Follow these steps to get properly enrolled at The Parker School for Gifted Students.

1) Read the rules before you do anything, including sending a join request. They're found here.

2) Fill out this form using the class list to pick your classes. Your RPC can have up to four powers in total, but at the 3rd and 4th must be latent (they don't know they have them yet, or they can't use them yet). Powers should also be linked, eg. Telepathy, Telekinesis, Mind control (latent), Teleportation (latent). If you're not sure whether your powers are acceptable, or if you can't think of any, click here. Make sure you use a either a Tektek dream avatar or a description for their appearance – it's just easier than using big bulky pictures. If you want to put more detailed pictures up later, you can do so in your dorm room, or link in the main thread. Please make your descriptions of personality and appearance as detailed as possible, but keep the bio short, though not in note format.

[b]Gaia Username:[/b] 
[b]Secret identity:[/b] [RPC name] 
[b]Hero name:[/b] [Up to 3 choices] 
[b]Age:[/b] [12-15] [Born DD/MM/YY]
[b]Powers:[/b] [First], [second], [third] (latent), [fourth] (latent).
[b]Weaknesses:[/b] [At least one]
[b]Short bio:[/b] [Just how they ended up at the school] 
[b]Preferred classes:[/b] [What your 3-5 ideal classes FROM THE CLASS LIST would be] 
[b]Appearance:[/b] [Tektek or descrip.]
[b]Writing Sample:[/b] [Put how you'd write your character's arrival at the school]

When you've filled it out, PM it to Misconstrudel (Captain) or Valerian Eclipse.

3) After you have been notified by PM of your acceptance to the guild (posting before this can result in probation or rejection), you can post. You'll be given a link to your dorm room, where you can post anything related to your character. This will also have your timetable in it. We're still working on going to classes on time and stuff, so just post in your classes anytime. You can also post in the subforums, like Larkford and around the school.
Mostly though, you'll be posting in the main thread.

4) If you have any questions, PM Misconstrudel (Captain) or Valerian Eclipse.