When Jenner opened his eyes, he wasn't home in his bed. He wasn't in his dorm room at the Academy, either. For a brief moment, everything was dark. His eyes focused some, and he could make out pinpricks of light here and there. Candles? Jenner braced himself on one arm, grimacing at the pain that shot through it, and pushed himself up off the mattress slowly. It was on the ground, which Jenner was immediately grateful for. Getting up wasn't happening; his legs gave out immediately under his weight, but at least he didn't fall ********!” He winced, leaning again on the arm that sent sparks of pain through his shoulder. Jenner quickly pushed himself to sit up, gasping by the end of it and holding his injured arm closer to his chest. His shirt had been removed, and he could feel the caked blood that had dried beneath the gauze around his arm. He felt for the injury carefully, grimacing when he hit it; a deep gouge. But without seeing it, he couldn't tell if it was broken or just christing hurt.

He took a breath, and looked around again. Wherever he was, it was dark save for the candles, which were getting down to the last few minutes of their waxy lives. He spotted the door, and even from a distance he could see at least three padlocks. Whoever had taken him knew exactly what they were doing.

He swallowed, closing his eyes. Fear welled in his chest, tears in his eyes. What about the other kids? Were they taken, too? Who the hell would do something like this--

Suddenly, the door opened, light flooding the room from beyond the door frame. Jenner yelped and covered his eyes, momentarily blinded by the sudden bright lights. The door closed and the light was cut off. Jenner squinted towards the shadow at the door, taking a deep breath. “Wh...” He coughed roughly, trying to get rid of the feel of cotton in his mouth. “Who are you.” He glared towards the shadow. “Where are the others--”

“What others?” Intoned the Shadow in a voice that bordered on utterly bored and increasingly excited. He'd been watching Jenner for weeks, months, years, just waiting for the boy to slip up and give him an opportunity. And it'd been presented so perfectly.

Jenner growled a little. “The other kids on the barge. Where are they?” His voice was rough with misuse. He wondered how long he was out.

The Shadow grinned, a wide tooth-filled grin. “Didn't need them. I just needed you, kiddo.” He stepped forward, coming into what little light there was. Jenner would had to have been blind to miss the obvious: The amber-gold eyes. The way he carried himself. And, with a second glance... Jenner realized that the shadows were moving away from this man in the same breadth as they moved closer to Jenner.

His eyes went wide for a split second.

The Shadow grinned. “I thought I'd never see you for myself, Son of Mine.” He crouched down in front of Jenner. “You've been asleep for days. I was beginnin' to worry that I'd have to drop you in the river and find another of my kids.”

Another? How many kids did this sicko father?!

“No worries, though.” He grinned wider. “You're fine. Little dinged up, but you can't make an omelet without breaking a few bones, yeah?” He grabbed Jenner's arm, pulling it out and ignoring the way Jenner flinched away from him. “It's healin' up fine. We can go play soon.”

“I want to go home.” Jenner said lamely, pulling his arm back. He watched the man, flinching when those amber-gold eyes suddenly went black. “I-I-I won't t-t-tel--”

“You are home.” The man snarled, grabbing the gauze and squeezing where the bone had been set sharply. Jenner wailed, torn between twisting away and holding completely still to get away from the pain. “I am your father, Jenner.” He growled. “You belong to me.

Jenner whimpered, eyes screwed shut as he rode out the waves of pain as the man squeezed his arm tighter. “Okay!” He finally cracked, “Okay, I'm sorry, please let go you'rehurtingmeplease--”

The man let go, holding his wrist now and sighing a little. “This isn't how I wanted things to go, Jenner.” He said in a cool voice. “You should be grateful. I have many children, some who might even be stronger than you.” He got up. “Be grateful I have chosen you.”

Jenner swallowed, staring up at the man. “W-who...” He reached up, rubbing the tears from his face. “Who are you.”

“You can call me Malachi.” The man smirked a little, brushing himself off. “Get some rest. You're going to need it.” He turned, then, and walked back to the door. Jenner watched, his heart sinking into his stomach as the padlocks were locked one by one from the outside.

Holding his injured arm to his chest, Jenner pulled himself back to the little mattress, and curled up in the corner as small as he could. He closed his eyes, shoulders shaking, and desperately wanted to just. Be. Home.