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Never in Balia's life had she broken the rules of her pride, but this day would be her only exception.

Angra had bothered her countlessly to be by her side as she gave birth. She could tell that it was something important to him, and she did not want to deny him this, especially after he fulfilled her deepest desires to bear his children. Males being in the birthing den wasn't in-step with pride customs, so in order to grant Angra his wish, Balia left the birthing den set up for her and traveled to a small make-shift den closer to the edge of the pride. It was the only way Balia could think of birthing her children with Angra there and no interruptions. Sure, it was undeniably risky for a first time mother, but she loved the twisted red lion enough to concede to him. He had earned it, after all.

What Balia didn't expect from this pregnancy was how hard it ended up being. They had tried so many times with no results, and now that their efforts had paid off it seemed as if they were multiplied. Balia blew up like a waterlogged carcass when she became pregnant. She swore there had to either a few very large cubs, or many little cubs. Either way, she felt like some sort of prey beast whenever she waddled around the pridal lands.

She loved showing off her pregnant belly to her sister and brother. She especially loved showing it to her father, who was nothing but pleased with the fact he would be receiving grand-children. Balia was more than pleased to be giving him them. It was like a mini-present to her father.

Maybe when the children were old enough... she would take them to see her mother.

It came suddenly, sharp pain and pressure. Balia growled and hissed, kicking a leg viciously. She did not expect such pain, and she had never experienced such pain. It felt like she was being torn apart from the inside.

"ANGRA! ANGRA GET IN HERE!" Balia hissed, panting for a few moments.

Balia had sent Angra out of the den. He had been pacing around expectantly, and it had bothered Balia to the point of insanity. She swore if he didn't go outside to do his pacing, he wouldn't be seeing his children because he'd have no eyes.

She was an angry pregnant woman.