All applications will be check once summited and a response will be put out as soon as possible. I will try not to keep you waiting on the decission made. If you are not picked please update your application every 3-6 months. If you do not up date before its been a whole year since you summited your first application it will expire and you will get a notice and a convenience link to update your application if you want.

Why work for DB, let alone working for free?
You get so many awesome benefits

For more information on these benefits please read the "about:" topic for most of the benefits layout.

Is there any rules or restrictions to summiting an application? Like how many we can summit?
Yes. You can only summit 3 applications at once, but only get hired for 1 out of the 3. You may not get the one you wanted most so what you do is renew that application, for the job you really wanted, at least every 3-6 months before its been a full year since your submission.
and you MUST be an employee.

On more informations about qualifications, rules, restrictions, and more visit the "about:" topic if you already havent.

Anything else we should know?
I think youll love working for DB to help people in need. It really shouldnt be about the money or benefits, do it for the good and let that good of it be just a plus, and let the best of it be the freedom we have to help those truely in need. Thank you.

This message was sent to everyone out there whether you decide to send in an application or just help the homeless and needy with in your reach, this goes out to all of those caring people that good carma will fall upon. Thank you. Thank you so much for your hard work, kindness, and generousity. Their are people in this world that thank you with all their hearts and thats what truely matters. Helping those who need it and getting only kindness and love in return. Everything else that comes with it is just a plus.
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