Kuchanganyikiwa - -_Wish of the Goddess_-
Ilfirin'runya - Das Tor

Her tail flicked back and forth as she woke late in the night, to a full moon. Blue eyes were bright and happy, her ears forwards as she trotted out into the main part of the den, then outside. Smelling the air, she felt Byrdi within her preen in pride. This was their home now. Noting something on the ground, little Kiwa trotted over to a rat, pinning it down, and sticking the tip of her claw into meaty bits. Huh! It squealed so pretty...

Runya had been returning to the den, after having left it just long enough to get food for herself and the cubs. She was going to essentially be their 'mother'...and she was going to do it RIGHT. Runya had to do everything she set her mind to right. Not that there was much she set her mind to, really. This was a rarity. She blinked when she heard the squeal of the mouse, raising a brow and picking up her pace. She slowed once she got within sight of Kiwa, finally stopping and placing the warthog in her jaws down.

"Having fun, little one?" Hmmm...she felt a little sorry for the mouse. Cub claws were sharp little things.

Looking up at the female that Kiwa now considered her mother, she purred, her fur smoothing from a ruffled state she'd gotten into as she'd began to play for real, with the little mouseling. Looking up at her, those pretty cerulean eyes were sparkling with a dark,demonic light, "It was in my way, so I decided to poke at it, to see how they play!" She said it like it w as the most obvious thing in the world.

Runya nodded. "So I see. Well...they're rather squeaky things. Good for learning how to hunt when you're still small." She sat next to the dead warthog. "And they're terribly good at hide and seek if you keep your eyes off them too long. Cowards."

She pouted, looking up at Runya with irritated eyes, "But I don't want it to run. I want to poke it, and cut it, and make it bleed with pretty red!" Her voice was a squeal of discontent as she poked a claw through its head, not really sure why she'd done so. Probably because Byrdi within the cub was bristling like a porcupine at the thought of loosing her plaything.

"Then you out to keep an eye on it. Or kill it, like you just did. You'd really best be careful." She thought cautiously, contemplating. "Or you could find a way to keep it in a small area. That way even if it gets away from your paw, it doesn't go too far."

She looked up at her, nodding slowly, "I wanna do it on something bigger, mama." Her eyes lit up. "The bigger boys look like they'd be fun~" Her voice darkened, and her fur fluffed in eager anticipation. Oh, to feel another's fur under her demon's paws, knowing they were in HER power.....to be able to break them down to nothing....Her demon cooed in leasure.

Runya shook her head. "Not yet, little one. You're not quite big enough yet." She leaned over to lick her adopted daughter's head. "But once you're older, I'll find you a Na'artu to practice on." Well...already, there was no mistake as to what the girl would grow up to be, most likely.

Purring,she smirked, eagerly, "Sounds fun~ Can I break him, when you give him to me, mama~?" She asked. Her blues were innocent, as though a child asking for nothing more than a companion, when in reality, the demon within her wanted something to break and toy with.

Runya blinked...then chuckled. "Oh don't break him too much too quickly. It's not always easy to find toys, little Kiwa. And you'll be awfully bored between them."

She giggled, and nodded, "Yes mama. Can you teach me how to tease them so they love me? I want to make them think they love me and then make them break. Then they'll come back~"

She was supposed to teach the little one Sparda's ways. Runya was, after all, one of Sparda's blood. But it was far, far too obvious Kiwa was not destined to follow Sparda's ways. She would just have to try and help temper the little one. "I can. But it's not just breaking their minds and spirits I speak of, little one. If you play too hard with your claws and teeth, their bodies will break and they won't be fixable."

Kiwa looked up at her 'mother', mild disappointment in her eyes, "Who said I wanted them fixed? If I leave them, they get better on their own, and then I can play again, and they can't leave me." Her voice was serious, those pretty blues looking at Runya with an utterly flat look.

Runya sighed. "That's what I mean. If you break them in a certain way...they won't get better. They'll be no more alive than this warthog here." She nudged the carcass of what would be their meal. "And then you can't play with them the way you want anymore."

Looking down at it, the little Demoness pouted, and she poked it with a terrifyingly sharp claw, ".....If you say so, mama Runya......I still think it's more fun the other way." She jabbed at the warthog again, giggling as it jiggled a bit. Yeah....Definitely not a Sparda side Demoness...

Runya sighed and nodded. "You'll learn, little bird." She would need to find someone on the Morifaer side of the pride to help her with the cub. One that she could have some semblance of...trust in. There had to be someone. Perhaps one of her half-siblings from Mora'era's litter with her father. She could talk to her eldest brother, too. Nyota had some ties on that side of the pride.

Her tail flicked back and forth, and the little one cuddled against her 'mama's' side, "I like it here.....I feel special. When I get big, do I get a pale lion to play with, like I've seen some of the others doing?" She asked, looking up to Runya curiously. She liked the idea of being able to beat someone up for fun!

Runya smiled slightly. "You are special, little bird. And perhaps you might, one day." As the cub grew, Runya would teach her of the responsibilities one had to a Na'artu or Na'artue...even the Morifaer side of the pride had some responbilities to their slaves. "Now...why don't we go enjoy our meal with Arato? You two will need your strength for the night." Demons would always need their strength.