i need help making a side deck for my GK deck. so far i have this list.

Monsters: x2
Cyber Dragon x2 (for machine decks)

Spells: x5
Mystical Space Typhoon (had to make room dark hole in main deck)
Nobleman of Crossout x2 (for Ryko's trying to pop me necrovalley)
Book of Moon x2 (for Glad beasts and tuner heavy decks)

Traps: x7
Pulling the Rug x3 (for machina gadgets, monarchs and Boggard Knight)
Swallow Flip x3 (for Glad Beasts and Hyunlei) (hoping to pull some extra's in the new turbo pack)
Mind Crush (mainly for Machina Gadgets, but works well in mirror matches and against X-Sabers)

i have room for one more card, but i also think i should take some stuff out too. I wanna make room for at least 2 Brain Golems for lightsworn and watts.