[WC 643]

Darkness had set in, and Flye had finally returned home from her adventures. She had never been able to stay in one place for too long. She figured she got that from her father, though the only thing he ever aspired to do was join the demons. Once it happened, he had then gone after having the biggest brood of them all. Flye was one of those, along with somewhere around eight siblings. She didn’t really keep contact with them much anymore, but she knew that they existed and she did see them from time to time. But she just couldn’t find herself caring about anyone that wasn’t her babies. If there was one thing Flye’Leefe was good at, it was being a mother. Her desperate attempt to be a better mother than her own, had driven her to the cause. She wouldn’t have to try hard though, if her mission was to be better than Tuc. Or at least, not in her eyes. The female yawned, and stretched out her toes before walking into the den that she called home with her babies. Of course her babies weren’t so much babies anymore as they were adolescents.. Ready to join the world. But she wasn’t ready to let them go and so they all still remained in the den that had been built for a modest three at best. She made it work though, she had to. The father of the cubs was a known demon. Known for his prowess and the same reasons her father was known. He made cubs, and lots of them. It was his mission.
When she entered the den, she saw only Jezebeth lying there, stretched out and on her back. For a moment the mothers heart sank as she feared her baby might be hurt..But no scent of blood or death hit her nostrils and so she approached, and nudged her gently. The purple female was up like a lightning bolt, ready to fight off any attacker that had come to see her. She was definitely her mothers daughter, ready to fight and fiercely loyal.
Her face softened when she saw her mother there and she gave a smile. “Momma!” She cooed, and dove her head under her mothers chin as she purred. She hadn’t been close to anyone, ever, as she had with her mother. Though many of the demons made pretty fail parents, her mother was like a goddess in her eyes. She loved her more than anything.
“You scared me.. Its not a good idea to do that, not with my super training Ive been getting.” She grinned, narrowing her eyes playfully as she lowered her chest to the earth and her rear to the sky.
“Oh I imagine you are right my dear. Now tell me, like a good little girl, where your siblings went off to.” Flye chuckled, and looked around to make sure that the shadows weren’t just playing tricks with her. No, they were definitely quite gone. She frowned and looked back at her daughter for confirmation of their whereabouts.
“They will be back momma, no worries. They’re out with friends, or romances. Who am I to interrupt such a disgusting show of affection?” Jezebeth purred with a chuckle. She removed her head from her mothers chin and sat on her haunches as red eyes looked over mother.
“I’ve missed you momma.. Where have you been?” She asked. Though she knew the answer. Mothers job as a succubus was to bring back males, many of them, and procreate. It was one of the jobs of the female, same as it was her grandfathers. From what momma had said, it was going to be what she ended up doing as well. She didn’t want babies, b ut she supposed she preferred that over exile for not doing her civic duty.