Sixx & Flye
The female had been enjoying the peace and quiet that came with family outings.
Roth would go find his latest conquest, and Flye would be left alone with herself. Sometimes
her siblings would be around, but she'd far prefer being alone over being with her siblings.
Some of them just were not up to par with the family. She yawned, tongue curling from her maw, and
her pearly whites gleaming. She was a looker, or so she thought, and she'd frequently have many a male
around her if only just to keep her company. Her current admiration was the purple brute. She wasnt sure
what she saw in him, but he was attractive.. He held a bit of power, and that was something that Flye lusted
Red eyes that were gifted from her father sparkled as the moonlight hit them. She was busy scanning the area, and
when her little brother Sixx returned from his outing, she paused. Raising an eyebrow, she looked him over as if she
knew he had a secret. Hmm.. What would the little s**t be doing out here on his own? He was normally careful to stay close
to home. Not that she would ever protect him, but being home and hurt was better than being injured somewhere else.

"Where have you been?" She asked, with emphasis on the 'you.'

"Nowhere.." He answered, looking up at her with a bit of dislike. He didnt mind Flye, of all the siblings, but she had an older
sister complex that just didnt do much to up his thoughts of her.

Jini hadn't been out doing anything important, really, but her mind had been full of things she was working on sorting out. Since she'd had that awkwardly tender moment with Sixx where she'd told him how she felt about him, life had been the best it ever had. The only thing she felt a little ... distraught over was the fact that Sixx didn't have a demon. In her heart she knew it didn't mean anything -- she loved him regardless, and her demon obviously approved. That was enough for Jini, but she couldn't stop thinking about the terrible burden that Sixx had been forced to bear, forced to protect with his very life.

She set off to find him, hoping that his father was nowhere around. Hopefully he was off bringing yet more spawn to the pride. She just wanted to see Sixx, and confirm her love for him. She didn't ever want him doubting her feelings for him. Drawing closer to his family den, she hesitantly called out with a soft, "Sixx?"

Sixx & Flye
She rolled her eyes. He was always lying to her. Especially lately.
Something was going on that the boy didnt want anyone to really know about.
She loved those kinds of secrets, she was horridly good at letting the cat
out of the bag. A new mission presented to her, and she decided she just had
to know what it was that he was hiding from her.

"Oh, dear brother, dont hide things from your big sister." She said, her voice
about as sweet as a snakes venom. She was just like her father, almost to the T, however
there were also some things about her that was just incredibly unlike her father.

She went to speak more, and a voice came to ear. Her ear perked, and she grinned. Oh yes. This
was delicious.

"Sixx! You have company!" She teased, leaping from her rock, right over the head of Sixx who was resting on a rock
underneath hers. Sixx leapt up trying to beat her to Jini, and his eyes widened. Oh dear god.. Flye had heard her.

"Flye! Stop, leave her alone.." But it was too late. Flye was circling her with a little gleam to her eye.

"And who might you be?" She asked.

Jini stopped short, forcing herself to turn the snarl that automatically curled her lips into a forced semblance of a smile. She wasn't good at this kind of thing, and being circled made her feel like she was a weak little bunny at the mercy of a ravenous lioness. The smile plastered carefully in place, Jini shot a look at Sixx before giving her attention to the lioness that circled her. "I am Jininajisi," she said as calmly as she could, desperately trying to keep her temper under control. She couldn't help but feel as if she were in a stickier situation than she would be had Roth been home, and Jini didn't like it at all.

"I apologize if I have interrupted," she tried to say it nicely, she really did, but she didn't like feeling as if she were the most intriguing toy that the lioness had ever seen. "I was looking for Sixx."

Sixx & Flye
The little yellow female tried her best to remain calm, and Flye could
feel the dislike building between them. She grinned, her grin always usually
maniacal and insane. She flicked her tail, blinking a few times before holding
her head up higher.

"I know who you're here for, Silly girl." She responded, sizing the female up.
"You obviously werent here for me. Which is simply a shame." She purred. Flye, unlike
her father, had no desire to mess around with one Sex. Flye liked females just as much as
males, and it was all based on what they could give her.

Sixx growled, and padded quickly over to Jini, his lime green e yes warning Flye to stay away.
However he knew that he was no real scare to the older female. She was large like her father, and
quick as her mother.

"Flye, just go back to your rock." He said, and looked at Jini, then back at Flye hoping shed at least
listen for once.

Flye raised an eyebrow.
"So what are you two anyway?" She pushed.

That was new. Jini's skin crawled. She'd never been approached by someone who seemed to partake in what both males and females had to offer. It made Jini feel uncomfortable, though she tried to show no outward signs of her discomfort. She would not back down , not at all, and straightening her back she lifted her chin. "We're ...friends." She hated saying it, hated making their relationship sound so trivial and inconsequential. It would protect what they had, though, keeping it from his dangerous family, and Jini was determined to keep their love protected. Unsullied. Nothing would ruin what they felt for one another.

"I was just checking to see if Sixx wanted to go bother the slaves with me." That sounded harmless enough, maybe his sister would just let them go without issue.

Sixx & Flye
She raised her eyebrow, breathing down the yellow lionesses neck.
This female was much smaller, perhaps younger than Flye herself. She
could have towered over her had she wanted, but then again..her size came
from Roth, and very little of her came from Tuc. She supposed her quickness,
and charm came from mother.. Though she wasnt around mother often enough to know
what it was she got from whom.
Friends huh? Well Flye wasnt stupid. She knew damn well there was more to it, but she
was in no mood to continue harrassing. She supposed that it was because there was a perfectly
good rock to sleep on over where she had been.
She did look at Sixx and grin once more, however.

"Sixx, darling, you should take after your big sister.. You are in need of a harem, not a whelp."
She chuckled, casting one daring glance at Jini, as if challenging her to come at her. Flye liked
initiating things, however she had a feeling that Jini wouldnt come at her like her gaze dared.

Sixx rolled his eyes. He wasnt sure why Flye was busy harrassing him when her own harem of males and
females were likely close enough for her enjoyment. Why was she bothing Jini? Making it too obvious taht
he was annoyed would give it all away and he grumbled.

"I dont know what youre talking about Flye," He responded. "And even if I did.. I dont think i could ever
be like you and your harem.." He said.
He cast a look at Jini, and gave her an apologetic look.
"Lets go bother the slaves Jini.. Flye will leave us alone." He said, giving Flye the same warning look she had given

Jini's hackles rose against her better judgement, but she was rather proud of herself for not snapping at the lioness. That was a battle she couldn't win, not yet. She had confidence that perhaps in the future she would be able to go toe to toe with Flye, but she was smart enough to know that now the lioness outweighed her by a considerable amount, and Jini wasn't stupid enough to give her anger free reign. She didn't want to do that to Sixx, didn't want to be wounded in front of him -- not when she had no chance of winning.

"That sounds fun," she said lightly, ignoring the female for now. Whelp? Hah. Jini knew that the lioness was trying to get a rise out of her, and she refused to take the bait. The lioness would pay. Not now, but Jini was smart and had ways of making the lioness' life miserable without lifting a paw. Juvenile ways, yes, like smearing elephant dung all over her bed. Juvenile but effective.

Sixx & Flye
She rolled her eyes. Neither of these two were much fun whatsoever, and she groaned.
For real? That was all she'd get out of either of them? Figures.. Sixx would never be
interested in anyone with any real fire.. She was sure of it. After all, he was friends
with their sister Marinette, and Flye herself hated the juvenile. She had no personality,
or what she DID have it was all fluffy and cuddly. Sure she could be a bit creepy, but for the most
part, she did nothing to gain Flyes respect. Yet Sixx loved the girl and Flye just did not understand.

"Fine. Do what it is you want. But Ill be watching you two." She grinned, winking, and turning to saunter back
to the rock she had been watching from moments before.

Sixx looked at Jini, and put a paw to the back of his head and looked sheepish. That was so embarrassing. Jini was
going to think his family was full of miscreants and assholes. Which was true, but DAMNIT, he wanted someone to see
him for what he was, not what his famiy made him.

"Im sorry Jini..Flyes a bit of a b***h.."

Jini snorted and jerked her head, indicating that they should move away from his family den-area so that they could talk without being overheard. Once a safe distance away, Jini shook her head slightly and looked at Sixx, her bright eyes earnest and honest. "I'm sorry you have to live with her," she said gently, fighting the urge to nuzzle up against him. They weren't safe doing that, not out in the open where they could be seen by those who might not understand. She hoped her heart was in her eyes, that all the emotions she had to keep hidden were visible on her face.

"I'll get her," she said confidently, "I know a great place to find elephant dung."

Jini made him happy. Seeing her made his heart fill with joy and he was almost positive
that he would die if that feeling ever left. It was the first time in his entire life that he
felt truly needed. That was something that he likely would never feel from anyone BUT Jini. So
he walked beside her, making sure not to lick her cheek. Though it made him nervous not to be able to touch her.
He loved touching her. Maybe he could convince her to go to the watering hole with him later, just for some
alone time with her. She had taken him having no demon really well, and almost encouraged him to still be himself.
He felt he didnt deserve this love, but then again.. maybe he did.

"Do you now? Im sure Flye would just love that." He laughed out loud as he followed her away from his familys den.
Even if it was only Flye there, he wasnt about to have her hearing anything she could run to Roth with. That was
a bad idea.

"Eh shes not that bad." He shrugged. He supposed everyone paled in the comparison of Roth. He looked at Jini, and saw
the love written in her eyes. He leaned over, carefully making sure no one saw, and nudged her with his shoulder.

"Shes got what you call 'favorite sister syndrome." He teased.

Jini chuckled and nodded. She'd experienced that herself, with Kizi. Sixx seemed to be taking it better than she had, honestly. Jini had always tried to one up her sister, or tried to make her sister look stupid in one way or another. Deep down she was a bit ashamed of that, but in all honesty she'd moved on to something better, something she cherished, something she never wanted to let go.

She'd found Sixx.

It wasn't so much about fitting in to the pride or feeling like she'd finally found her home. Sixx had given her all that, and there was nothing more she truly needed. She purred softly when he nudged her shoulder, bright eyes gleaming with joy. "Someday someone will bring her down a notch or two and she won't be so high and mighty." Jini grinned again, peered behind them. Speaking quietly she whispered so that nobody could overhear, "Lets sneak out tonight."

He loved hearing Jini speak of Flye that way. He supposed he shouldnt have, but something about the dominance
in Jini rivaled what Flye herself brought to the table. Sixx was a submissive boy for the most part, and so Jini being the
dominant one was appreciated most times. He smiled, seeing the look in her eyes when he touched her. They seemed to create living
fire whenever they touched each other. There was such a raw connection that the feeling sometimes overwhelmed him.
When she spoke of sneaking away, a smile drew itself upon his maw and he nodded. It was as if Jini could read his mind sometimes.
He loved that about her.

"Yes. Lets. If I dont get to touch you, or love on you.. I might go crazy." He whispered. He loved her, and then again.. she was hte first
lioness he had ever lusted after. He wasnt sure why he wanted her as bad as he did, he supposed it was that same raw feeling of power between them.
But still.. He wanted to touch her, just to ease this feeling of anxiety that had built in his stomach whenever she was away.

"I missed you Jini, even if you werent gone for very long." He chuckled, knowing that he likely sounded like a girl the way he confessed his love
and devotion to her. He didnt care however, he was still happily reveling in the idea of her being his.

Jini knew how he felt. She really did. Hours without him stretched into what felt like years, and whenever they were together the time was over far too soon. She could see the fire in his eyes and while it made her a little nervous, it excited her as well. For now, though, she would let her eyes speak of the love she held secretly in her heart while her mouth spoke words that were more innocent and proper for public. At least if they were overheard now they wouldn't be sent strange looks.

"I missed you too," she whispered softly, bumping her shoulder against his. "I'll be out at our watering hole tonight once darkness falls," she promised, smiling softly at the thought. "Meet me there."

Their rendevouz was set, and she couldn't wait. "Until then," she said softly, "tell me what your visions show you, Sixx?"