


Name: Greave. You know it!

Nickname: Scary, Big boy, Soul stealing… um maybe not that one!

Gender: I think I am a boy? Pretty sure… Hard to tell with all this blackness about me!

Race: Homunculus

Birthdate: Ummm? What is a birthday?

Age: I am old enough to do whatever I want!

Blood type: Blood is icky red.


Occupation: My job is scaring people. OH! And kinda leading the silly homunculi people. They are funny![/job]

Mode of Transportation: I use this scary black stuff that surrounds me and my legs I guess. Can I use other people’s legs to? Does that count?

Hobbies: Scare people, dance around in circles, eat humans “They taste good!”, and a bunch of other things. Did I mention I like how humans taste? Because, they taste medium well half the time!

Motto: How do you like your soul?

Appearance: I am seven and a half foot from my toe to the tips of my horns. My face is black and white with whale teeth smile and red swirling eyes. That is about all my head looks like. I have to horns of bone making a bowl shape for the top of my head. I wear this long grey coat and have this odd little smoke cloud that swirls around in front of my teeth? It is pretty cool it moves when I talk since my mouth does not open. This jacket is pretty beat up looking, but I love all the stitches it makes it easier for me when I get angry and have to super power house people. One of my hands is bone and my other is this greenish fleshy stuff with claws and an eye shaped mark on it that is red. It looks like my eyes! I really like how I dress.

Personality: Oh, can I answer this for myself! Please! Please! PLEASE!!!!!!!!! Anyways, I am a goof ball and really nice. Everyone loves me or I eat their souls… I like scaring people, but that does not mean I am not nice. I like little kids. They look up to me. Oh… I just understood why. Anyways, just do not make me angry. You would not like that black scary stuff I make.

Background: I am not sure where I came from, but I do know I enjoy where I am now. The people are nice and I get to boss around a bunch of tech geek people who think they are smarter than me. You see… I was really smart before I came here. I know I did this to myself, but I do not remember the details… I do remember cheese cake before I become a homunculus. Cheese cake was good. So, yeah making enemies, scaring people now.


Who you Fight for: Homunculus

Rank: Aphla


Rival(s): People that I hate?


Kakugane Serial Number: 47

Name of Primary Kakugane: Shadows Friend

Special Ability Of your Buso Renkin: Shadows friend is a dark shadow that starts spreading out about when Greave begins to fight. It takes on physical strength of steel and acts like whips. It grips and acts on its own. Which hints why it is called Shadows Friend, becomes is acts on its own. It does listen to Greave when he tells it to attack, but sometimes attacks the wrong people out of spite. It is more of a scare weapon then anything. Greave prefers to scare people with it over trying to control it. This could be based off the idea that Greave is strong enough on his own to normally not require the use of it at full power or the fact that even at full power Shadows Friend is not truly that strong. It moves fast enough to be a threat, but with limited range of 30 feet and many other issues based off how it works it does not seem like as much of a threat as what Grieve himself is.

Image of your Buso Renkin: Do not have it yet.

Other Equipment: His right arm has a twin blade made of bone inside of it that is attached to a large amount of bones that seem to reform themselves without any logical reasoning. They are however held together with.


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