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XXX I've been alive for 16 years and I appear 16 years old.

XXX Obviously, I am a female.

XXX People think it's weird but I'm the secret daughter of the muse of music Terphsichore, and God of archery and music, Apollo...

XXX I can do all types of things! Like... control time to the extent of stopping and starting. No rewind, or fast forward. I can also create illusions/fake images in peoples minds. At times, if i consentrate enough, my voice has been known to hypnotize.

XXX My friends say that I act calm, and sometimes insecure, while knowing that I am a musical prodigy that would be remembered forever, or would have been if my true heritage hadnt been revealed.

XXX It's kind of private but... To know about where i come from, you first need to know about my parents. A long, long time ago, Apollo chased after a nymph, who turned into a laurel tree. He was heartbroken, he swore to never love and stayed alone for a long time, until, of course, he met Terpsichore, the muse of Choral song, and dance. Apollo and she had a fling, and when Terpsichore became pregant, she dissapeared for the remaining months of the pregnancy. When i was born, she snuck me into Olympus, to speak with apollo, who hesitantly agreed that I had to stay a secret. My mother agreed to it because she did not know what the other muses gods and godesses would say. she did not know if a love affair between a muse and a god would flow fine. My mother left mount Olympus again soon after they named me Melody. She left me on the doorstep of the family with the last name of Aria, which is part of an opera. she left me there, hoping they could influence me towards music.
Of course i didnt know any of that until very recently.
Thus i was raised as a human, in a family that knew nothing of music or tales, only of science and reason, and hardly approved of my talents except when they began to drag attention. subconciously i had a thing for grecian and roman tales of the gods. It was always my favorite stuff to read, i would put teachers to shame on the subject. It just came to me. Another thing that came to me, i suspect because of my true heritage, was music. My voice and musical talents always outshone the others. someone could play a peice once on any instrument, and whether or not i had played said instrument before, i could play it back perfectly, or even improve on it. I was a musical prodigy, until one day, a stranger showed up at my doorstep during dinner. she came in, and she looked heavenly, we didnt know that she came from olympus until she sat down with us, and said so. she explained that she was my birth mother, a muse, and my father was apollo. my adopted parents were sad to see me go, because i had so many scholarships and such lined up, but it was nessecary so i could finish school with others like me.
before i went to the school, she took me to Olympus for a private meeting with my father. nobody else knew about this meeting. There they explained some things that i couldnt, like how my normal days were stopping like a scratched DVD. they also gave me a few things to remind me of them, things that they really shouldve left with me when i was left on earth. First, a ring, next, a locket, and whenever i opened it it would play a lullaby that my mother sung to me while taking me away, and it would show anyone i truely wished to see, third, a tiara, inspired by the beauty, and flow of music, and the gods. fourth, solid silver heel sandles, with the elgance, and grace of a gazzell, and smooth silver strands twining up my leg to my knee, resembling again, the flow of music.

XXX I'm into guys

XXX Oooh~
+ music
+ singing
+ walking on the beach in the spring months

XXX Get away!
- heat
- being in the sun too long (sunburn)
- anything or anyone mean and or annoying
- eating seafood

XXX I'd like you to know... That i dont exactly like to brag about my musical talents because it doesnt seem right, or who my parents are. i am still in shock myself on the parents. and yes, i have snake bite peircings

XXX I love my mama~ Kaela2015