User Image Phosphor was starting to really get into the whole being a demon thing. He hadn't had a demon speak to him yet, but that was okay. They usually didn't until you were an adult, and then you'd gain your demon name. He was fine with the way things were going though. He was doing very well in his classes and his future job wouldn't be too demanding of him, so his training was slowly starting to ease off. There was only so much torture and punishment techniques that could be taught, after all. Others you had to learn on your own.

He wasn't out for blood today, but he did need to practice his dominance. His instructors had told him he was too soft on the slaves that hadn't done anything wrong other than be born and, while he agreed it was a shame they were alive, Phosphor didn't count that as having done anything wrong. Only those that deserved punishment got it, in his book.

User Image One of those unlucky enough to be born a slave was currently making his way back to the slave dens. Bozi walked with his head down always, so he wouldn't accidentally look a demon in the eye and bring upon himself 'just punishment'. He had learned that mistake easily enough as a cub. It did present some problems, though, like walking into things that he didn't see until the last second. He had very good reaction time, though, and could usually dive to the ground and out of the way of any approaching demons. They seemed to understand that walking with one's head down made it impossible to see straight ahead, and their punishments were generally just verbal harassment. Bozi didn't like any sort of punishment, but he'd prefer a verbal lashing to a physical one.

Today, though, he didn't spot the young demon until it was too late. He bumped shoulders with the male, who had stood still to see if the slave would notice. Phosphor snorted softly and lashed out instantly. Touching a demon without permission was a minor offence, but an offence none the less. Claws raked Bozi's shoulder and the older lion stifled a surprised cry of pain. He flopped to the ground instantly, pressing his paws to his eyes to keep from looking at the demon.

"I am sorry, master demon! One thousand apologies," he stammered, his body trembling in fear.

Phosphor looked down at the pathetic mass of lion and snorted quietly once more. "Be on your way," he said as he turned to walk off, a happy bounce in his step. There, he'd done it! Wait until his teacher had heard of his deeds. He didn't bother looking over his shoulder to watch Bozi crawl away to the slave dens, shoulder lightly bleeding. He knew the slave would obey.