Yiska had finally adjusted to the pride. It was nice to find himself a home where he not only felt like he fit in but he also enjoyed and liked spending time in. He liked to have a feeling like he enjoyed something. He hadn't had that feeling in a really long time. He had a place where he felt like he fit in and he could spend his time in. He was healthy and no longer depressed and it was nice. He had a demon in him and he was home.

He grunted as he dragged a zebra under a tree. He caught it not that long ago and he was hungry. Bele was out getting crafting things and he was basically on his own right now so he could just hang out for a little while. Today was his day to be a man and do things like catch meals and eat and nap and be happy and relax. He missed Bele but that was okay. He was pretty okay with that.

He flicked his hair around before leaning into the meal and he started to pull the skin away and then started to pull away at the meat digging his fangs into it and swallowing down the food. He was curious if there was some one else around who would enjoy some company. Too bad he really didn't know many people yet.

Tuc was ....in a good mood. She found herself uncaring about the fact her daughter had cubs with the lion she had feelings for. Despite everything, Tuc had come to actually love Phl. So when she found out who's cubs Flye was having.... She hadn't been too thrilled. She wanted nothing to do with her daughter, and still wanted nothing to do with her daughter, or her grandcubs. Why claim them? She hardly claimed her own children.

It wasn't that she was heartless, she just knew the children weren't born from ANY affection between her and Roth. Besides, there were others around who wanted and raised them. Like Roth. All she did was give them names and milk until they could be taken away. She had no emotional attachment to them.

Shaking her head at dwelling on the past, Tuc looked around and her nose flared. Fresh blood was close. Someone was enoying a meal. So, she walked toward the smell, stalkig quietly, only rustling the grass every now and then.

Yiska flicked his ears as he heard the approach of another and the scent filled his nose. He looked up curiously not really sure of the smell, he was still getting to know the faces and scents of the pride. For now he wasn't going to call out it could just be some one in passing. Really the only scent that she knew Bele's and some others that Bele introduced him too but not many. Oh! And the leaders he knew their scents too. But even then he was still getting used to all of them.

He heard the grass rustle again as he dug into his meal. He paused and looked up before chuckling and looking back down. "If you would like to join me, feel free." He commented to her. He didn't mind sharing his meal. It smelt like a female but he didn't mind sharing the meal, he had enough to share that was for sure. He flicked his hair out of his eyes again and made himself comfortable. Company was better then being alone so it was nice to share no matter who she was

She came out from the shadows, the only thing really visable on her was her paws. She blended in so well with the night