[ Character Storage ]
Paper or Plastic?

This is Character Storage, a place to put all the character profiles of your role play or even your own personal collection of original characters. But before going off to make your own thread and posting, please read and follow these guidelines. If you don't, it's not a big deal, but I'd like it if you did.

Creating a Thread for a Role Play
This means putting up a thread with the title of your RP and "Character Profiles" or whatever after it. Inside, you'll post the character profiles that have joined/been accepted or the users themselves will post the profiles there. Your choice, as it is your thread.

Creating a Thread for Personal Use
This means for you. To keep track of your characters or just to show others your character profiles. Don't be stealing other user's characters or art, thanks! Title it "So-and-So's Character Profiles", or something like that.

Posting Characters Important,
please keep large pictures in your character descriptions to a minimum. The pictures stretch the thread and move the thread annoyingly as they load and you're trying to read the page but you can't because it keeps moving! So, put them in link form or keep the pictures fairly small! That would help a lot and you won't have an annoyed Shiva. Thanks.

Character Skeleton
You know, the pretty green code you copy to list your character traits or whatever. I'll list some here if you would like to use them in your thread or role play.

First Person:
[imgright]address of picture here[/imgright]
•[b]They called me[/b] ;; Full Name
•[b]But I am known as[/b] ;; Nickname
•[b]I was born[/b] ;; Gender
•[b]Seasons passed[/b] ;; Age
•[b]To whom my heart belongs[/b] ;; Love Interest
•[b]My life's calling[/b] ;; Occupation
•[b]The real me[/b] ;; Personality
•[b]The mirror will show[/b] ;; Pyshical Description, Typed with details
•[b]The things I have done[/b] ;; History

•[b]User[/b] ;;

Third Person:
[b]Appearance[/b]: [url=][X][/url]