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Name:Davis Sato

Nickname: Davis

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Birthdate: 3/6/1992

Age: 17

Blood type: O

Occupation: Full Time High School Student

Mode of Transportation: Aston Martin

Hobbies: Gaming, Destroying, Rebuilding

Motto: "Wow...."

Appearance: Standing 5'9" Davis is a tall lean guy. Davis is African American and has long hair. Originally from Boston he brings his Bostonian swagger with him. He pretty much always can be seen wearing black even on the Hot Days.

Personality: Davis Has always been pretty much on the basic laid back side and takes anything with stride. Davis does not really care what people say about him and allows himself to be pretty much cut off from every one but a select few. Davis is the kind of person to bring fun to his group hes in. Davis is always set on a new goal and does not stop until he actually achieves it.

Background: Davis born in Boston had to move from his residence because of the fact that he got these strange abilities that none knew about. This made Davis an outcast so he threw aside all hi old friends and had to move to a new location so that he can be respected for who he is. Instead of just a strange kid who doesn't know nwhat he really has or who he really is . After Davis Came here he enrolled in a full time student at the local high school to finish his schooling so that he can better himself.

Who you Fight for: The Alchemist

Rank: Warrior In Training

Team: [The which you have been assigned to you]

Rival(s): Sakai Yuurei


Kakugane Serial Number: XXVIII

Name of Primary Kakugane: Buso Renkin: Blade Of Shadows

Special Ability Of your Buso Renkin: Buso Renkin: Shadow kill
The Blade forms into a shadow and can kill your shadow causing the shadow caster to die.

Image of your Buso Renkin:

User Image

Other Equipment: Open Finger Gloves for Grip and close combat


Theme song: One Step Closer, Linkin Park