The complete opposite of a Blacklist, the Whitelist is a collection of users who are just awesome in general, who sadly had to leave the guild for whatever reason at the time. These Members have proven their stuff and are just awesome, so this list is to let everybody know that they are awesome people.

To get on this list if you are leaving:
If you were active, and a good person to RP around with, if everybody had a good time hanging out with you in the RP or if you have helped make things and contribute things to the guild, your on this list if you feel like you have to leave for whatever reason.

White Listed Members:
Positroneidon - One of the original members in the guild, helped build the guild initially

Tanya Kageryuu - One of the original members of the guild, built and named Black Bird City

Tystra Daisetsu - A very talented and skilled RPer who is an all round good dude

ArianaLucky_Star - A very good friend of mine, who was in the guild for a time but had to leave due to personal issues in life

Yumaki x-Set-x Kuraishi - A good friend, talented roleplayer and fun dude to chat with and talk to

Shisei Tenshi - The person who did the banners for the guild, the new banners at least, by default always welcome to join on top of being a very pleasant person to speak to, work with and be around as well as a good roleplayer.

Leonidas Peridot - A friendly, kind, active Roleplayer who is very skilled and talented who has become a great friend of mine in the past little while

All current Crew are to be considered "Whitelisted"