Accendo didn't like this. Her vidion was impossible to ignore, guiding them towards lands populated by demons, and the female felt her stomach turn. Ein kept next to her, watching the female's anxious expression. slipping along behind them unseen was the former Firekin Hana Fuego-- a bare consolation for what Accendo noted they';d probably risk dealing with demons.

Ein didn't want to risk it. But there was little choice, and he kept his head low as they walked. Nobody knew they were there-- anything could kill them, nobody would know... He felt nervous. This could only end badly.

Algol prowled along as he walked near the borders, stopping for a drink when an unfamiliar scent crossed his nose and he grinned darkly. Strangers. Target practice, really, and he slipoped to stalk them, moving noiselessly. He almost didn't see them at first, though a pair of lions with dark pelts caught his eye by the bright splashes of colour on his tail and face, and the female's gold wings.l He smirked. A dark pelted female. Fascinating. Algol flexed his muscleds and jumped down, cutting them off neatly, claws flexing as he gave a fanged smile.

"And what are two weaklings doing in the lands of the demoms, mmm?" He remained smirking, moving towardsa them slowly, the incubus stretching. "So weak and so... Alone. Have you come to die?" He flexed his claws. Accendo and Ein backed up warily, the male ruffling tensely as Accendo braced, swallowing.

"We come seeking help."

"Help? Who's going to help a little woman like you? I can think of much more... Interesting things to do." He rubbed the female swlightly, purring in her ear.

"I could take you easily, woman. So... Very... Easily..."

Ein growled, bracing to jump at the male, Algol turning to taunt him when there was a roar, a battlecry and the male was tackled by a larger, black and red hulking beast of a lioness. Algol roared, throwing the female off and swiping as the two locked in a fight. The two bit and c;awed at one another, snarling fiercely as they fought before the female pinned Algol down, roaring in her face. Algol snarled back before the female spoke.

"You will NOT touch them, or I will kill you, runt." Hana's tone was venomous as she moved, raking claws on the demon male as she did so. Algol hissed, rising and glaring at her before Accendo blinked, swallowing, and spoke.

"We need help."

"Help with what? Becoming glaves?" He bared fangs before Hana began to snarl. Accendo shook her head, feeling her father's life force on her chest and took a deep breath anxiously, squaring her shoulders.

"With battle. War. Combat."

Algol rolled his eyes.

"Why should I?"

Hana's claws flexed as she prepared to lash out again.,

"You should do it so you don't DIE."

"You can't kill me." Algol groomed his paw and looked to Accendo cooly.

"Well? Why should I bother?"

"We'll pay. Somehow."

Algol's ears pricked, as did Hana's. Ein's pinned back as he looked to Accendo. He trusted his friends' judgement, but he was afraid of what swhe may do to herself helping him. He didn't want his best friend hurt. Algol purred, moving close.

"Mmm, pay? Go on." He smirked slyly, exporession smug. He liked being owed a debt. Vastly.

"Name your price." Accendo frowned, mentally wincing. Hana growled.

"Don't bargain with him Accendo. He's not sane." Agol snarled at the other female, then turned coyly to Accendo, and gave another grin dangerously.,

"Cubs. Dark cubs. Only they are capqable of hosting the souls of demons."

Hana pinned her ears back, hissing. Ein hissed at Algol himnself, flexing claws.

"From where? We won't just give someone's children away." He bristled, fangs baring. Algol stared, and began laughing, circling.

"Oh, you'll find a way. You'll do what I wish if you want my help and my claws. If you don't...." He smirked nastily.

"I can always take what I want." He levelled eyes on Hana and Accendo dirtily, licking his chops, turning ideas over in his mind. Ein snarled, moving to shield Accendo, Hana bracing as well. Algoil stretched, baring teeth more.

"Of course, for option three, I can kill you lot now as intruders, or take you as slqaves."

Hana bared her own fangs, Ein looking to Accendo with a look of terror. He didn't like this. He didn't want to do this. He didn't want to be herte. Evidently, Accendo wasn't prepared either, closing her eyes, and rubbing her head with a paw. She had to do something, quickly, and she wished she could ask her father for advice... Something... Anything. She felt her heart pound as Algol knead the ground, Hana hissing again, Ein pressing closer to her. What to do? Ein shivered, whispering to her softly.

"Grandfather wouldn't stand for this..." Ein shivered agasin. Accendo swallowed.

"Could he handle a demon?"

"I think so."

Accendo nodded to her friend and sighed, nodding they had a plan to Hanba Fuego, and looked to Algol.


As soon as Accendo spoke Algol sheathed his claws, chuckling darkly as he purred. His mother would be pleased, yes. He would use this deal well, and the male smirked slyly.

"Well them, you have my claws. Don't... Foirget our deal when you get excited, hmm?" The incubus rubbed Hana and Accendo coyly, rumbling still, chuckling occaqsionally darkly. Hana hissed, swiping at the male a bit, Accendo blocking her, grimacing. Algol just laughed.

"Temper, pretty kitty." He turned, smirking down on Ein as if mocking him. He felt good-- this was a victory. Ein scowled, moving to the females as Algol began to depart the lands, Ein hissing as he followed. He didn't like this. He didn't like this at all. Hana nosed Accendo to follow, before rising to follow herself, the three musing quietly as they began to depart. Accendo in particulsr held her head low, lost in thought. Her visions never betrayed her before. Why this male? This kind? What was fate planning? She hesitated, swallowing, and Ein stopped, looking back as Hana passed him to follow Algol from the demon land, and he approached, nuzzling her comfortingly.

"It'll be OK, Accendo. I promise."

"Thanks, Ein."

Ein smiled weakly before turning, leading her from the clearing slowly as the four began their journey. Behind them was no sign of the meeting, the crickets chirping cheerily.