Reiji Kobayashi

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Name: Reiji Kobayashi

Nickname: Reiji often gets called things like "Genius" or "Rich Kid" by people.

Gender: Male

Race: Pseudo-Human

Birthdate: September 9th

Age: 19

Blood type: O+


Occupation: Private Detective

Mode of Transportation: G.S.P.G. Prototype Motorcycle

Hobbies: Reading (especially detective stories), painting, science (experimentation), and playing the violin...but he also secretly enjoys old movies, comic books, and listening to "dance" music. He'd like to go out to clubs, put he's too worried about his he plays DDR instead.

Motto: "You couldn't possibly understand...don't even try."

Appearance: A slender, unimpressive looking boy, Reiji has platinum blond hair which has faded to a dull silver, and cool blue-grey eyes. His face shows the wear of prolonged stress, and his eyes have a constantly hollow and sunken quality. His skin is a little pale and he has a general look about him like he could simply fall over at any moment, and yet in spite of this, he seems to always be filled with energy...tense as a tightly coiled spring.

Personality: Reiji is a cool-headed and calculating individual, but deep down he really does care about others. Because of his family, he has been constantly pushed to be the best at everything he does. Due to his family's status and his own talents, he pushes others away, afraid that he wouldn't be able to relate to "normal" people. He always feels like he has to prove himself, and he can be very short tempered with people because of the constant stress he's under. Reiji knows he doesn't have to try so hard, but he secretly wants to make up with his actions for the friends he can't make...and the one that he lost.

Background: Reiji is the fourth son of the Kobayashi family, who head the Ginsei Scientific Progressive Group, a powerful collective of businesses. Growing up in a wealthy and influential family, he had the best education possible. At the same time, however, Reiji's father was always pushing him to compete with his brothers. He excelled in school, and was enrolled in Ginsei University by age sixteen.

In college, Reiji has remained an outsider. In an effort to be better liked by his fellow students, he took occasional jobs solving the small mysteries that happened around campus, but in the end this only made the young man seem more strange. The only person who seemed to take an interest in Reiji was his chemistry professor, an unusual man himself, who seemed more concerned with his own experiments than teaching his class. Reiji soon found himself assisting in the older man's private work, a project the professor said was to "unlock secrets lost to history".

Their work was actually that of researching the creation of Homunculai. Most of the creatures were quickly disposed of, and those that were kept were never fed in Reiji's presence. He thought only of the incredible accomplishments he and his teacher, until the day a young girl stepped into his life. Her name was Amaya Minami. Though he didn't know it at the time, she was an Alchemist Warrior, sent to investigate the very experiments Reiji was a part of, after the disappearances of several students. The young woman sought out Reiji for information, due to his reputation among the students. Somehow, Amaya saw through the boy's uncaring exterior, and even ended up trusting him with the truth of her mission.

For his part, Reiji, far from feeling threatened, felt determined to show her all the good he thought that homunculus research could achieve. He threw himself into his research with a vengeance, working harder than ever to discover the secrets of creating humanoid homunculai. Warrior Amaya could sense that something had changed in him, and in concern began to redouble her efforts as well. Unfortunately, this lead to Amaya coming to the attention of Reiji's professor...a man not nearly so interested in humanity. The older man unleashed his creations on her. It was only by chance that Reiji happened to come in time to see, and though she fought valliantly, Warrior Amaya was slain. Enraged by his professor's actions, Reiji picked up Amaya's kakugane, and was able to summon his own Buso Renkin to finish what she had begun. However, during the fight, the professor attacked Reiji with the unfinished homunculus Embryo he had been working on.

The imperfect embryo fused with Reiji's body, with mixed results. Unlike a homunculus, he is still needs to eat, and is not indestructible...or immortal...he also lacks the desire to consume human flesh. He is stronger than someone of his build should be, and more resilient, but has also developed a weakness to strong sunlight, and mild hyperopia (farsightedness) for which he must wear glasses.


Who you Fight for: The Alchemist

Rank: Warrior in Training

Team: Team Sakai?

Rival(s): [Your RPC's rival]


Kakugane Serial Number: I (001)

Name of Primary Kakugane: Buso Renkin of Tournament Gear, Hermes Guard

Special Ability Of your Buso Renkin: A person wearing the Hermes Guard has the power of time dilation. They can cause their own time to move at a higher or slower speed than that of the world around them. However, the slower an object's relative time is, the more "solid" it seems. Thus, while Reiji can make himself harder to damage by slowing down time, when he speeds up it becomes harder for him to do any damage. So, essentially he can become slower and better defended, or faster and effectively weaker.

Image of your Buso Renkin: User Image

Other Equipment: Imperfect Homunculus Embryo (Embedded in his nervous system.)


Theme song: Silence (Airscape Mix)