildlands of Southern rather than feed them from the Weyr's Feeding Grounds. The second concern of every dragonrider must be the care and condition of his or her riding gear: not only must the riding straps remain strong enough to keep a dragonrider (plus gear or passengers) astride during any combination of stressful maneuvers or trips between, but care must be taken to keep the riding gear supple and soft, so as to not chafe or pinch the dragon's hide. Like a horse's saddle, a dragon's riding gear should be custom-fitted in order to rest comfortably astride the dragon's neck and withers and to not restrain the movement of the wings. Straps must cinch securely without restricting the dragon's windpipe or gullet, to allow for respective freedom of breath and firestone digestion/flame control. Once assigned to a Wing, dragonriders are expected toparticipate in all duties assigned by his or her wingsecond(s) or wingleader. These will include sweep rides and patrols of the Weyr's protective territory, wingdrills, and watch duty. These duties will absorb the majority of a dragonrider's workday. Additionally, Wings will be assigned to Search certain areas of the Weyr's territory when needed, and individual, diplomatically-inclined riders may be asked to run errands to other Weyrs, Holds, or Crafthalls as needed. Most of a dragonrider's work time, as well as mealtimes and recreational time, is spent in the company of his or her Wing. This hones the individual's skill in working as the member of a team, and is a prime reason why the bonds between wingmates are an enduring, integral part of a dragonrider's life. The best of the Wings have a secondary familial relationship between the wingmates, and petty feuds between individual wingriders are quickly resolved by wingleaders and wingseconds. More serious quarrels are resolved by the Weyrleader. As a Weyr must be ready for Threadfall (or other emergencies) at all times of the day or night, and in all conditions, periods of labor or flight training will rotate for entire Wings.

Most wingleaders have their Wings conduct drills frequently, as a way of honing and perfecting skills, and practicing tactics that require well-choreographed team maneuvers in an environment more safe than actual Threadfighting. Although there are many kinds of drills, one of the most useful is the simulation of actual Threadfall, in which simulated Thread is dropped from a height in a pattern which approximates the way Thread really falls. The simulated Thread is made of natural vines or rags dipped in a specially made dye which will mark wherhide clothing, human skin and dragon hide, but which will wash off easily. The simulated Thread drills are done in all kinds of weather, in all conditions, since Thread itself will not wait for sunny, windless days. During an Interval, simulated Threadfall is conducted as a competition, often held between different Weyrs, and is taken very seriously as it is the only means of preserving skills which will be vitally needed when Thread returns.

Weyrlings are introduced to the simulated Thread drills during their training, to teach the basics of fighting Thread. During a Pass Weyrs rarely participate in inter-Weyr threadgames, but they DO use the games within the Weyr for practice purposes, to drill new formations, try new techniques, or drill new wing members. Most Wings will fly drills regularly, keeping their formations sharp. One of the common tasks of children, those recovering from injuries, and elderlies is twisting the natural vines and coarse ropes into "Thread". Outworn garments are never thrown away; they become part of the game ropes. Lengths from three to 12 feet are made. The ropes are coated with a special dye specially designed for this purpose - it marks clothing, skin or hide of anything it touches, but can wash off easily. This shows how the rider or dragon would have been Threadscored had it been real Thread. Many Wings make it part of their daily tasks to make ropes for training sessions. The task is fairly easy, and often done to pass time, or to keep hands busy during conversation.
PostPosted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 6:00 pm

A weyrling's life revolves around their dragon. Whatever craft or relationships they might have had before Impressing are shelved immediately after Impression. If a weyrling is injured or having issues taking care of their dragon, one of the masters may step in to lend assistance. Weyrlings are kept apart in barracks and separated from the rest of the Weyr for a good reason: to protect young dragons from emotional damage and to give the new pairs time to cement and become familiar with their bonds.

From the crack of dawn to far past sunset, weyrlings are tending to their dragons and attending lessons. They have very little freetime, especially in the first few months. A growing dragon needs to eat several times a day as well as be bathed and oiled daily. The older a dragon becomes, the less time-intensive they become. Older dragons are able to hunt for themselves and don't need constant reassurance. Just like in candidacy, weyrlings are expected to participate in threadfall at the Weyr. Before they are old enough to go between and ferry stone, this means they are in the infirmary or working the firestone pits alongside the candidates.

Weyrlings are beneath all dragonriders in rank. Even weyrlings of ranking-colored dragons are expected to defer to the authority of older dragonriders as well as ranking weyrstaff. Despite this, weyrlings do hold a small amount of authority. They can ask (not command) candidates and drudges to aid them in simple tasks like bathing their rapidly growing dragons. This is not a privilege that should be abused; candidates are not servants and their eagerness to be near dragons should not be exploited too heavily.

Weyrlings who put themselves - and by proxy their dragons - in danger will be reprimanded and punished. Although weyrlings are excluded from expulsion from the Weyr for poor behavior, this does not mean they are immune to consequences. But what can be inflicted upon them is severely limited due to the presence of their dragons. Extra chores, especially dragon latrine duty, are standard. Weyrlinghood, much like candidacy, is part of a well-oiled machine designed to turn awkward young men and women into fighting dragonriders. As such, insubordination and misbehavior is not tolerated.

Pern Wars

Pern Wars

PostPosted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 6:05 pm

For some, becoming a candidate is a complete lifestyle change with a healthy topping of culture shock. Whatever rank they might have held at their hold disappears the moment they take up residence in the barracks and they are expected to work just as hard as anyone else. For those raised in the Weyr, it's not too much of a change from normal.

Candidates wake up early in the morning and are expected to report to their assigned chores for the day as soon as they have eaten. In the afternoon, there is often a lesson to be attended. Candidate masters (as well as other Weyrleadership) keep a close eye on behavior during these periods. Any sign of insubordination or other misbehavior is responded to swiftly. The Weyr is a military institution, not a happy-fun-time dragon factory.

All candidates are expected to participate in the Weyr during threadfall. Traditionally, the girls go to help in the infirmary, and the boys to the firestone pits, but as long as they are helping out in one of these places, who goes where is not strictly enforced although candidates with healing experience are strongly encouraged to report to the infirmary.

Those who come to the Weyr as crafters will generally not have the time to practice their craft in the fashion they are used to. There is free time, yes, but not enough to continue their studies as well as be a full-time candidate.

Many candidates have firelizard pets, which are perfectly fine, although they are expected to behave along with their owners. However, those who come to the Weyr with canines or runnerbeasts go into candidacy informed that should they Impress, they must find another home for them. Hatchling dragons take up all of a weyrling's free time; there is no time for the care of animals who cannot fend for themselves.

Except on special occasions (gathers and feasts and so forth), the consumption of alcohol is highly frowned upon, especially among younger candidates. There is a strict ban on the substance in the barracks and if a candidate is caught drinking during work hours, there will be consequences.

Just slightly above a drudge in rank, Candidates are on the bottom of the totem pole at the Weyr, no matter the rank they might have held before they were Searched. Candidates defer to dragonrider authority in nearly every case. Even a non-ranking Greenrider has a degree of authority over candidates. Misuse of this authority is punishable, but if a dragonrider asks you to do something - within reason - you are expected to hop to it.

They are expected to work, and work hard for their keep. Candidacy isn't a free ride through to the next hatching and many hopefuls leave in disgust when they get a good grasp on the amount of effort involved to stay eligible for a dragon. Chores take up nearly all of a candidate's time, and they are often rotated so each candidate experiences every aspect of the Weyr. Candidates are expected to be physically fit and capable of labor. Months of training can mold even the softest and laziest of candidates into competent workers. Candidate masters stress the danger of the life they are going into, hoping to weed out those who wouldn't take it seriously. Candidacy is designed as sort of a pre-weyrling class to prepare young men and women for the hard work and horrors they will experience if they manage to Impress.

The one major privilege of candidacy is, of course, Standing for a hatching. From the beginning, the candidatemasters stress that Standing is a privilege and not a right. This privilege can be revoked in the event of extreme insubordination. Candidates can - and have been! - sent back to where they came from without ever having stepped foot on the sands.
PostPosted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 8:40 am
Weyr Heirarchy

Senior Weyrowman
The Sr. Weyrowman is the one who was previously Weyrwoman but has now retired. She is still highly respected by the Weyr as a whole, even by the Weyrwoman and current Weyrleader. It is she who is the one the Weyrwoman or even Junior Weyrwoman/man can come to council in any matters. With her experience she can help run specific things if the Weyrwoman needs such helps, such as running the weyrbowl during a Fall. Working with the Headwoman in matters of day to day Weyr needs, even taking a part in the creche. Or in tough situations such as dealing with the Lord/Lady Holders or even those of rank within the Weyr. Or may even be the one to visit the sister Weyr if matters call for an audience between Leaders. Depending on the physical health of both retired Gold and Sr. Weyrwoman they may even take Wingsecond in the Queens' Wing, or even temp Wingleader during Falls. Though her Gold may not clutch anymore does not make the Sr. Weyrwoman any less of an authority figure.

The Weyrowman is the one in charge of all things dealing with the Weyr. The position will always fall under a Goldrider, either by transfer of another Weyr if a Weyr does not have a Goldrider to take the position, as is common during an Interval, or when the current Weyrowman steps down or dies and the next Gold of the Weyr to rise first becomes the next Weyrwoman of the Weyr. The Weyrwoman is the one in charge of teaching any Junior Weyrwoman the duties of a weyrwoman. It is the Weyrwoman who works along side of the Weyrleader in the care of the Weyr. She is the one who will work with the Headwoman in the supplying of the Weyr. It is the Weyrwoman who leads the Queens' Wing during Drills and Falls, or who will assign a Junior to lead the Wing. They are also in charge of checking in on all injured Riders or Dragons, both during an Interval and a Pass. The Weyrwoman also makes sure that the firestone reserves are always full.

The Regent is a name given to those who are bonded to a Copper Queen, because Golds will not obey a Senior Copper like they would a Senior Queen this position is only possible if there is no other Gold in the Weyr. They will be titled Weyrman as it's been seen that men Impress Coppers than female, or as it may be, Weyrwoman. Working as is tradition at the side of the Weyrleader. With all the same responsibilities of a Goldrider who is Weyrwoman, until a gold is born who will take the position of Senior Queen of the Weyr.

The Weyrleader is in charge of all things dealing with the Wings, Drills, and care of Dragons and their Riders. The position will always fall to the Rider of the Dragon that catches the Senior Queen. While this falls mainly to any Bronze or Silver-rider, there is the rare occasion that a Brown or even Blackrider may find himself/herself as Weyrleader. Because this rank can fall to any Rider after any flight, the Weyrleader is ranked below the Weyrwoman but above everyone else. It is the Weyrleader who leads the High Wing, the Wing that is the first and last out of any Fall unless the Weyrleader becomes injured and his Wingsecond or Third has to take over. Generally if the Weyrleader is hurt during a Fall a Weyrsecond will be assigned before the Fall to take over in his/her place until he/she recovers. It is the Weyrleader who works with the other Wingleaders when Drills are scheduled or Fall is due. It is mainly the Weyrleader who speaks with Lord Holders or Craft Masters but generally they work with the Weyrwoman under such circumstances.

Junior Weyrwoman/man
The title Junior Weyrwoman/man is always given to a Gold or Copper-rider who is not the Weyrwoman/Regent. They are the ones who work with the Weyrowman/Regent and help run the Weyr. A Junior Weyrwoman's/man's responsibilities are in sense the very same ones as the Weyrwoman/Regent for they may have to lead in her/his place if she/he is injured, sick, or her/his Queen is due to clutch or has eggs on the sands. They can be assigned to teach any new Gold or Copper Weyrling pair, or even lead the Queens' Wing during Drills or Fall, working with the Weyrleader and Headwoman if ever needed. They are also in charge of checking in on all injured Riders or Dragon both during an Interval and a Pass. The rank of Junior Weyrwoman/man is below the Weyrwoman /Regent and Weyrleader but above all others in the Weyr.

Junior Weyrleader a.k.a Weyrsecond
The title Junior Weyrleader known commonly as Weyrsecond is the Rider of the male Dragon who flew the Queen of a Jr. Weyrwoman/man. They are the ones who work with the Weyrleader and help run the Wings. A Weyrsecond's responsibilities are in sense the very same ones as the Weyrleader's for they may have to lead in her/his place if she/he is injured, sick, or her/his Dragon is injured or sick. The rank of Weyrsecond is below the Weyrwoman /Regent and Weyrleader but equal to a Jr. Weyrwoman's/man's and above all others in the Weyr.

The Wingleader is as the name entitles, they are the ones in charge of a Wing of Wingriders. Leading the Wings through Drills and under the event of a Pass, lead them through Falls. It is the Wingleaders who work with the Weryleader and other Wingleaders, outside of that they are in charge of how they run their Wings and who they will or will not allow to join their Wing. It is the Wingleader who picks his/her Wingsecond and Wingthird. To gain this rank one will be looked over by the Wingleaders who will by vote be brought to the Weyrleader. The Weryleader will then either agree or disagree with the Wingleaders, if they agree the Rider will be brought forth before him/her and the Wingleaders and granted the rank. This rank is held only so long as the Wingleader is found worthy of his/her position. They can be taken from this rank though such events are rare. A Wingleader can, under the event that the Weyrleader gets hurt during fall, recovering, or ill to lead in his/her place during Falls.

Wingseconds and thirds are the second-in-command of a Wing. They are the ones who will help in Drills or Falls. They are also the ones whom the Wingleader can place in charge of their place if they are sick or injured. Sometimes the Wingleader will do so to see that they are still up to the task and worthy of the rank. To get this rank one must be picked by the Wingleader. They will hold this position as long as the Wingleader sees they are the best for the job. To have this rank taken is rare but not as rare as a Wingleader losing his/her position.

All Riders are considered “Wingriders”, placed in a Wing and put under drills when the Wingleader calls for it. Outside of a Wing every Rider has a secondary job. During the time of a Pass they only focus on Drills and Falls. It is the Dragon Wings that take out the bulk of Thread during a Pass. And because day Falls are much more constant than night Falls, they can not focus much on their secondary duties. Generally these will be given to Weyrlings who are old enough for whatever responsibility.

The Candidatemaster is the one in charge of Candidates both fresh or old. They are the ones who make sure the Candidates are able to adjust to Weyr life, to understand the rules, how to behave during a Touching, and what to expect during a Hatching and after. The Candidatemaster is in charge of all the Candidates until they step down or Impress. To get this rank is by the decision of the Weyrleaders. This position lasts as long as the Rider of this position wishes. It is VERY rare for them to be demoted.

Candidatemaster Assistants
Candidatemaster Assistants are as entitled, they help the Candidatemaster when needed. They take a second hand roll in dealing with the Candidates though mostly they are there in the case the Candidatemaster becomes ill or injured to not be able to preform the duty. To get this rank one must be picked by the Candidatemaster. The position lasts as long as the Assistant is willing or the Candidatemaster sees they are no longer fit for the job. It is very common that Assistants willingly step down versus being demoted.

The Weyrlingmaster is the one in charge of newly Impressed Weyrlings. They are the ones who make sure that the Weyrlings learn everything they need to know to be a successful Rider, to be fit in order to fly with a Wing. As well as they understand what is expected of them as Riders of the Weyr. To get this rank is by the decision of the Weyrleaders. This position lasts as long as the Rider of this position wishes. It is VERY rare for them to be demoted. To be recommended as Weyrlingmaster the Rider must have at least 10 Turns of experience (meaning their Dragon has to be at least 10 Turns old), and had to have been Weyrlingmaster Assistant for 2 Turns to attain this position.

Weyrlingmaster Assistant
Weyrlingmaster Assistants are as entitled, they help the Weyrlingmaster when needed. Since there is a normal amount of newly Impressed Weyrlings, it is not uncommon for the Weyrlingmaster to assign an Assistant to a group to teach a specific lesson. They are also there in the case the Weyrlingmaster becomes ill or injured to not be able to preform the duty. To get this rank one must be picked by the Weyrlingmaster. The position lasts as long as the Assistant is willing or the Weyrlingmaster sees they are no longer fit for the job. It is very common that Assistants willingly step down versus being demoted. To be recommended as Assistant the Rider must have at least 5 Turns of experience (meaning their Dragon has to be at least 5 Turns old), with 1 Turn training under the Weyrlingmaster to attain this position.

The Weaponmaster is equal in rank to the Weyrlingmaster, but is not in charge of their care or their lessons in Rider training. Instead the Weaponmaster is in charge of their training in self defense, and combat, from hand to hand, through various weapons. The Weaponmaster begins training Weyrlings right before their Dragons are able to take their first accompanied flight, this is estimated around the midpoint of a Weyrling's training. Weyrlings are taught till they graduate, if a Rider wishes for further training they can arrange to have a sparing partner or partners with the Weaponmaster. To get this rank is by the decision of the Weyrleaders. This position lasts as long as the Rider of this position wishes. It is VERY rare for them to be demoted. To be recommended as Weaponmaster the Rider must have at least 10 Turns of experience (meaning their Dragon has to be at least 10 Turns old), and had to have been Weaponmaster Second for 2 Turns to attain this position.

Weaponmaster Second
Weaponmaster Seconds are as entitled, they help the Weaponmaster when needed. Since there is a constant amount of Weyrlings, it is not uncommon for the Weaponmaster to assign a Secont to a group to teach self defense and weapons training. They are also there in the case the Weaponmaster becomes ill or injured to not be able to preform the duty. To get this rank one must be picked by the Weaponmaster. The position lasts as long as the Second is willing or the Weaponmaster sees they are no longer fit for the job. It is very common that Seconds willingly step down versus being demoted. To be recommended as Second the Rider must have at least 5 Turns of experience (meaning their Dragon has to be at least 5 Turns old), with 1 Turn training under the Weaponmaster to attain this position.

Master Dragonhealer
The Master Dragonhealer is a very unique and rare position. They are the ones that are felt to be the most experienced in the healing of Dragons, the one with the most wisdom in the position and the one with the most thought for others. They are in charge of all the Weyr Healers and Dragonhealers. It is they who are in charge of making sure all medical stock is available, as well as in charge of seeing to the training of other Dragonhealers. It is The Master Dragonhealer who picks who will become the next Master Dragonhealer, working with the other Dragonhealer Masters who will vote who attains the rank “Journeyman” yet it is The Master Dragonhealer who assigns Dragonhealers on their next traveling assignment, picks the next Dragonhealer to become a Master.

Master Dragonhealer
A Master Dragonhealer is one who has worked at their mastery after achieving the rank of Journeyman. It is the Master Dragonhealer who works under The Master Dragonhealer, and also helps to vote who is ready to achieve Journeyman rank. They are ones who have been seen worthy of this rank by The Master Dragonhealer. They are in charge of any Journeyman or Assistant under their care. To get this rank one must have been a Journeyman Dragonhealer who has worked for his Mastery and has been approved by The Master Dragonhealer.

Dragonhealers can be anyone who wishes to learn the trade but it is very common that those who do are Dragonriders themselves. Like all Crafts they start out as apprentices and work their way up to Journeyman. After that they can work for their Mastery or keep to the rank Journeyman who will after a time be considered Senior Journeymen. The craft of Dragonhealing is like Healing only it is aimed specificity at healing Dragons and their Riders. Understanding the nature of Dragons, the anatomy of Dragons, and what one can and can not do to heal them. This is why it is common that almost all Dragonhealers are Dragonriders in their own right.

This is a very simple position and any Rider can apply for the position. Ferriers are as entitled, they will be set to take or pick up people of various importance. As well as items or supplies. Sometimes they will act as messenger taking or picking up scrolls that are of importance to the Weyr. To get this rank one must apply to the Weyrleaders who will promote or decline. One can easily be demoted from this position under Weyrleader discretion.

Though it seems that this rank is of no use unless given as punishment or during a Pass, the South is a much more hostile place than the North. It is the Scouts who make sure that the surrounding Holds, Halls, and lands are safe. They will go out to make sure no predators are going to hunt in settled areas or around people. The same for holdless, making sure they do not attack or pillage any Hold or Hall. During a Pass it is the Scouts in wings of three that will go out to make sure that no Thread has escaped their notice after a Fall, or that any scheduled Fall isn't starting earlier than expected. To get this rank one must apply to the Weyrleaders who will promote or decline. One can easily be demoted from this position under Weyrleader discretion.

Search Riders
Search Riders are mainly Blueriders, but there is on occasions Red or Greenriders. They are Riders of a Dragon who is sensitive to the potential of a person to become a Candidate. During the time that a clutch is laid these Dragons become even more sensitive and are sent out in small Wings, generally three Blues, Reds, Greens, or a mix, with two Browns to help take any extra Candidates. By the time the Hatching is over and until the next clutch these Dragons will not be as sensitive and may pick out a person at random if the potential is high enough. Otherwise they are “numb” to the potential one may have.

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