User ImageThe cubs had been born, and the instant they had, Yakuti made her escape. She did not have the body of a lioness who had just given birth, but she did not care. Questions could be answered at another time; excuses would be made. The cubs did not even nurse from their own mother, but from a wet nurse - a lioness whom had recently lost her own litter had milk to spare, and Brynja had sworn her to secrecy. The High Priestess had swathed herself in furs and had began to make her rounds once more.

Yakuti was free.

So she ran. She ran, and ran, and ran until her breath burned in her lungs and her eyes watered.

User ImageBruten had been feeling anxious. The rumors in the pride said that Yakuti had birthed a litter of cubs, and the very thought had Bruten feeling a mixture of white-hot outrage and sickening fury. He wanted to hurt something - and so he did; a quick outing with Sjurd proved fruitful for himself and his closest friend, but not so much for their prey.

He'd been watching Yakuti's den like a hawk. If he'd had Moska, he'd have been able to send the bird in to the den just to take a quick glance around before making his escape - but he did not have Moska, and so he could not.

When the dark, rich-pelted lioness made her exit, Bruten followed. When she burst into a run, Bruten did so, too - and when he finally caught up to her, he could not speak for lack of breath.

User Image"Bruten."

Yakuti was shocked to see him; she hadn't thought she'd been followed, but she should have known. In truth, she was shocked that he hadn't strong armed his way into her mother's den. Then again, he wouldn't dare. The High Priestess had secluded herself on behalf of her daughter, or so the rumors said - which was fine with Yakuti, as it provided a buffer between herself and Bruten.

That buffer was gone.

Her breath was still coming in harsh gasps, but the burn felt good.

"I was going to come to see you," she lied smoothly, forcing a smile upon her face.

User Image"Were you," Bruten ground out, a sharp snarl on his lips. His heart was thudding in his chest, his blood singing with the sharp tang of adrenaline. She did not look as if she'd birthed cubs; her body was as trim and fit as it ever was, and Bruten slid closer to Yakuti.

"I think you're lying, little Yakuti," Bruten hissed with barely suppressed anger. "I am not a fool. I am not an idiot."

He wanted to hit her, he wanted to hit her and force her to answer all of his questions with nothing but truths. He refrained.

For now.

User ImageShe could almost taste the anger that poured off of him in waves, bitter and strong. Yakuti took a step back, eyeing Bruten warily.

"What have you heard, Bruten?"

She didn't know if she'd like the answer, and Yakuti did not know if lying would help to tame the beast. She could only go along with Bruten's cues, and deal with whatever fallout happened as best she could. In all honesty, she did not know if she cared that Brynja might be angry with her if she ended up telling Bruten the truth.

Yakuti would not put her own life at risk. Not any longer.

User Image"I have heard that you found yourself pregnant with cubs, Yakuti. You swore yourself to me, and yet you took another?"

He moved closer, close enough that he could smell the scent of cubs on her. It enraged him further. She was his. He had approached her, spoken with her on the matter, and then she'd done this to him.

Oh, he wanted to spill her blood for shaming him this way.

"So tell me, Yakuti." His voice was nothing more than a serpentine hiss. "Tell me, what is the truth? Do not lie to me, little Yakuti. I cannot tell you how much I long to make you hurt."

User ImageHe was a terrifying beast, he really was. He was close, and furious, and powerful. He was not a lion that Yakuti could ever love, but she was feeling so very dangerously reckless. He was here, and he had claimed her not by act but with words alone, and Bruten had reacted so powerfully to the rumors that Yakuti couldn't help but feel flattered in a sick and twisted sort of way.

"I did not bear cubs," Yakuti admitted softly, "and I did not take another, Bruten." Her voice deepened, and she moved just a little closer. If he would not be calmed by her words, all the better. Perhaps she should have lied, just to test the boundaries of his restraint.

The thought brought a slight smile to her face.

User ImageBruten grunted and exhaled deeply, his odd eyes narrowing. What was this game? What was Yakuti doing? She hadn't been entirely receptive to his advances the last time they'd met, but this was different. This was a lioness who seemed to be flirting with danger, and it was exciting. Bruten's nostril's flared, and he bared his teeth.

"You are playing a game that you will lose, little Yakuti," Bruten snarled, inhaling once more. He was not sure what she was doing, but it thrilled him. These were not the actions of a new mother; he had little doubt that she had spoken the truth.

User Image"I am not playing a game at all, Bruten," Yakuti breathed, leaning closer so that she could sink her teeth into the meat of his shoulder. In truth, she wasn't sure what she was doing; she felt invigorated, reckless; playing with danger felt like the next progressive step.

The rusty taste of his blood was sharp on her tongue, and she half-expected him to strike her. When he did not, she pulled away and licked her lips. Her eyes were dark and inviting in a twisted sort of way, and Yakuti turned to move further away from the pride and any prying eyes that might glance their way.

User ImageWhen her teeth bit into his skin, Bruten exhaled on a soft hiss. The pain was nothing overwhelming, but the rush of excitement he felt was strong. So she wasn't playing a game, then? Bruten wasn't entirely sure he believed that, but it didn't matter. She would be his wife, despite her betrayal. He would have no other, and neither would Yakuti.

When she broke away from him, Bruten followed, his gaze intent on the sway of her tail.

He would see where the afternoon would lead them. He would taste her blood just as she had tasted his, too.