Alexander Cross

[Image of RPC]


Name: Alexander Cross

Nickname: Purgatory Soldier

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Birthdate: Feb 23 1990

Age: 19

Blood type: U-


Occupation: Dj

Mode of Transportation: Motorcycle and skateboard

Hobbies: listening to music, drawing and reading

Motto: Life has a rhythm, those who can move to the beat wont fall behind

Appearance: till I get a pic, as avatar shows

Personality: An individual who holds strongly to his beliefs and is more times than none struggling between feelings of doubt and faith

Background: An exchanged student who grew up in a fairly rough neighborhood. Alexander or Alex came to be after witnessing the death of a women who seemed to be fighting some spider like creature that appeared out of nowhere. This women had held a strange item which in fact was a Kakugane, this one was dropped as she was consumed by her foe which granted Alex a great opportunity. Like a common theif he snagged the little trinket in hopes of selling it but something about it was off. He couldn't run, he felt compelled to stick around a little longer and before he knew it, the strange creature had been decimated. He wasnt quite sure what happened but he knew that life wouldnt be normal from then on and Alex has been with the Alchemists ever since.

By and by he has hunted down Humunulus, looking for one in particular. A couple years back there had been an assault on the HQ and it was lead by one he had never seen before. This one was strong, a lot stronger the rest of the animal based humunculi. He figured if that one was stopped then maybe the war would be put to a hault. Alex was never one to kill simply because its his duty but give him reason and he will happily ablidge...because of that, there has yet to be a fallen humunculus that died by his hands that didnt have it coming in the first place.


Who you Fight for: Alchemist

Rank: Warrior in Training

Team: none

Rival(s): n/a


Kakugane Serial Number: (7)VII

Name of Primary Kakugane: Condemner and Redeemer

Special Ability Of your Buso Renkin: {A lot of fire power...enough said} Oddly enough the powers brought on by this kakugane seem to react to his set of beliefs thus its capability is relatively unknown. All that has been seen is its capabaility to produce energy based rounds but when he is pushed more can be reveald.

Image of your Buso Renkin: User Image

Other Equipment: assortment of grenades, I-pod


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