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[PRP] Never, ever again!!! (Ilori x Makhi - Birthing)

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strawberry gumi bunny

Fashionable Strawberry

PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 9:15 pm
It had been like any other morning since becoming pregnant. Or, so she had thought, at least. Madhu-Makhi pulled her heavy form up to her paws, sparing a glance to her swollen belly. She couldn't help but quirk a smile as she looked over it. In a normal situation, she should be thinking of this as a proud mother. Instead, she really didn't consider these children hers in the least. She looked at this as a proud aunt, about to receive adorable nieces, and nephews. Her chosen 'brother's' children.

Moving forward, she took a few steps to leave the den. Despite her pregnancy, she took her post as a Guardian of the pride very seriously. She didn't laze about. Instead she would continue to go out each day, being careful of the sun, and the cubs within her, making light patrols and watching over the pride as she should.

However... Something was different today... She did not even make it to the entrance of the den as a pained sound escaped her, eyes going wide. She nearly fell forward, but the female was quick to catch herself. Fearful for damaging the cubs if she fell, she instead gently lowered herself onto her side, panting softly at the waved of pain that seemed to be over-taking her. It wouldn't be...? Was it.. time..?

She was tempted to panic, but quickly calmed her mind, thinking about it from a more logical view. Ilori's cubs were coming. He would wish to be there. And she did not want to be alone, in case something went wrong.

It took her a moment, waiting for a gap in the pain, before she took in a deep breath, roaring out as loudly as she could. He never went too far. She had no doubt he would hear her call... What she was worried about would be if he recognized her call. Makhi was rather soft-spoken most of the time. She had never roared since meeting Ilori. She'd had no cause too.

A whine escaped as she let her head fall against the floor, waiting, and hoping, for the large male to come quickly.
PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 9:36 pm
Ilori was really starting to like the whole scribe thing. First of all, all the moving around with hunting and being a guardian had just become too much with his injury. It still hurt... a whole lot more than he would tell anyone, especially Sepoko and Makhi, because they tended to worry a hell of a lot more than he ever did. His mother was aware, and had helped him transition over to his position as a scribe. And that meant he didn't have to run, he didn't have to move around... he could just sit back, relax, and write stuff down in the language he had been learning.

He had studied the pride's symbols a lot when he had been younger anyway. Back when he had been quite a little treasure hunter. So he knew what a lot of things meant anyway, but there was always more to learn. And with the cubs coming, he wanted to make sure he would be a useful member of the pride. Well, as useful as one could be without doing much at all. And ah, being a scribe and an injured veteran, he could slack off all he wanted...

And then he heard Makhi whine. He had been decorating her den with some neat symols, even though he did actually have more important things he could have been doing. But the king had been giving him a bit of a break. After all, his cubs were... Oh. Oh crap. Where was Sepoko when he needed him? He was always better with this kind of thing... but he was out hunting... Crap.

"Makhi?" He got up as quickly as he could and moved inside, "Makhi are you ok...ay..." He blinked, staring as he saw that she was most certainly not okay. "Oh... uh-oh... Um... Makhi are you... is what I think is happening, happening right now?"


strawberry gumi bunny

Fashionable Strawberry

PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 9:55 pm
Silver eyes slid open slowly when she heard Ilori enter, quite relieved., He couldn't have been far off when she'd called out. Wait.. Why wasn't he at work? Honestly, he could be so- " Ahhh!! " She cried out softly as more pain came, sinking her claws into the tough dirt below her. She had never in her life felt such pain! Were all birthing this painful? Or was something wrong!?

She had never experienced a birthing, in any form before. She had no knowledge to fall back on, so she couldn't help but worry.

" Y- yes... Ilori.. I think the little ones have... have decided it's time to come out... " She managed to murmur as another pause in the horrible pain came, panting softly as she pressed her face into the cool ground. " I was not quite expecting it to fell like... like this. " She said as she looked up to him, giving a weak smile.

It certainly didn't help that so many were coming. Judging by the size of her belly, she had guessed at least six... Very large for a first litter. Next time she would be sure to contact a Priest or Priestess before hand. She had not thought she would need any extra help.

" It should not... be long now. " She murmured, eyes sliding shut as she flexed her claws deeper into the ground. " S-... Sepoko is out..? "
PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 10:11 pm
"Oh man... oh man..." He mumbled, running his paws through his mane in shock as he watched Makhi giving birth, "Erm... Makhi... you know... I don't know this woman thing so well. I don't really... I mean... besides just you..." He walked inside, then backed out, then came back in. He had no idea exactly what he was supposed to do here. Should he find a priest maybe? Someoe who knew more about women than he did? His mother even? That would be a fine sight. Him getting the head of the Guardians to help deliver babies.

"Um... Yeah... Sepoko is out getting dinner. You know how he is... always on the ball because I'm such a... Um... Makhi... I don't know anything about how to get out babies. Um... try taking deep breaths maybe?" He asked, grbbing onto his mane and pulling a little in shock. He had no idea how this was supposed to work.

"Man... Sepoko... he has to be away at a time like this... he's so much more..." Practical. Sepoko was so much more practical than he and Makhi were most of the time. He was practically their mother sometimes... he was going to be such a great dad. Such a great dad... as long as Ilori didn't screw up here with Makhi. He couldn't panic. He couldn't let her panic either.

"Erm... thoughts? Feelings?"


strawberry gumi bunny

Fashionable Strawberry

PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 10:36 pm
The young lioness only half-listened to the males words as she fought down the urge to curl in on herself, scratching deeply into the ground with each wave of pain. She only picked up bits and pieces of his rambling. He was confused on what to do... Sepoko was out hunting... Deep breaths? That was rather difficult. She was lucky to get any breath in at all! She did try, though, to breath more deeply when the pain allowed.

It was at his last words that she seemed to finally snap. Really, not even she knew why the words left her mouth. She would no doubt deeply regret and feel guilty over it much later. But for the moment, the pain had forced a very rare anger to overtake her.

" Th-.. thoughts..? Feelings..!? " She practically snarled, tail beginning to lash about. " I feel like... Like my stomach is being ripped open! COME CLOSER! I'll let.. you ex- experience it as well!!! " She growled, swiping some dirt his way, before her back arched, eyes opening wide.

" Ahh! No! Ahhh!!! " She cried out in panic as the pain increased. It was finally time, the cubs were coming... That, or she was dying. Ilori really had no way to tell.
PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 10:49 pm
Ilori very nearly ran for his life then and there. But he did have some of his mother's genes in him that he couldn't quite do anything about, so they tended to make him a great deal braver than he wanted to be sometimes. That was how he had been injured after all. So he listened to her yell, paced... and stayed as far away as he could.

"Um... want me to do anything? Because you're either about to die... or have babies..." He really wasn't sure which one, and he had never really been a good liar. He had never really needed to lie, ever, really. He didn't see the point. "I can... Oh! Kids like songs don't they? I could sing something...? Or maybe..." He had no idea. Not a clue.

He was more of a... be there when the kids were born type of guy. He wasn't very good with the whole actually giving birth thing. And from the look on her face, it was about as painful as when his leg had been almost ripped open by vultures. And he did hope that it wasn't that bad... because at least he had Sepoko there to make him better. All Makhi had was him now. And while he adored her, he didn't love her like he loved Sepoko, nor did she love him as anything other than a brother... and he was pretty sure his mother would have ripped out his uncle's throat if they had been around during her birth.

And now he really wished he had gone to work that day... but then Makhi would have been all alone... and not screaming at him. He hoped she went back to being nice again once the kids were born. He kind of missed when she had been his best friend... and not threatening to kill him.


strawberry gumi bunny

Fashionable Strawberry

PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 11:07 pm
Luckily he wouldn't have to wait that long for her to revert her mood, as she gained another break in the pain. Whimpering softly, she looking up to him with sad eyes. " I'm sor-ahh... sorry... Wouldn't ever.. hurt you.. " She murmured out, tail coiling into herself, obviously feeling guilty over her words. " It just hurts so-.. !? ... Something.. nn.. "

She began to writhe a bit after that, but she was quick to force herself to still, gritting her teeth as she focused on pushing. They were finally here...

The first cub to find freedom was a beautiful little girl, who looked so much closer to Sepoko's coloring than to either of her actual parents. Just a shade darker, and you'd have to wonder if he wasn't really her father.

Another girl was quick to follow her, a beautiful golden cub who had many similar physical properties to her father.

Makhi panted heavily, weakly lifting her head to see the little ones, before dropping back down to refocus on pushing the other's free.
PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 11:20 pm
Well... at least she wasn't dying. But as soon as Makhi seemed like she wouldn't kill him, he rushed to her side, fretting about as the babies came out, smiling like a mad-man, "Hey! Makhi! You're doing it! You're doing awesome! Look! Two of them! Two little girls! Come on Makhi! You're doing great! I promise, you can eat everything Sepoko catches when he gets back! I'm sure he won't mind!" Well, he might mind a little. But Makhi probably wouldn't be able to eat everything herself. Or at least he hoped not. He was starving.

"Look! She's just like Sepoko... oh, and this one has a little marking on her leg, just like me, see?" He smiled broadly, taking them away and showing them to her, before licking them lovingly. "You're doing so great Makhi! Look! They're adorable!" Now he was all smiles, no more worries as soon as he looked at his kids. His kids.

They were so cute! Oh, what would they grow up to be? Healers? Guardians? Scribes? Hunters? Would they have mates? Oh, they were such sweet little girls... he could tell already. They would be fantastic. And there were more on the way.

Panic was almost gone now. There was only excitement left in the father, and father-to-be. "Makhi, you're awesome! Amazing! Full of everything that is... Win! You're made of pure awesome WIN!" He told her, all full of encouragement.


strawberry gumi bunny

Fashionable Strawberry

PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 11:35 pm
She really couldn't resist a weak chuckle as Ilori switched from worried and weary to extreme hyper energy. Honestly, she preferred him this way. He wasn't built for the serious side of life. He eyes slid shut, and she took a deep breath as more cubs came closer to freedom.

Next to escape was a boy, Ilori's first son. His fur was pitch black, with a shock of what at the mane and tail. His white, and tan markings were very Similar to Makhi's markings. The black fur was a bit of a surprise, but he was quite adorable.

The pain seemed to return quite suddenly after his birth. Makhi's teeth clenched, muscles tightening as she scratched at the ground, barely breathing. The problem was soon clear...

Two cubs, practically clinging together, came out at the same time, no doubt causing the poor female a deal of extra pain. Though they had many of Makhi's colors, their markings were almost purely Ilori's, and by the look of them, they were identical twins. One male. One female.

It was a minute after them that the last cub came free, a tan, gold, and white male, with a few interesting, mixed markings.

That seemed to be it, as the young lioness finally relaxed, panting, and letting Ilori clean his new children himself, some squirming forward to drink from her. Her head tilted a bit to look over them, smiling slowly. " They are all beautiful. " She commented, soft and proud. " My beautiful little nieces and nephews. "
PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 11:46 pm
Ilori was almost bouncing off the walls as he gathered up the little black boy. His first son. His father's colors, but he had Makhi's markings. He looked so sweet. He cleaned him quickly, worried again when he saw the look of pain on his adopted-sister's face, and then he saw why. The two little twins... They were going to be trouble, he just knew it. How fun! Twins... He had only grown up with his brother, so had Sepoko. Neither one was used to large families. And this was a large family!

Then the last, his last son, the sweet little boy with such an interesting mark on his face. He grinned, cleaning him last and putting him beside Makhi. They were all healthy... and happy. And he was nearly bursting. Sepoko would be so excited when he got back! Their kids... their kids were born!

"Makhi, just so you know, you're awesome." He told her with a huge grin, kissing her forehead fondly as he sat down beside her. "I'll have to tell the king and queen... and my mom and dad. Oh! My brother two... maybe we can throw a party! When you're feeling up to it! Oh, they'll need names... We should have thought more about names! Do you know any good ones? Oh! I know some good ones! Let's see... what do they all look like... They should have names that speak to us!"

He grinned at her, "You're going to be an awesome aunt Makhi! They'll look up to you so much!"


strawberry gumi bunny

Fashionable Strawberry

PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 11:56 pm
She smiled as he ranted, lightly resting her head against his large, furry side, using him as a pillow as her eyes shut tiredly. " Hmm.. Names? I'm afraid I don't know many. Especially not any that would be appropriate for the pride. I bet you can think of some good ones though Ilori. You are a scribe, after all. " She teased him as she relaxed there.

" There are so many of them. Poor things. " She giggled out, feeling giddy, now that they were born, despite her tiredness. " They have so many people to fawn over them and spoil them. To teach them. You and Sepoko will be such wonderful fathers, brother. " She finished softly, nuzzling into his side to finally rest, letting the children curl into the both of them for warmth, and drink from her if they were hungry.

It really was quite a large family. And Makhi could not be happier about it. She had succeeded in granting her 'brother' the large family he had wanted to badly. And at the same time, found family herself. She had never though such a simple offer of kindness, back when she had first met Ilori, would lead her to this.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 12:08 am
"We'll think of something... I only know one for sure right now, but I'm sure the rest will come to me the more I think about them. But one... one I want to name Firefly." He laughed a little, "I never told you how Sepoko ad I met... it was back when we were kids. Before my family moved here... but we were chasing fireflies." He smiled at her, running his paw over his adopted sister's fur, playfully messing it up, "I never thought that back then... when we were kids chasing fireflies that you, me and him... we'd be one big happy family. One really, really big happy family." He laughed a little.

"I wonder how they'll meet their true loves. Will it be chasing fireflies when they're kids? Or will they just... run into each other some day? Or maybe they're already here in the pride..." He laughed again, completely estatic as he stayed beside her, happy to take care of her as long as he could. After all, she had done him the biggest favor anyone ever could. He would never have a friend like her ever again.

"By the way, you're still totally amazing. These kids are going to have crazy grandparents, two loving dads, and the most fun aunt they could ever dream of. And I think they're going to grow up to be the best of the best." Ilori grinned, "At... you know, whatever they want to do."

And he was sure that there would be no family like theirs.


strawberry gumi bunny

Fashionable Strawberry

PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 12:25 am
" No matter what they decide with their lives.. You're right. They will be amazing at it. " She smiled, shifting to place a paw over one of Ilori's. " Because they have a close family, who will watch over them, and teach them to be the best. " She murmured out, slumping further into him.

" You're amazing too, Ilori. I half expected you to high-tail it out of here when I accidentally let loose some threats. " She giggled out, eyes finally sliding shut. " Not many males would be brave enough to stay by a pregnant females side... Thank you... for not leaving me... "

The time between her words was quickly lengthening, and by the end of it she fell silent and still, falling asleep against her adoptive brother. She was beyond tired from the lengthy birthing of the six new little ones added to their family. Rest would do her well, and start her on her way to recovery.

The cubs, it seemed, were quick to follow her lead, snuggled either into her belly, or into Ilori's large form, yawning cutely and drifting into sleep.

They're long awaited family had finally arrived, and they made quite a sight for Sepoko to return home to. With the family curled up together in the comfort of the den, everything else could wait for another time.

[IC] Abandoned Temple [IC]

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