The female was large, but nothing in comparison to her father. He had said the size came from his own father, and he also always noted that was all he got from his father.
Roth had a hatred of his family, mother, father, all of them. If there was one he'd keep around it would be Leto, and even then it was a rare desire. Flye had been lucky enough to not
get such hatred for her family. Sure she was competitive.. and yeaah, maybe she was a little bit of a b***h. For a demoness, however, Flye was rather tame. She had all the qualities
of any older sister, and any diva female, but she was not against a good swipe to show someone their place. Just the other day she had shown a rogue male just that when he had decided
he wanted to know her better. Pfft. She'd have none of it. Her attention was brought back to reality when she heard father speak, and she instantly perked her ears. Stupid mistake, to ignore
Roth. Hopefully he wouldnt notice.

"What do you think?" He asked. A rare sentence to hear from him, since he generally didnt care what anyone thought.

Roth looked at Flye and raised an eyebrow. He would be angry if she had been ignoring him. He actually had taken time out of his day to spend with his oldest daughter. Something he very rarely
did. In fact, he had never done it before. He truly hated his cubs most of the time, for most of them gave not a care in the world when it came to being what he wanted. They were so far from perfect
that he could spit. Flye however, had always seen potential within. She was becoming quite the prodigy.

This had started as merely a hunting excursion, it had turned into a bonding mission. His paws were heavy against the earth, and he looked down at his daughter. Such and odd word being thought by him.

"Were you listening to me?" He asked, eyes turning hard. His eyes could change so quickly from sparkling and fully of life, to dark and cloudy, with tornadoes of shadows dancing within them. It was truly easy
to see what Roth was thinking. He tended to be very expressive.

Flye instantly nodded. "Of course Father! I was only distracted by the clouds rolling in. A storm is coming, and it makes my skin tingle." She said, a dark smile coming upon her maw. She looked like her father,
she was truly a clone of him, and that was likely why Roth had taken her as his favorite. She looked up at him, hoping he'd change the subject and not ask of her again what he had said. She really had no idea, and that
thought terrified her. She could feel her heart begin to race, and she cleared her throat.

Roth shrugged, he supposed that he'd let it slide this time. He hadn't really wanted to exert the extra energy required for his normal round of punishment.
"Listen more closely, girl. I will not be repeating myself, and just because I dont punish you now, doesnt mean I wont." He said, his voice holding the same bit of anger that he usually always held. Roth was an angry, hateful being, and
to women even moreso. He hated females for their weakness, and he usually solicited that weakness. It had left him with plenty of descendants, and he would again rip at that weakness the day he'd take the cubs.

"Yes sir." She replied, her ears flicking back but careful not to stay there long. She showed him she was truly sorry by the gesture, but did not allow him to think it weakness for her to hold such a pose.

"What have you been doing, Flye?" He asked, inquiring about what she'd accomplished so far. He would expect alot..He had been gone for months taking advantage of the poor Optheli. He had returned, and now he wanted to know what
had been achieved in his absence.

Flye paused her speech, and she gulped. She truly had only been pampering herself in Roths absence. She had been enjoying doing nothing since he had been gone. However she had met someone, and maybe that was enough to interest him.
All she had to do was let him know that he was the son of a demon, and he would approve of his daughters crush instantly.

"I met someone, daddy.. Hes the son of a Goddess, and he's a demon himself. I think you'd really like him." She said, looking at him, and feeling almost too proud of herself. She wasnt sure why it pleased her so much that Phlegyas had
any interest in her at all. She was picky, and only a true champion could get anywhere with her.

Roth looked over at her, and raised his eyebrow. She had managed to catch the eye of a seer? Maybe she was worth herself after all. He nodded, appreciatively. He hoped she wasnt stupid enough to think of mating to anyone. The only way to
be anyone, was to produce the most cubs to give the pride more blood, and numbers. It was the mission, or his own personal one anyway, to the pride.

"Good. Im glad to see you have found someone of importance. The one child actually proving theyre worth a damn." He responded, almost scoffing at the idea. The storms were rolling a little closer now, and he could hear the thunder booming
behind the mountains and cliffs. He looked up, and frowned.

"Well this is unfortunate." He responded, groaning and looking to Flye with a gruff nod.

"Best be heading home. If you fall behind, I will not look for you," He warned, and began to run off in the direction of home. Oh well, he had tried. He likely would never do it again, but he had made an effort, and he felt a bit more accomplished.

She knew better than to fall behind, and took off, her paws heavy against the earth. It was all rock and stone here, the demon lands having never been very forgiving. But it was cool against her paws and she smiled.
She was free, and she was going to make her demon proud.