Xbox 360 Game discussion
In this forum you can find talk about games, information on games and questions about games, So Please if you have information on a game in general post here.

General Discussions
This is where you can talk about anything unrelated to games, politics, Sure if you into that. What you do on friday, yeahh why not anything unrelated to games can go here.

This is where you will find old forums, but because this is quite a new forum im not expecting to see anythingin there for a while.

In here you will find videos and more videos, you can post random videos, anything PORN related will get you a permanent ban. post game trailers, gameplays, Machinimas ETC funny videos ETC...

In here I want to see multiple clans, I want conversations on clans, clan hook ups, times and battles, Please if one clan loses to another clan, please don't complain and argue, solve it the real way, Battle again.

Crew only
In here the crew will meet up and discuss anything about the guild, Everything will be guild related, suggestions to the guilds, and changes.