Kaito M omoshiro

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Name:Kaito Momoshiro

Nickname: Kai or Momo




Age: 18

Blood type: A+


Occupation: student, but also runs a manga shop

Mode of Transportation: he usually flies with his Buso Renkin

Hobbies: Kaito likes playing video games, talking to friends, and training

Motto: "back the hell off" -usually said when people try to take his food

Appearance: wears the Ginsei private academy uniform, has short, messy black hair, lazy, black eyes, has a black winged sword tattoo on his back.

Personality:Kind, lazy, a bit distant, smart, shy around pretty girls, stands up for his friends

Background:Kaito was just a normal high school kid, hanging out with friends, and constantly harassed by jerks. but, one night, he and his friends were ambushed by a Homunculus. he was gravely injured, but when the beast tried to eat his friends, Kaito felt a surge of will to protect them, and out of nowhere, a strange, holy-looking scythe appeared in his hands. this scythe was his Buso Renkin. with his new holy blade, he slew the homunculus who threatened his friends. luckily, they had passed out earlier, so they thought it was a dream. Kaito, however, knew it was real, so he decided to use his newfound power to help others in need of protection.


Who you Fight for:Alchemists

Rank:Warrior in Training

Team:Holy Storm

Rival(s):none, but he hates all homunculus


Kakugane Serial Number:VIII ( 8 )

Name of Primary Kakugane:Buso Renkin of Holy Scythe: Saint Lucia

Special Ability Of your Buso Renkin: Saint Lucia can give Kaito the ability to fly, create small, personal energy shields, fire energy waves with one swing, and the blade and pole can extend to hit further targets in a spear-like fashion. in its strongest form, Divine Lucia, it transforms into a powerful suit of armor that can use all of its original powers, but instead of a scythe blade, the blades are two short sickles that swivel out from the forearms like a pair of tonfa.

Image of your Buso Renkin:User Image

Other Equipment:cell phone, watch, light body aromr under clothes


Theme song:New Divide-Linkin Park