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[I/T] .: The Krygi :. [on-hold]

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Noble Cub

PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 4:03 pm
Fancier stuff will go here eventually.

OOC Owners: Ameh & Quaji
IC Owners: Ameh's dude & Otrera

Accepted Species: Everybody! Only lions in the immediate royal family though.
Accepted Colors: Any, the Krygi are not picky with their life.
PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 4:05 pm
Pride Information

Sunlands territory sketch coming soon.

The Basics

  • The entire pride lives with the Kalahari Desert.

  • The main area of the pride has several rock formations in it that serve as dens for the members.

  • The Krygi hold a vast territory spreading in all directions around them. For what they can see from the horizon from the dens in about how big their lands are.

  • There are no permanent, natural water sources within the Kalahari though it rains erratically throughout the year. Water is a precious thing to the pride and where they are happens to have a small dip in the red sand that allows for water to pool when it does rain. They have also made smaller watering holes to act as back-ups. These are all temporary and need to be re-dug every now and again.

  • Melons! The pride is known for having the naturally occurring Tsamma melon within their lands. While bitter in taste, the melon is a source of nutrition and hydration in a waterless world. During the melon season, travel is easiest as a member of the pride can just stop and drink from one of these fruits.

Allies & Enemies
    If you are interested in having a pride become an ally or enemy of the Krygi, please PM Quaji.

    Pridelands [ally]; This a possibility but requires more fleshing out and chatter between Saf and Quaji. For now, the two prides are not official allies.

    The Krygi always allow new life to join the world so breeding is always permitted. There is no pre-approval, no marriage or needing to be permanent mates (unless the members want to, of course). Any kind of breedings are allowed as well, be it hybrid, rogue, adolescent, being a surrogate or otherwise. Also, being an open pride and allowing any species to join allows for hybrids to come from Mix and Match breedings so please keep that in mind.

    The Krygi as a whole revere the sun as a god. He is often referred to as "the Great Fire". They believe they are protected and guided by this deity in return for their loyalty to him. While they acknowledge other gods exist, and accept them into the pride as Guardians, this is the only one that will be officially worshiped by the entire pride.

    While the Lucani-blooded lionesses believe the sun to be a fierce goddess rather then a gentle god like the Tarana-blooded members think it is. The belief though that the manes of a lion are symbolism for the god's faith and trust for them to lead the others of the desert is widespread and an accepted fact of the pride as a whole.

    There is no belief in Mkodi naturally in the pride. As far as the pride knows or thinks, the sun created life with it's light and takes it away just as easily. Thus the sun is life and death to them.


    Comprised of two prides, the Lucani, a female-only pride of warriors who lived in a harsher part of the Kalahari and the Tarana, a typical lion pride comprised of various roles working on harmony. To promote this harmony, the Tarana allowed their males to stay with them. Both shared a similar religion. While the Lucani had originally been slaves in a male-dominated pride, they believed themselves to have been freed by a goddess made of fire which they considered to be the sun on mortal form. The Tarana though took a less violent approach, but also revered the sun as they considered their manes to be gifts from the sun god, allowing them to mimic the warmth and rays of the sun.

    After the Lucani were nearly wiped by a small, but strong rival pride near their borders, the remaining lionesses, including their matriarch and her sister, to relocate. Those that were willing to throw away their old male-hating ways found sanctuary within the Tarana who welcomed them with open paws and even took one of the sisters as their new queen. Not all joined though and a few continued to wander the Kalahari. Together the Tarana and the Lucani merged to form the Krygi, the Sunlanders.

New Heir

    Zotikos was one of the two sons of Bodi, the third king of the Tarana. He was trained from birth to become a gentle and just king. That is until he fell terribly ill. The entire pride was soon in a panic as they feared they would lose their heir. When it seemed the crown prince was on his deathbed, the king, in a desperate cry to save his son, prayed to their sun deity, saying that if he survived that he would not push his son and would let him rest for the remainder of his day. The night was tense as the entire pride waited to see what would happen as news of the king's plea spread like wildfire throughout the pride. Dawn came and the prince still breathed.

    Weeks passed and countless visits from healers, the prince began to recover. To keep his end of the bargain and to appease their deity, the king took the title of crown prince from his eldest son and instead gave it to his younger brother. New to the throne and untrained in the ways of ruling a pride, he had much to learn but he at least had his father and brother to teach him.

    At least for a time. A year after this incident the king of the Tarana passed away peacefully and returned to nourish the arid lands around them but not before he told his family that he was proud of both of his sons. Thus ending the reign of Bodi and bringing in the reign of _____, the fourth king of the Tarana.

Kings & Queens of the Past

    Sun King Sumi & Dawn Queen Dryid
      The founding royal family of the Tarana. They produced a litter of three, naming their daughter Vashti the heir to the throne. Sun King Sumi is known for leading his people from their destroyed homeland to the Kalahari Desert where they have remained ever since. He is also the king who instituted the hunting laws that the whole pride follows to this day. Dawn Queen Dryid was a gentle, kind queen to her people. She is known for her exceptional voice, loving to sing to the cubs and participate in any festivals the pride held. An active member of the pride, the Tarana was saddened when she passed away from illness before seeing her children hit adulthood. It was only a year after Vashti and her siblings hit adulthood when their father, good Sun King Sumi, passed from the world as well, leaving the single Dawn Queen to take the throne.

    Sun King Aihu & Dawn Queen Vashti
      Dawn Queen Vashti took her father's throne with no mate of her own. Soon enough she found someone; a traveling rogue by the name of Aihu. While many cried out for her to look for suitor from another pride and form an alliance, love decided to take charge in this matter and grip the young queen's heart. It was only months before she officially took Aihu as her mate and bore four children to secure the throne. Her firstborn son, Bodi, was named the heir. While Vashti ruled kind and fair as all rulers of the Tarana have, she distinctly did not listen as well to her people. Sun King Aihu on the otherhand did everything in his power to help his people and try to get their approval. It was not until his twilight years and he set up three unique ranks for the non-lions in the pride as a sort of appreciation. Soon after Vashti passed away from old age, leading the way for her son, Bodi, to ascend to the throne since Aihu no longer had any claim to it now that his mate was dead. A few months later, Aihu passed peacefully away in his sleep at a ripe old age.

    Sun King Bodi & Dawn Queen Esther
      To be filled out.


Noble Cub


Noble Cub

PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 4:06 pm

Lead Ranks

Sun King

    Dawn Queen

        This lion is the future Sun King or Dawn Queen to the pride. They are trained from a young age about being a just, kind ruler.

        Children of the current king and queen. They move to lord or lady once a sibling ascends the throne.

        This rank is held exclusively by the siblings of a king or queen. They keep this rank for their entire life, even if their sibling is no longer on the throne.


      Limited Ranks

      Honored Father/Mother
        These are the elders of the pride. They have done their duty to the pride or are no longer fit for most tasks available in the pride. Their duties now consist of yelling at the younger generations, sleeping, telling stories and watching cubs.

      Wise One
        These are revered priests and also act as advisers to the royal family in any matter that they deem important enough to call these members. They act as the heads of the spiritual side of the pride with the oldest usually being the leader within their collective. Normally Wise Ones are made up of seers, but it is entirely possible for a non-seer to join their ranks if he has the wisdom.

        This is the rank obtained by any god within the pride that has sworn loyalty to the Sun King and is willing to protect the pride form anyone who wishes them harm, or just wanna chill really. The royal family isn't going to turn away a god unless they mean them harm. They are looked to for guidance and are deeply respected but are in no way worshiped by the pride as a whole.


      Common Ranks

      Honor Guard
        These are the guards within the pride. They protect not only the borders, but the inner workings of the pride to ensure that everything runs smoothly. They are also the troops the pride sends to the aid of others that seek the pride's help. They are the pride and joy of every member within the pride and it is an honor to serve their sun god in such an active role. Every honor guard is expected to follow a set code of honor displayed by their captain. The captains are elected by a group of 3-4 other honor guards. This is an internal affair and the captaincy is not an official rank, but rather one of trust.

        They are both healer of spirits; the priests, and the healer of wounds; the healers, of the pride. Their roles can also includes that of a nanny, wet nurse and midwife should the need arise. Revered by the pride for their work, they are well protected by the honor guards as well as the rest of the pride. They all work in the name of the sun god that watches over the pride to heal those that seek their aid regardless of previous political relations with the pride as a whole.

        Acting as entertainers and crafters for the pride, they usually do small business with the menders and higher ups. Some focus on various things, like song, dance, jewelry, or perfume. They sometimes use messengers to trade over long distances but the costs in food, and other desired payments usually outweigh the reward for trading long distance. Gold and amber however are usually saved and molded to stay within the pride.

        The providers for the pride. While they hunt for all, they must follow a set of hunting laws that had been put in place by Bodi's grandfather, the first king. They are not allowed to hunt pregnant prey animals, the young or the healthy. The sick, lame and elderly are all perfectly find though. With prey so scarce, all life is precious.

        Leopard only. One of the three ranks introduced by Bodi's father as a way to make up for the fact non-lions can never rise to the throne within the pride. With their natural stealthy nature and camouflaging pelt they are used to track individuals of interest be it feline, canine or even a herd of prey. Usually they report directly to the honor guards, wise ones or the royal family.

        Cheetah only. One of the three ranks introduced by Bodi's father as a way to make up for the fact non-lions can never rise to the throne within the pride. With their natural speed, cheetahs only made sense to be the ground messengers both with goods and words. They are generally employed by many members of the pride to move their scarce treasures around as well as travel the distance with other messengers and possibly even honor guards to trade with distant prides.

        Hyena and Wild Dog only. One of the three ranks introduced by Bodi's father as a way to make up for the fact non-lions can never rise to the throne within the pride. There will be a contest held for what this rank will be.

        This is the rank for all cubs and juveniles within the pride. At adolescence they choose their adult rank from the available ranks.

      PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 4:07 pm

      Sun King

      Dawn Queen



      Honored Father/Mother

        Wise One

          Honor Guard









                    Noble Cub


                    Noble Cub

                    PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 4:07 pm
                    Forms & Extra Information

                    Please keep in mind the blood does not matter except for RP and character building. There is no discrimination for those of any kind of blood. This information is just to help those of you out there that want more information about each side. All the bloods to be available at any time as original members can always pop up.

                      Tarana (pl.Tranan)
                        Those of Tarana blood are older members who stemmed from the original lines that joined with Sun King Sumi. They have the thickest blood and the most numerous within the pride itself. It is possible to be a first or second generation Tranan, but the SoA would be super old and probably about to keel over and die. Third (born during Sun King Bodi's reign) or fourth (born during the newest Sun King's reign) generation Tranan are much more likely.

                      Lucani (pl. Lucani)
                        The Lucani were a group of lionesses and a few, very select males who openly despised males. This hatred originated from their slavery within a male-dominated pride. Freed by what they think is their sun goddess, they differ with the Tarana about the gender and personality of the sun deity. Their home pride was destroyed by another pride and they were forced to flea. Those of Lucani blood are the lions that joined with Otrera and her sister. The Lucani are also known snake trainers, using the paralytic venom of the serpents in dangerous situations while out either in war or on patrol.

                      Krygi (pl. Kryr)
                        Krygi blood refers to anyone who joined after the merge between the Tarana and the Lucani. This merge happened not even a generation ago at this point as it happened under the newest Sun King's reign. Any SoA born into or joined the pride after the merge is considered of this blood as both prides are now one.


                    [b]Rank:[/b] Please be sure to make sure the rank is available.
                    [b]Parents:[/b] Father x Mother
                    [b]Uncert:[/b] [url=]x[/url]
                    [b]Blood:[/b] This is just for my own record.
                    PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 4:15 pm
                    Annnd I think I'm good on posts. So this is open now. :>  


                    Noble Cub


                    Dapper Shapeshifter

                    PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 5:08 pm
                    heart ninja
                    PostPosted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 8:25 am
                    Going to be getting the contest up today~ Four lions (one of whom is edited) and a snake will given away. c:  


                    Noble Cub


                    Dapper Shapeshifter

                    PostPosted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 1:05 pm
                    Yay ~
                    PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 3:29 pm
                    -nudges this up-  


                    Noble Cub


                    Tipsy Prophet

                    9,950 Points
                    • Invisibility 100
                    • Angelic Alliance 100
                    • Mark Twain 100
                    PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 2:49 am
                    Do like <3  
                    PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 12:59 am
                    Going to put this idea on the back-burner for now. Just thought I'd mention it. <3

                    Going to be focusing on the Iami-Jisajili.


                    Noble Cub


                    Allied Recalibrator

                    PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 9:29 am
                    I ill be keeping my eye on this for sure. Will the contest be scrapped if this is on hold?  
                    PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 9:40 am
                    The prizes are gonna be switched up a bit and used towards the Tar-walkers. :> I do plan on gathering and stashing other SoA towards this.  


                    Noble Cub

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