Takeru Yamata

User Image


Name: Takeru Yamata

Nickname: N/A

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Birthdate: May 30

Age: 16

Blood type: O+


Occupation: Student/Archeologist

Mode of Transportation: SkateBoard

Hobbies: Play Soccer,Eat Ramen,Ruins.

Motto: I'll Burn You're Soul!

Appearance: See Picture

Personality: Smart at times,Great Tactics in Battle

Background: Takeru was Born i in Kyoto/Japan and he was Rasied by his mother. one day he when he was coming home from middle school his mother had colasped and was sent to the emegencey Room. then the winter, after the incident his mother finally got out of the Hostpital but went Takeru was running to her he noticed a sniper was aiming for her then Takeru yelled an told his mother to Run but it was to late becuse the bullet was fired and it hit his mother's Heart and when Takeru got to he mothers body he started to scream and cry..................then the next to year after the assaination he was sent to live with his Grand parents. his GrandFather was a archeologist. so he never got to see him.......every 2 years his grandfather would come and see him and his grand father had wonderful to tell Takeru.now Takeru loves Anceint History and artifacs... but sometimes he still wonders who klled his mother and why?


Who you Fight for: The Alchemist

Rank:"Warrior in Training"

Team: N/A

Rival(s): No one yet


Kakugane Serial Number: 88 [LXXXVIII]

Name of Primary Kakugane: Flaming Eternity

Special Ability Of your Buso Renkin: It could Shoot Slashes Flames out of the Blade and the Sword and if the user's energy is very low the Sword could produce energy but the user has to donate there life force but after the Battle is Finished the user gains the life force that has been used by the Sword.The Sword can shot a flame cannon the can last for five minute the Sword can also help the user by Extreme Speed boost.

Image of your Buso Renkin:User Image

Other Equipment: Skateboard,Cellphone

Theme song:
[Just a Litte Faster- There for tommorrow] = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dutQALmx-1I