++Follow Gaia's ToS. Failure to do so will not only result in you being band but reported to Gaia staff.

++Literacy is a good thing. It won't kill you to type out things, spell correctly (or as well as you're capable) and use punctuation...I promise.

++No l33t, chatspeak, etc. This goes hand in hand with the literacy rule. If I can't read your posts then they'll either get deleted or you'll get booted completely.

++Don't do stupid. This should be basic knowledge. Seriously. just don't do it and we'll be good.

++No harassing, trolling or flaiming. They're all three bad and all three against not only Gaia's rules but the guild's. Plus, it's just lame. :/

++No advertising outside of designated areas. As of right now there is no designated place to post advertisements. However, that shall change in the future. For now, just don't advertise any place other than your signarture.

++Do NOT post links to other threads in your posts. This is a form of advertising to be honest. I consider it rude and it shouldn't be done here.

More rules can and probably will be added in the future.