Rana had strage things going on in her mind. One she was now blind and slowly making her way home to the dawnwalkers land. She then took a deep breath. She had finally seen the full vision her father was gone and he wasn't coming back. She then began to run it was dangerous but she was doing just fine. She then stopped as her paws found sand she stopped as she took a deep breath as she thought of the two males she had found on her journy She then began to cry thinking over her father once more as she fell to the ground curling up a little giving herself some time to recover before getting up to walk once more.

Rasui had simply been meandering through the sands all day. It wasn't that he had nothing better to do- okay, it was certainly that he had nothing better to do. He hadn't seen either of his parents for a while, of course, being nearly full grown he hardly had time for them anymore ANYWAYS. Either way, Ras was bored, and he needed something to do. Well, there were plenty of things he should have been doing, like attempting to catch butterflies, and napping in the shade, and courting lady lions, but he was bored with all of that. So he had decided to wander a little; not too far from home, but far enough that there was a chance of finding something exciting. He hadn't really been paying too much attention to anything around him, because, being out on the land, there was always a lot going on around any given creature, and they'd go crazy if they paid all their attention to that stuff. At least, that's what Ras thought anyway. But there was something that had drifted to his ears on the wind, something that sounded vaguely familiar, though, he wasn't exactly sure, as he had been keeping much to himself lately. There was something about that sound that pulled at little nerves in his brain and told him it was important at least, and so he followed it's direction.

It was difficult to keep his mane from his eyes, being hot underneath the sun, it was damp with sweat anyway, and so it was even harder to move, when it was stuck to his forehead. He sighed in frustration, for it was hard to keep ones eyes peeled when ones vision was impaired by such a nuisance. It took him a few minutes of walking, without much of a switch in direction, at least, and his eyes caught the bright white and unmistakable markings that determined this sorrowful sounding noise as having come from his sister. Ras no longer meandered, but as soon as he had seen her, his heart had lept in his chest, and he rushed over to his sister, of course unsure of how to greet her, as they had not spent much time together in quite a while, but he laid beside her all curled up and nudged her softly. "Rana...it's me, Ras..." He nudged her again and breathed hot breath softly on the back of her neck. "Are you alright?"

Rana lifted her hear slowly her once violet eyes where now almost matching his icy blue eyes. She then busted into tears as she lunged at her brother pouncing him before voiceless sobs came from her as she nuzzled him seeking comfort. It was sometime till she took a deep breath to where she was able to calm. She then pulled away sniffling as she tried to brush away her tears before looking around. She must be home now. Though she couldn't see she could hear it was starting to get easier and easier to hear thing to make up for her not being able to see.

The young lion wasn't really sure what he should do at this point other than to console his obviously devastated sister. He snuggled as close to her as possible, and secretly was hoping she didn't care how sweaty he was- but that was of no importance right now anyway, what really mattered was why the hell she was so upset to begin with. Ras didn't understand why she seemed so desperate right now, she had always been more of the independant type; but she HAD been gone a while. And now he was worried sick that something terrible had happened to his beautiful little sister. He had been too hurried to console her to have noticed that her eyes were dull and blinded, and had taken her silence as being upset, and nothing more.

He took a moment and then sat back from her, allowing her space to breathe a little more and to hopefully calm down. He helped her to brush away her tears by rubbing his cheeks against hers, and then, pulling away again and looking at her saddened face, Rasui realized that there was something wrong with her eyes. He tilted his head for a moment, for he had never encountered a lion with such strange looking eyes before, and he had no idea what this meant, but it seemed as though there was something that was causing her eyes not to be able to see, and he could tell this from the slightly confused and scared expression on his sister's face. "Rana...are you alright?" He inquired again, feeling incredibly concerned at this point; even more so than before.