wahmbulance Guild Rules wahmbulance

First and foremostly and everyone should be doing this; Follow to Gaia's TOS

... Now on with the guild's rules.

1; Politeness goes a long way in the this guild. So be polite.

2; Please be a active member of the guild

3; Respect the members and crew members

4; Do as I say not as I do jk

5; Do not nag me or my vice captain to become crew member. My choices in crew members are final.

6; After joining the guild please the rules in all of the subforums

7; Please inform either me or my vice captain that you'll be away from the guild or roleplays for sometimes. 2 weeks max of uninformed absence before being banned from the guild.

2 strikes and you're out of the guild
Of course you'll earn a strike for breaking a rule in this guild (thats including subforum rules)

I reserve the right to add more rules later.