Kuendesha'akili - -_Wish of the Goddess_-
Ilfirin'runya - Das Tor

Another possibly boring night. Oh joy. Runya sat in front of her den, scanning the area as others headed off to their various duties or lessons. And there was no sign of Casella or Ringwe'naur. Damn. They'd probably headed off early. The crimson and gold lioness sighed, then stood. Oh well...she'd just have to find her OWN fun. Perhaps a male (or female) not of her mother or father's bloodline, or Iartuupe's, to have some fun with. That was, after all, HER duty. Essentially.

The young Hirao'alph was bored, his eyes narrowed, crimson darkened with the need to do SOMETHING. He was to be a Qateth, but hey, nothing doing yet, right? Padding down the way, he was glancing about, trying to have some fun of his own. After all. His slave brother and sister were annoying him. Tch. So useless. He was the only one of his mother's litter who was worth anything. The only dark cub of a litter of pale idiots. That was when he spotted Runya, and a slow smirk spread over the young male's face, "Well, if it isn't someone to play with~"

One of Runya's ears went up at the sound of another, golden eyes looking for the source. When she found it...she sighed. "Oh. Just a half-grown boy." Damn. She'd been hoping for someone older. And though his colors were nice and dark, they were...Well, rather boring to her eyes. His eyes were nice though...

A shame he obviously wasn't an adult. "Shouldn't you be at lessons? You don't look old enough to be on your own."

Glancing at her with those calm crimson orbs, he purred darkly, "I suppose I should be. However, lessons have taught me naught but that I already know." Studying Runya, his lips curved a bit higher, "And I am old enough, quite. Due to be an adult in short time." Trotting over to where she was, he studied her with a calm eye, "Mmm~You are quite the interesting female."

So the little Hirao'alph wanted to try and be a big boy. How cute~ Runya smirked and raised a brow, tail twitching a bit behind her. "You never know, boy. They save the best lessons for when you get complacent." She kept her head held high, golden eyes still trained on the adolescent. "Of course I'm interesting." She chuckled. "Happens when you're the daughter of an Aran'shale."

One of the daughters of the Aran'shale, huh? Tch. His mother was better. He was loyal to only one. That was his mother, "Tch. Complacency is for Slaves. I am a Qateth to be. I simply kill as asked. I have no need to bow down." He had no need to tell her who his mother was. Should she know, that might cause issues...yes...Kuendesha'akili was loyal only to one. His mother, Rhaen.

Mmmm...so one of those who did not care for bloodlines. Perfectly fine. She was mostly the same herself. She just found it amusing when the brownnosers tried sucking up to her. Idiots. They should have known they wouldn't find favor with her father through HER of all his offspring. "The key phrase in there is 'to be'. You're not one yet." She looked so very amused. "Don't get too hasty, or you may run afoul of others. Wouldn't want such a promising flame to gutter and die before it can really gain life."

His grin became bloodthirsty, his eyes narrowing in a dark smirk, "I'd love to see them try~ I am not without my own tricks, madame~." Kuen laughed, his throat letting out a Demonic sound, dark and cruel, "I am not without my own help in learning extra small tricks~ Paltry, really. Compared to what I will do to others."

"I hope you can live up to those claims if someone decides you're too likely to become competition." Runya wasn't one of them. After all...SHE was a Succubus, and had no intentions of being anything other than one. She LIKED being able to choose her 'partners' as she wished, and pursue the finer things in life. She didn't feel like getting her claws dirty unless needed. "You sound like you should be training to be a Ra'alm. A Qateth, if I remember my lessons right, is supposed to be silent, and kill quickly."

Kuen tipped his head, grinning, "I can do just that. I know where to cut, where to bite, how to kill them in a heartbeat. No screams, no noise. So ungodly easy. But I thank our God that I have two idiot slaves to practice other things on." He stretched languidly, "Hmm...Ra'alm would be less fun. I dislike the sound of screams. I dislike sounds of pain. I like silent, clean kills."

Runya couldn't help but think the way he talked and the words he said were a little...conflicted, almost. "Slaves, hm?" There weren't many slaves in the pride at the moment, in all truth. Which made her think...and his nearly-invisible markings sparked something in her memory. "Ah. Must be a nice way to take out frustration." Oh NOW she was going to have fun. She knew exactly who he was and who the slaves were now.

His tail flicked back and forth, and he looked a bit irritated, "It is, indeed." He gazed curiously at her, "So....I do believe introductions are in order, My name is Kuendesha'Akili."

Runya was rather satisfied now. She always did like finding the buttons others had under their skin. It made them squirm so wonderfully. "A pleasure to meet you, Hirao'alph Kuendesha'Akili. I am Ilfirin'runya." She gave him a small bow...the cordial sort.

Kuen bowed his head, purring, "A pleasure, miss Ilfirin'runya." She seemed smug, He wondered mildly just what rank the femme held. She was a rather pretty thing, wasn't she? Hn.

Runya nodded her head, then purred at him. "Well...it was nice talking with you. Perhaps I'll have the fortune to not be on the receiving end of your darker attentions. A shame you're related to Iartuupe's line. You could have been fun when you're older~"

His ear twitched, " I take it you are amongst that line as well. Pity. It seems we all are inter-related somehow. He huffed slightly, and sat down slightly. "Quite strange it is." The younger male's tail was flicking again, in slight questioning. "What line are you from?"

Runya chuckled. "No, no. I'm not a part of it. I am, however, a part of Verge'lian's line. And...well, interesting as you are, for now it's best to keep the lines separate." She smirked. "Wouldn't want to doom the pride, now would we?" Because once the two lines met...well, Runya knew the pride would be doomed to inbreeding if they met at this point. Too little fresh blood.

He stepped back. Runya was of the Verge'lian line....the Sparda side of the Pride. Tch. "I see. Yes. That would be an....Unwise idea. I do suppose I must be getting back to my mother. She has much to teach me." His tail flicked and he turned, "Perhaps I shall see you about, Runya."

The crimson and gold lioness nodded, noticing the change in behavior. "Perhaps. Learn your lessons well, boy." She started off again, feeling that perhaps the night hadn't been an ENTIRE waste. She'd had some entertainment.