Hello I want to have some of you to help me save the animals. There are so many a bit TOO many animals that need our help. We all need to help some how and here is how:

1. Today you can help me help the endanger animals. There is a website were you donate money to help these animals. Go to https://secure.defenders.org to donate.

2. If you wish to do something other than that then you can do this. You can help out with dogs and cats in shelters. You look for a shelter online or around were you live and help out. Wright a PM to me about what your doing at the shelter and I can give you some ideas about helping them fined a new home.

3. Raising money to help a specific animal works too. I wanna have you guys help raise money to stop the shooting of gray wolves. They are being shot from the air. Mothers are shot and the pups are left to die. You can raise the money to help them. Send it to a wild life saving foundation.

4. Keep our planet clean to help the poaler bears habitat.

5. Have u heard about the oil spill? Well there are tons of poor birds and otters and of course fish that have been effected. If you raise money to help them that could save millions of them. Did you know that Glide works really well to get the oil off the animals? You can donate Glide dish washing detergent so that the rescue teams.

More ways will be up soon. I am sure if we all pitch in we can make a diffrence