Unbeknownst to most of the pride, Sil'in Drathir had fairly recently sustained a wound that became infected over time and caused him debilitating pain. Though he was a proud lion and didn't wish to give up his position, this wound eventually caused him to decide to step down from Leadership.

Verge'lian, on the other hand, was simply tired of the rigors of his position and at this point wished nothing more than to concentrate more upon spending time with his family. So he too, stepped down.

In the wake of this sudden void of Aran'shale, the pride was catapulted into another tournament to find new Leaders. After days of fighting within the ranks of the Heirs, the two strongest lions finally emerged at the top.

On the side of Sparda's lions, Usare stepped forth to take up the mantle - proving his worth as one of Verge'lian's first born. And on the side of Mori'faer, a Seer rises from the ranks to take the position of Tari'shoter upon her dark shoulders. Kifatamu now looks out over the pride lands with her dark eyes from her new perch atop the other ranks.

However, amongst some of the pride members, there are unhappy stirrings about these new Leaders and the way the pride has been going for some time now ....