BloodMoon Shiori

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Name: Shiori Amaterasu BloodMoon

Nickname: The Fallen Angel.

Gender: Female

Race: Homunculus

Birthdate: December 24th

Age: Appears to be in late teens or early twenties

Blood type: N/A


Occupation: Assassain for hire

Mode of Transportation: Levitation and teleportation.

Hobbies: Playing games on her portable ((Addicted to the Psp and Ds))

Motto: "Humans fear what they can not control and do not understand..."

Appearance: Long knee-length silver hair, her left eye is crimson red like blood while her right is golden rod with a slit pupil, tanned skin with a pair of pointed ears that look sort of elven. She stands at about 5 foot 4 with a weight of about 120 or so. She also has a pair of scars parallel to her spine hince her nickname of 'The Fallen Angel'.
Most of the time, she is seen with a long black hooded cloak that falls to her feet. Underneath, she wears little clothing; A tank top that ends at her midriff, a pair of cut up jeans, steel-plated boots and gloves without fingers. She wears nothing but the color black, but has adornment of different color.

Personality: From a distance, she is considered cold-hearted, anti-social and short-tempered, but in actuality she is a feisty, slightly coy woman that loves a splash of dark humor to lighten the mood adding to the misconseption of her true intentions.
In truth, she hides the true her so that she will not be hurt.

It is unknown of how she was conseved or created rather she only remembers one thing from her past and that is her death. It seems from the multiple observations of this event that at one time she was a holy woman from the clothing she wore; a white cloak, but for some reason now she fell to the sullen and dark side that she is known of now. The death was an execution rather a accidental one which she would have rathered. No, she was killed by her own kind at that moment bringing forth her rage for the human race. Whether this memory is true or not, she does not care, all she cares it that it is her's and whether the people that stand in her way are human or homunculus... She will kill them. She does not normally congregate with her own kind nor does she feel the need to be attached to humans, she stays to herself and only makes connections when needed.


Who you Fight for: No one, but herself

Rank: -N/A

Team: N/A

Rival(s): Everyone


Kakugane Serial Number: XVII

Name of Primary Kakugane: Jigoku & Tengoku

Special Ability Of your Buso Renkin: Her Buso Renkin is split into two swords that are connected to eachother by a invisible tether.
The first blade; Jigoku concentrates on the arts of the shadows and a flame that is created from it that is called 'JiHi' or Hell fire. Rather than the flame being of red coloring it is black and burns with the intensity that can give 4th degree burns about the body with a single wave of the sword. Fire sprouts from the blackened blade and is from the gem encrusted in the hilt.
The second blade; Jigoku is considered her redemption from the power of Jigoku. Rather than dark, it holds light. The flame TenHi or Heavenly fire is white in color instead of black, but holds the same capabilities as the latter sword and the power is too concentrated from the gem in the hilt.

Image of your Buso Renkin:
User Image

Other Equipment: Steel plated boots and steel knuckled gloves.


Theme song: 'Hizamazuite ashi wo omane' by Ali Project