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Warning: slow rper

This is Nuri Blathazar been waiting and hoping for him for awhile now.
He is a singing and dancing pad who is looking for woman just as entertaining as he is. A banu that could sing, dance, and craft would quickly become his Beybanu who will be completely safe from his darker side. In some ways Nuri is a little off he thinks everyone should have at least one of these three skills: Dancing, Singing, or crafting. A banu he captures of acquires that can not do one of these this will see a heavy paw from Nuri. He will think them to be disobeying his orders. Nuri can also have random fits of anger if he feels he isnt getting his way. Some what of a spoiled brat in a way. To banu who writes songs or poems or whatever will receive great love an attention could even earn to a day to yourself or a full day of his attention.

He likes to pit his banu against each other in talent contest prizes being anything from a day off a day with him to jewelry and furs and such

So looking for atleast one to two females from out of the pride will take more also looking for in pride females. really want a female that has none of the above skills for some drama

I am also looking for general pride rp specially with pads